

Im in gissele's house tonight

Maid:I will get you the way mam


When I was there in the house i saw gissele with her mother and father

Gissele: Bestie come here i have something to introduce to you my brother his name is Daryl he went to U.S to study last year then he continue her studying here in Philippines

Daryl:Hi precious nice to meet you again

Precious:Nice to meet you to again

Gissele: Let's go to the guest room and have some food and drinks

Gissele: Let's go watch are favorite MOVIES


At the guest room

Gissele:When did you meet my brother?

Precious:He is my classmate this year

Gissele:Ohhhhh so it's you that he tell me he's crush, he said you are beautiful,kind,and smart

Precious:U-uhmmm that isn't true🤭🤭🤭

Gissele:Go ahead and tell him😂

1 hour later

Daryl: gissele 🔊

Gissele:Yes brother

Daryl:Can I come in

Gissele: Of course you can

Daryl: By the way where is precious?

Gissele: She fell a sleep when we are watching

Daryl:Ohh okay