
My Kingdom, My King.

Who would have known that the two small boys that had grown to be the two most powerful people in the world would have fallen in love many years ago but that love could never come across either of them until one was left lifeless and broken? Though, what would happen if time turned back? If they could start again from the beginning? Can also be found on my Wattpad Account @Little ChimneyCastle. [This story will be temporarily paused and edited, there is now a chance that it will be rewritten almost completely though character names will be the same. I've found it annoying to describe certain things because I've dug my own grave.]

LittleChimney · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 1

The feeling of a sword pierced the man's chest, his raven black hair draped over his shoulder in a silky mess, large and muscular, unlike the man that stood above him with cold emerald eyes and long flowing blonde hair. Neither talked but slowly it seemed like the impaled man realized something, his death was close, and just like all his men talked about once in the face of death, memories that he once loved and cherished came flooding back into his brain making the broken man sober up from his hatred.

Looking up at the man who was ready to remove the sword and take his head, the large raven-haired man shifted his head to get a better look at the other, the resemblance of a boy he once loved peaked through long blonde locks.

"Look how much you've grown, Orion." With a gruff voice the large man spoke as blood slipped slowly down his mouth and chin, the blonde man froze stiff at the familiar voice which he had heard countless times in the midst of battle. "How much I would love to go back to the day you gave me warmth."

The voice of the broken man-made the one named Orion stop, his breath caught in his throat as he looked at the other in shock and regret. A sword impaled deep in the raven-haired man's heart showed he was beyond saving, Orion collapsed down onto his knees with wide shocked eyes as if sobering up just as the man had. Limply an arm reached out and placed itself on Orion's cheek, a blood-covered thumb smeared itself over the pale skin of the blonde-haired man.

"I wish I could have stood as your sword and shield, I wish I could have told you of my love for you before I couldn't feel anything other than hatred," The raven-haired man gave a crooked smile as small beads of tears slid down his face, feeling his immediate death growing closer the man leaned forward placing his head on the blonde man's shoulder. "I love you, please forgive me."

The soft thud of a large man falling lifeless to the ground echoed in Orion's ears, unable to move he could only look at where the black-haired man once was and slowly turn to where he had fallen with a sword still embedded in his heart. Soft cries could be heard where no one could see, the blonde-haired man moved over to slowly raise the chilling lifeless body into his arms while slow tears fell onto the tanned skin of the black-haired corpse.

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry..." Orion cried softly as he held the man in his arms giving soft cries of pain and grief, what had blinded him so much as to stab the man he had loved years ago?

Hours passed before the Emperor was found, and the soldiers who were unfortunate enough to find him could only stare at the sight of a broken man and a grieving Emperor. Many were confused as to why their Emperor held tightly onto a villain that once wished to destroy their homes, but they could say nothing as they also felt a sadness build inside their hearts as a wave of reality came crashing upon them.

The feeling of suffocation choked at the back of a small boy's throat, a man stood over the boy with large hands clasped tightly around the small child's throat squeezing as tightly as possible seeming to have the end goal of killing the small child.

"I should have killed you when you were born, that whore of a mother had you, and you're not even my fucking child!" The man yelled as the boy's face seemed to grow darker and darker though not from the lack of air, going limp the boy's body dropped fully before the man let go of the small body and went to stand up before panic enveloped his mind. "SHIT!"

Draiwen slaves would be put to hang in the town plaza once they killed someone on purpose no matter if it was a slave like them or their master(s). Though if it was discovered that it was self-defense then the court will turn their backs on the entire thing and act like it never even happened. The large man got up quickly and went to rummage through his things as if searching for something, while he was distracted and making loud noises the small limp boy started moving into a sit-up position before looking over at the man he had once called 'father'.

'Kill him, do it!' Something inside the small boy screamed as loudly as it started to make the sound explode in his brain, standing up on wobbly legs the boy grabbed a shard of some sort, most likely something from his father's glass bottles that once held lower healing potions. Driving the large shard into the man's back, the shard easily pierced the untrained skin and went through the back rib cage before stopping at the man's heart unable to go further. "Y-you...."

The man attempted to say something but the stabbing pain that aimed at his heart prevented any more yelling or talking as the frail and malnourished frame of the man crumbled to the ground with little to no breathing, the small boy started screaming as he collapsed to the ground holding himself as fear and terror flooded his brain. The boy cared not for the dead man in front of him but the memories of a life he couldn't remember, a woman carrying 2 children busted through the door and yelled out in surprise at the small boy and dead body of a man who completely stopped moving and breathing.