
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · General
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64 Chs

Celebrating the delayed wedding (2)

"we're almost there. Trust me, it's worth it and please do remember our deal," she reminded her twice this time and after telling her for the third time, they already arrived at the place.

White Divine House totally looked like a luxurious house. Though the house was covered with greenery and cute flowers, the term 'luxurious' can still be seen. The outside was already a 10 star for them.

When they entered, the surreal aroma surrounded them immediately. Everything was made of glass and Ashley added points for the restaurant.

"Ashley, pick,"

She looked at the places and chose the most farthest table. She shrugged and just went to sit down there. The others couldn't do anything but to follow the leader.

"damn, their euphoric desserts costs $5000. I can't—"

"$5000 for two, darling. Read carefully," Christian corrected her by pointing the number 2.

"oh goodness, their scallops costs $1500 and their mozzarella lobster and caviar costs $3500?! Are you kidding me?!" Victoria covered her face while putting the menu away from her.

Although they were all born from a rich family, their lunch were always at least $200 and below. Jun on the other hand, was calmer than them. Whenever his parents call him, it was to eat outside or some family matters.

While the others were amazed at the price of each dishes, the couple were just talking about something that the others won't understand. Well, the others couldn't contain their excitement to eat and just fill their tummy with money and didn't care for the couple.

"woah, Liana is truly paying our food. Look at these, geeze," Justin was about to take a bite when Christian slapped his hands.


After they prayed, almost instantly Ashley took pictures and posted it on her Instagram. Everyone digged in while she was still taking pictures. She even took pictures of their reactions when the food melted in their mouth. It was a sight to see for her.


"gosh, I'm so happy that there would be next time of this. I'm going to recommend this to my parents. Though it's expensive, my parents ' choice are way more,"

"true," everyone agreed.

The waitress went to their table to give Liana the receipt. It was the highlight of the day. She only shook her head when she saw them looking at her who was about to open her purse.

She took out the the exact money and handed him the bill before taking $100 for his great service. He was surprisingly friendly and had a good humor which the boys liked.

After Ashley took a picture of Liana paying, they decided to go back to the school.

Liana dropped them off to the school. They were almost caught by the guards as they were 5 minutes late. They escaped from the wrath of the guards but from their teachers, they certainly didn't.

She also dropped Jun to their house before she returned back to Niko's company. When she got there, Niko was low key mad at her for leaving him alone for lunch. Too bad, he ordered the foods from Golden Burgers.

"really? I bought burgers and you left me?" he was in disbelief. He refused to believe that his sister left him.

She walked to the couch and landed her back before apologizing at him. "I'm sorry. I wanted to eat with them and besides, we're not allowed to be seen in public and your employees are already keeping an eye on us,"

"Dont worry. I took care of it already," she didn't missed the smirk he gave her at the end.

"Let me just work on something real quick and I'm sure my stomach will digest it real quick too," she said it fast before grabbing the paper bag and ran to her office. She didn't forget to kiss his cheeks and thanked him for saving the food for her.

"maybe you don't know this but my patient scale is not long!" he shouted before she could close the door but she just shrugged him off.

She was about to taste victory when she saw 5 folders on her table. "really? I hate you! You better give me a raise,"

Liana is spending her money. I hope she buys me something too.

Happy reading everyone ? ? ?

- Jeliane

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