
My Kingdom Fall

A dangerous rebellion attacks and sparks a war between the four great kingdoms of Medivia. The rebellion seeks refuge across the sea. As the tensions rise, the war is right around the corner. A brave soldier chases after the rebellion, hoping to get revenge. A skilled soldier leads a great army under a strong king. A powerful influencer searches for a lost soul. Divine power influences and changes the balance of the war. A new king rises, challenging anyone who stands in his way.

NexusAzara · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

An Eternal Conflict

"I killed you!" Jack exclaimed

"I did die, but I was resurrected by Kayotic." Phoenix explained

"Why?" Jack asked

"He told me I was not done fighting. This is my last battle and it is against Lavernius Bear." Phoenix said

"Lavernius? Yes, My Bounty Hunter followed him to Light. He lost, but came back alive. He said something interesting." Jack said

"What did he say?" Phoenix asked

"He told me 'Evil is woven in our hearts, minds and souls.'" Jack said

"I have a plan to stop him for good." Phoenix said

"Stop him? That is impossible. He can easily kill a ranked Titan and probably a god. By now he probably has the artifacts and is in another world." Jack said

"I'm counting on it." Phoenix said

"What?" Jack asked

"If he uses his strength then it will be easier to kill him if he is weakened." Phoenix explained

"Who are these kids? Yours?" Jack asked

"Only one of them is mine. This is Ash, my son. That is David and she is Hazel." Phoenix said

"It is a pleasure meeting you." David said

"Why are you joining Phoenix?" Jack asked them

"I have to get my revenge on him for what he has done." David said

"Revenge... Why is it always revenge... Such a dangerous thing. It poisons your soul and kills your heart. Don't be a fool." Jack said

"Jack, I know you want revenge as well. Lavernius has tormented enough people." Phoenix said

"I would love to see him dead, but I have a daughter and a kingdom to protect. I can't just leave them and go venture off into a new world and hope Lavernius is tired and weak. What if we get there and he hasn't done anything yet or perhaps we are too late and he finished what he was doing and had time to recover?" Jack said

"The five of us will be enough to defeat him. I know it." Phoenix said

"How will we ever find him?" Jack asked

"I saw a glimpse of the world. He would most likely be at the floating Glass Palace." Phoenix said

"Please help us." David said

"I don't know." Jack said

"Jerry can run the kingdom while you are gone." Phoenix said

"For how long though? A month? Two months? A year?" Jack asked

"I don't know. Maybe less than a month." Phoenix answered

"A lot could happen in that amount of time. Dython is expanding North. I should be expanding East." Jack said

"This may be our only chance to kill him." Phoenix said

"Come back tomorrow. I will give you my answer then." Jack said

"Sure." Phoenix said

Phoenix left with David and the others. Jack walked over to his throne and sat down. He let out a sigh.

"Bring Jerry to me, please." Jack ordered the guard

"Yes, sir." the knight said, leaving.

Jerry came in a few minutes later. He stood before Jack.

"Is something wrong?" Jerry asked

"Yes." Jack said

Jack explained the entire situation to him.

"What do I do?" Jack asked

"If it is only one month, I am sure I can handle it." Jerry said

"What about Evelyn?" Jack asked

"She will be fine." Jerry said

"And you?"

"I can take care of myself." Jerry said

"Do you really think so?" Jack asked

"I wouldn't lie about this." Jerry said

"Then I guess I am going." Jack said

"I wish you luck." Jerry said, excusing himself.

Jack went up to his chambers and explained everything to Evelyn. She didn't quite understand it, but she accepted it. He promised he would return to her once he was finished with his work. He tucked her into bed and they quickly fell asleep. In the morning Jack woke up to a guard announcing Phoenix's arrival into the throne room. He hastily got dressed and met them down there.

"Have you made up your mind?" Phoenix asked

"Yes I have. I will be joining you." Jack said

"Great." Phoenix said

"When do we leave?" Jack asked

"As soon as possible." Phoenix said

"How about tonight?" Jack offered

"Sure." Phoenix agreed.

They departed from Dusk as soon as the sun began to fall. Jack used one of his kingdom's sloops, the fastest one. David, Ash, and Hazel stood on deck watching the ocean as they cruised on the surface. Phoenix and Jack were up by the steering wheel.

"Where did you learn to sail like this?" Jack asked Phoenix

"I learned to sail when I was young. We lived near the sea. My father taught me. I will never forget it." Phoenix said

"Your father was one of the best sailors of all time." Jack said

"He disappeared when he sailed west." Phoenix said

"Do you think there is land somewhere out there?" Jack asked

"Perhaps." Phoenix said

"I wonder if there are more humans out there, other kingdoms." Jack said

"Or barbarians, scavengers, monsters." Phoenix said

"Could be." Jack said

"Thank you. For coming with us." Phoenix said

"I didn't do it for you. I did it for my father and every person he has killed" Jack said

"Sure." Phoenix said

The wind got warmer the further they went south. The ship gently bounced and rocked on the waves. In a few days they would reach the ruined Kingdom of Light. In the hull of the ship are three horses, weapons, armor, and food. The first thing they saw was the giant lighthouse. The top half collapsed and fell into the ocean below. They docked at the broken harbor and carefully got the horses out and tied them to a post on land. Phoenix and David tied the boat to the dock while Jack and Ash set up tents for the night before the long journey ahead.