
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

FlamingYawn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Something New

"How much longer are you going to keep going on your trips?" Sae asked, while brushing his mistress's hair. For the past few months, she often left the Blackford Mansion with nothing but her person to "travel". Sae never asked what the real reason was, guessing that she wouldn't share that detail with him.

"Hmm? Well, it's only been a few months since I started my travels...I don't think that I will stop anytime soon." her answer was short and her voice was seemed light. She stood up from her seat to take a look in the mirror while Sae just watched from behind.

The way she looked in the mirror was not as if she was looking to see her ethereal figure, but more as if she was trying to see what was on the other side. Sae lifted a brow when she saw that her silver mask had almost completely changed into something new. Though remaining its silver finish, the mask no longer resembled a metal face. It was just a metal piece that covered her face. Strangely, Sae was irritated by this even when he refused to see her face.

"Mistress, may I ask why you changed it?"

The young mistress turned to face Sae, as if nothing were covering her eyes but she could see everything clear as day. She paused for a moment before simply saying, "I wanted to try something new."

Sae sighed loudly, looking at her with puppy eyes and a small pout which put the young mistress in a good mood. She patted his head gently with her gloves hand before gesturing for him to follow her downstairs.

"How long will this trip take?" Sae asked, stopping the young mistress just as she was about to step out of the mansion.

She put her hand on the back of Sae's head, gently making him lay his head on her shoulder. He was frustrated that, like all the other times, she refused to respond. She always did this. She always left Sae to wonder and question her.

Sae watched as she walked off until she disappeared entirely. He felt something in his chest, like he had been stabbed and left alone. What was happening to him?

Sae clicked his tongue before heading back into the library.

"Ah, Sayrid!" Mr. Blackford shot up from his desk and headed over to shake Sae's hand.

"Old man, I saw you at breakfast..."

Mr. Blackford our both hands over his heart with a sad look on his face, Sae's words breaking his heart.

"So cold even after all this time, hmm? Well anyway, I'd like to ask you for a favor." Mr. Blackford's face suddenly got serious and Sae just lifted a brow as boredom started brewing within him.

"You remember Mr. Amari, correct?"

Sae's eyes darkened at the name mentioned. He remembered that foolish, arrogant little man.

Mr. Blackford started talking again, not giving Sae enough silence to think about how much he disliked that strange undertaker.

"Well, I'd like to ask you to visit him today. Please bring him these." Mr. Blackford shoves in Sae's arms a pile of books, three small boxes and a clear container which contained a single needle and silver thread.

Mr. Blackford has a bright smile on his face with his hands folded behind him, looking like a bright and innocent man. Meanwhile, Sae looked like an evil warden who desperately wanted to give a slave a beating.

"Sayrid, you shouldn't think of doing such harsh things to someone who's taken you under their wing. (T-T)"

Sae clicked his tongue again before heading out the door. Once the door clicked, Mrs. Blackford came into the room to hold her husband's hand.

"River, why would you send him?" Amei Lia's voice was filled with worry as she looked at her stone-faced husband. His eyes were horrifying to look at.

"This is only to see what that man knows, and how loyal he still is to that woman."


Sae went to the Crystal Lake to take Rei with him, but he wasn't alone.

"Ah Sayrid!!" a silver haired man ran towards Sae with open arms.

Instead of dodging this time, Sae just threw all of the valuable items in the air which created a stressful situation for Mr. Amari. Yet somehow, he caught everything, an item on the tip of each limb. From head to toe, Mr. Amari looked like a statue.

"(>-<) Sayrid!!! You are too cruel!!!" Mr. Amari cried. Sae was already too busy brushing through Rei's magnificent mane with his fingers. He payed no attention to the crying undertaker behind him.

"Rei, I'm sorry you had to be left alone with that old bastard."

Sae sighed when he felt the warm breath of a grown man pouting like a little girl.

"Old?!? So because my hair is silver, I'm old???"

Sae simply replied, "Mm."

Like a dagger to the heart from a tragic love story, Mr. Amari has his hand over his heart while the other was against his forehead as he fell to the grass dramatically.

Sae crouched over, still keeping distance as he feared what the man would do since he'd been in this situation before with a certain, rather adorable, princess.

"Tch. You really are hopeless aren't you. I gladly remind you that you, old man, will die alone."

A vein in Mr. Amari's forehead was popping out and he felt as if his heart had been twisted.

"Anyway, Mr. Blackford sent me to find you to give you all of those strange items. If this is all you're gonna do, I'll be leaving."

Mr. Amari shot up and dashed towards the items he had left to the side, looking through each one quickly and thoroughly. Seeing him look so serious, Sae suddenly felt a little curious as to what he brought.

The closer he got, the faster Mr. Amari went through all the items which only made him seem suspicious.

"Nuh uh, no looking!"

"What are you hiding?"
