
Like selling a car

Hina and I walked into the restricted access floor where our proposal for FTAP was being finalized. 

"Welcome to our Los Alamos. Miss"

"Wow, this place gives like a totally different vibe"

"Do you know the story of Los Alamos and how they built the first nuclear bomb?"

"Yeah, watched a movie about it"

"We often joke that this floor is just like that. Many people pretty much eat and sleep here during the tender preparation process"

"Is that necessary?"

"Miss, these competitive tenders are really cutthroat affairs. Security and confidentiality of any work being done here is paramount to the success of winning the tender. Any information that gets leaked will give a significant boost to the competitor's chance of winning. It's like playing poker and they've seen your hand but you haven't seen theirs"

"Hm, how does that work?"