
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

FlamingYawn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


Levi's fangs were embedded in Mr. Amari's neck, the taste thrilling her empty stomach. The ecstasy was spreading all throughout Levi's body like a million bolts of electricity. But her humanity felt as if it was slipping away the more she drank. Now scared of the growing feeling of insecurity, Levi pulled back immediately, slamming her back into the wall while Mr. Amari chuckled with a devious smile on his face.

"How amusing, Miss Clyde. How long has it been since you've quenched your thirst? Fallen into your desires? Hmm?" Mr. Amari sat up on the desk, looking at the vampire sulking on the floor.

Levi had her hands wrapping around her neck tight. Her throat suddenly felt incredibly dry. Even after drinking enough to be at perfect health, Levi hadn't realized how empty her stomach had been. "Why...why isn't it enough?!" Levi felt like she hadn't been given food nor water for days and suddenly felt the urge to devour the man smiling in front of her.

"Hmm. You really don't know much of your kind. Well, since we are friends, I guess there's no harm in telling you: you need the blood of the one you love most. That kind of blood will be far more rich and delicious to you than just normal blood from just anyone. You see, your mother was never fully satisfied since the man she loved...well, he had already been dead to her for centuries. But you, Levienne Clyde, can satisfy that thirst if you find that slave of yours."

"I WON'T KILL SAYRID!!!" Levi's loud panting echoed in the thick walls of her office. Mr. Amari was now overflowing with displeasure, "Hmm. Well, then you'll just have to devour everyone in this building to even last the week. If you don't take your chance now, you'll regret it the rest of your miserable life." Mr. Amari's heels clicked as he left, leaving Levi to suffer until she made a choice.

'Damn it...devour Sae??? Tch. That bastard doesn't get it...no...I am the one who doesn't get it...'


In Country Q. where the sun had started to rise, was where a restless Earnest had just come home only to plop down on the couch with his arm covering his eyes. After working all night with Daimon with his new toy, Earnest could finally relax and stay at home for a few hours before heading back to work. Meanwhile, Irving only just woke up and when he found his brother lying on the couch, he laughed, "Bet you're regretting taking that job offer now, huh?"

Earnest suddenly jumped up with energy at full only to walk to Irving just so that Irving would carry him to his room upstairs.

"God you're heavy." Earnest had rudely interrupted Irving while he tried to get a cup of water, wrapping his arms around Irving's neck and putting all his weight on him.

"Irving...I'm exhausted..."

"Pfft! You knew what you were getting yourself into, and mom and I warned you how tired you'd be working for Daimon Croft. You don't have time to complain. Now come on, let's go up to your room you're killing my back."

Earnest chuckled sleepily as Irving helped him up the stairs into his room where Irving tossed Earnest onto the bed.

"Irving," Irving was just about to close the door when Earnest stopped him, "do you think Dad would be upset if he knew I was working with Daimon?"

Irving stared at Earnest with a blank expression while Earnest looked saddened by his own words. The thought of their father disappointed or upset even int he slightest always instantly made Earnest anxious. Irving walked up to the bed, sitting down and putting a hand on his brother's shoulder, "You know him, he'll never be upset or displeased with what you do as long as you never forget him and what he taught us. Don't stress about it, okay?"

Earnest nodded like an obedient puppy before lying back down to rest. Irving went into his room, sitting at the edge of the bed with his hands covering his face. Irving was well aware that Earnest had a harder time accepting their father's passing, but he didn't expect for Earnest to get worse instead of better even after all these months.

'Why did you leave him?' Irving repeated these five words constantly. Every day, he asked his father above why he would leave his family behind. But Irving always regretted asking that foolish question, knowing what his father went through.

Eventually, Irving mustered the strength to finally get up but instead of going to work, he grabbed his phone and made a call.


"Uh, Irving?? Aren't you supposed to be at work...like two hours ago?" Earnest with his bed head and glasses came down the stairs with a confused look once he saw his brother cooking.

"I took the day off. You haven't had an actual break in days and you've been pulling off more all nighters than your body can handle. Speaking of which, you should be resting now."

"Irving, I'm fine. I just-"

Irving shifted his eyes from the vegetables he was cutting to Earnest who had his eyes closed and his hand massaging his head.

"Mmhm, yeah right. At take a nap on the couch instead of fainting on the floor. Soup will be ready by the time you wake up."

"You shouldn't have to-"

"Shut up and go to sleep."

Earnest chuckled and followed his brother's orders. As he was lying down, Earnest looked out the balcony doors which showed the bright sky and the tall buildings of the city.

"It's cold."


When his watch showed it was now half past six, Earnest said bye to Irving before heading out the door to drive off to the Croft building. Just thirty minutes ago, Earnest had received a call from Daimon saying something extraordinary happened. Thinking about this, Earnest could only assume that it was regarding 016 and 007. The moment he exited his car, he ran straight for Daimon who was most likely waiting in his office.

Barging in through the door, Earnest found Daimon with an ecstatic smile on his face, "Earnest, we did it! Raven finally spoke, and she's actually conversing with subject 016! It's a miracle!"

"Hah?? She's talking with that new kid you brought?"

Daimon clapped his hands in excitement, "Yes! It was like watching a pair of normal kids talking with each other, Raven seems more human and 016, a vampire, seems more so too! If we can keep those two together for just a little while longer, Raven will finally be able to be called a human!"