
My Kingdom Fall

A dangerous rebellion attacks and sparks a war between the four great kingdoms of Medivia. The rebellion seeks refuge across the sea. As the tensions rise, the war is right around the corner. A brave soldier chases after the rebellion, hoping to get revenge. A skilled soldier leads a great army under a strong king. A powerful influencer searches for a lost soul. Divine power influences and changes the balance of the war. A new king rises, challenging anyone who stands in his way.

NexusAzara · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Reclamation: Part 1

The moon shone through the windows and the stars sparkled. A cold breeze was sent throughout the kingdom. Krimson Reagon was standing outside on the balcony, looking over his kingdom. Golden Gate was very quiet as usual. He turned around and headed for his bed. He looked at his desk and saw the four rings and let out a little laugh. He laid down and closed his eyes.

"Krimson!" a voiced yelled from the shadows

"Huh?" Krimson said, sitting up

"I bring grave news!" it said

"Oh, it's just you, Darkness. I thought you were with Hunter Rina?" Krimson said

"He turned against me. I fought Jack Shard and Hunter Rina." he said

"You are a god. They can't beat you." Krimson said

"Remember, I am just a splinter of His soul. I'm just a guardian." Darkness replied

"Please tell me you woke me up because you had more information than just that." Krimson said

"The portal at Raven was destroyed." Darkness said, "And Silvanus and Veritas were killed."

"That is interesting. By who?" Krimson said

"Each other." Darkness reported

"The portal being destroyed is a good and bad thing." Krimson said

"How so?" Darkness asked

"Soon the Tower will be recovered, but now there is only one portal Leviathan can use. Only Kryptonick and Kayotic can create a portal." Krimson pointed out.

Krimson waved his hand and Darkness vanished into the shadows. He laid back down and fell asleep.

The sun rose high above the clouds and the sky turned orange and yellow. The world began to warm up again. People in Golden Gate were stirring awake from their slumber. As they got ready for the new day, the gates opened and the soldiers marched forth. All of the people in Golden Gate stopped what they were doing and stared at the army.

"What does this mean?" a man said, standing next to his wife

"Why is the army mobilizing?" another man said

Each soldier had a sword and spear. Their armor was black and their swords and shields were fire red. They all marched deeper into the kingdom and towards the capital. All the people of Golden Gate stood and watched as the army passed by.

The gates of the capital were flung open and the army entered into the city. They were led by a dark figure. It was dressed in a black robe. On its head sat a hood that hid its face. Its hands held a dark sword that glowed with an ominous aura.

Inside the capital stood the king, Krimson Reagon. He welcomed the hooded stranger and the army. The Grand Gates closed and the people went back to their daily lives. As the day went on, the capital was very loud. Soldiers training, commanders screaming, and those few ones who drink instead of work.

"Why did King Reagon call all of his units to the capital?" Barry said

"I don't know... Just focus on training." Larry said

Barry and Larry continued sparring for the next hour. Barry was average height and had a muscular body. He had blonde hair and green eyes. His brother, Larry, looks identical except for his eyes which are blue.

They hung up their weapons and changed out of their armor. The barracks were completely full. Some knights had to sleep in the barns. The brothers were lucky and got to sleep in the barracks. Most of the soldiers gathered into the great hall and enjoyed a warm meal. The hall was a loud place but friendly.

"Look, King Reagon is walking up to the podium." Barry said

"Soldiers! I know this is unusual but there is a reason for this!" Krimson said, waiting for the soldiers to quiet down, "The situation at the Towers has changed. We will march and reclaim the territory before anyone else does. It will be faster if we go by boat. We will leave tomorrow!"

The soldiers cheered and roared. Krimson walked out of the hall and the soldiers went back to eating and drinking. Barry and Larry returned to their room and laid down.

"Did you hear?" Barry said

"Yeah. What do you think it means?" Larry asked

"We should probably get some rest. Tomorrow we might have to fight our way to the tower." Barry said

"Yes, I agree." Larry said, closing his eyes

The next morning, the soldiers gathered back in the great hall. The king stood on top of a table and addressed the crowd.

"The boats are ready for you! I will not be joining you, but this will be your commander!" Krimson said, as he moved out of the way to reveal a man.

The man was dressed in black and wore a hood. He had a silver mask on and no skin could be seen. He had a sword holstered on his waist and another on his back.

"My name is Sephtis Mabuz. I will lead this expedition and reclaim the Towers!" he said

The knights cheered and marched to boats. One hundred and thirty men would go on each boat. There are five boats that will carry the knights. Sephtis will ride on his own boat with five knights in front of the others.

They used flares to talk to each other. Green meant to continue on the current path. Blue meant to turn right. Yellow meant to turn left. Red meant to be on alert.

The trip took one week and it was extremely smooth. They didn't encounter any storm or enemy ship. They went into the old harbor of Raven Tower. They anchored the boats and went ashore. Before they ventured into the towers, they set up camp and waited for their commander.

"Split up into groups of twenty or less. Never go alone and stick with your group. Meet back here at sun down. No one lives here any more. I'm sure there's something in the houses of value. Take what you want, don't fight over any. First come, first serve!" Sephtis said

"Yes, sir!" they responded

"The ones who came with me, stay with me. We have a special mission." Sephtis said

The knights broke into groups and they all disbursed into groups and went into the fallen kingdom. There was no human in sight, only a few monsters. Barry, Larry, Kevin, Marvin, and Trevor formed a group. Kevin was smaller and had black hair and blue eyes. Marvin was rather big. He's strong and smart. Marvin lacks hair and has green eyes. Trevor took the role of leader and has long brown hair. He also had brown eyes. Each knight has a sword and shield.

"Let's hurry to the throne room in Crow Tower." Trevor said

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea." Marvin said sarcastically.

"There's probably good loot up there." Trevor said

"And monsters." Barry pointed out

"We can handle them." Trevor said

"Fine." They said in agreement

The five of them rushed over to Crow Tower and faced many monsters. Luckily for them, there wasn't anything too difficult. The ruined city was majestic. The way the buildings looked, the wrecked, but standing, tower. It was relentless. Monsters kept coming out of nowhere. None of the knights specialized in Energy so they depended on their sword skills. They worked well together and timed their attacks. Before they knew it, they were standing in front of the mightiest tower, Crow Tower.