
My Kidnapper Likes Me

I was walking to work one morning when a bag gets thrown over my head and I'm jerked back by two arms encircling my waist. My parents always told me this could happen as my father is the judge and put a high profile murderer behind bars. He set the bail at 1.2 million dollars and I honestly don't know why my father is still alive. I was in the courtroom but the little girl who was sitting next to me- maybe thirteen, so not really little- said there's no way he did it. Kids are a pretty good judge of character but I had to agree that some things looked off when the evidence was shown. The next thing I know the bag is pulled up some and a rag is put over my mouth and nose. I cringe inwardly at how cliché it is but hey chloroform does the trick and I'm out before we started moving.

Dakota_Wiggins · Urban
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40 Chs


"I told everyone about us having a party Friday night but because of what happened with Ryan they want to get together now so we can start a fundraising and get you in the spotlight." Uncle Chris says. I wasn't sure what kind of spotlight they want me in but I'll roll with whatever light they throw on me.

"Ya'll have a thing for parties to tell you the truth." I stated feeling nervous about all the eyes, questions and accusations that will be tossed my way. I had to get a hold of Meghan and her confession before the party ends.

"You're helping me decorate. I think you should donate some money to the fundraiser to get him out on bail. It may help those who doubt you realize you're on our side." He says. I know he's right and I'm prepared to throw all my savings into this to prove all these stupid people wrong.

"Don't worry. I'll write a fucking check in front of all of them. Do you have some small cameras. I think we should record this so we can show Ryan all the support he's getting." I smile and furrow my eye brows in concentration.

"Um.. yeah. I can hook them up. I'll have one input set to a small microphone and camera linked to you so when you power them on for Meghan then everyone can see you were innocent." Uncle Chris says as he puts the car in park. The fact that Uncle Chris is helping me out goes to show that I am truly a part of this family.

"You believe me don't you?" I asked nervously. I didn't doubt that I did but I was still scared. I really needed his support. If I don't have it then I may as well just forget about it.

"Listen she lied about a lot. I did some more background on her when I got out and she isn't actually some kid left out on the streets. She has family. She has mafia family. I don't know why she's not with them but she has everyone but me fooled. Ryan even took pity on her. However, she and Ryan never did anything because at that point Ryan was in tears over you and what he needed to do. He almost backed out of the kidnapping." What Uncle Chris was saying came as a shock to me. I didn't know it went to this extent about his attraction to me.

"How do you know that?" I didn't think he told Uncle Chris anything. Maybe I was wrong. I thought Ray and his therapist were the only two he talked to about me.

"Because... he came to talk to me about another possible way because he didn't think he could kidnap you and ignore how he felt. Trust me it was infatuation at first but as he got to know you it was genuine." Uncle Chris didn't seem sure how to word it or he wasn't sure how much to tell.

"Oh okay." We open the doors in unison and walk into the meeting hall. There was an upstairs with smaller meeting rooms but the bottom floor was an open floor plan for big town or family meetings. Each room though was like a bedroom instead of meeting rooms like you would think in an office building.

I look around and see multiple white screens and projectors. I point to the main projector at the front. It was big and centered. "I want that one connected to me. The rest can have videos of Ryan, a couple of people doing testimonials. One showing the goal and how much we have reached or obtained. I want it to be the first thing people see when it comes on. They need to know about Meghan. I'll try to find out about your suspicions too."

We get to going through and picking out decorations for the party tonight. "Hey I'm going to transfer some money from my savings to checking now. Once midnight hits I'll send it to the fundraiser."

"You're fine. Do it the way you need to. Just get that GoFundMe set up." I did as I was told and got to work on he GoFundMe.

"Got it." I smile. It was nice having one person on my side. An hour later I hear a couple of other male voices. I go sit down behind the computer and start the GoFundMe and share it to the family's social media pages.

"Athea!" I look up to my name being yelled and see Ray walking towards me. "Is what Uncle Chris say is true? Meghan did it?"

"Yeah. That's what the police said when they questioned me."

"So your friend Mackenzie didn't? Pat didn't?" Ray asks. I look at him quizzically and groan.

"You're the one who gave Ryan all the information about me aren't you?"


"No. They didn't."

"You do realize that Meghan is probably going to hurt you if you confront her about Ryan?" He syas. He looked worried. He also looked torn between keeping me from confronting Meghan or letting me do what I need to do in order to prove my innocence.

"I planned on it." I sigh. "I know I'm going to get hurt tonight. But Ryan is more important than how badly I'm getting hurt."

"He should have taught you some self defense." Ray says coming to a decision. I just hoped Ryan would be to mad at his cousin for this.

"Yeah." I really wish Ryan would have taught me some self-defense but I guess since he was always around he didn't feel the need to.

Ray gets silent as he sees Uncle Chris walk over to us. I stare at him and wait for him to speak. "Athea, do you know how to get an input set up specifically?"

"Isn't this just a Bluetooth thingy ma jig?"

"Yeah. Pretty much. Ray get the camera and microphone working on her and set up for the Bluetooth." Chris points to me. "You come on."

I stand up shrugging to ray and follow Uncle Chris out of the building and into the barn about two hundred feet away. I walk in the barn and freeze because Ryans' dad is standing there looking at me now.

"You're Athea?" He asks. I recognize him but he's only ever seen me very briefly and I've changed a lot since then.

"Yes sir." My manners kicked in before I could control myself. I sounded so out of place and felt so uncomfortable now. I was standing in front of Ryans' dad and could only hop that he would believe me too.

"Listen Chris has told me a lot so has Ray and Ryan. I'm trusting you cause my brother, nephew and son seem to. Ryan has never had a feeling about someone be wrong. He never messed with Meghan or interacted with her because he was too busy with you. Just help me get my son back."

"Of course. The prelim. is supposed to be this week. My father isn't sure when or what time."

"Does he know?" I see pain flash across his eyes. The pain his Dad is dealing with is beyond compare.

"I told him before I came here. He still plans on throwing your son in prison. Hopefully I can change his mind." I sigh.

I flinch but straighten up for the impact and his father pulls me in for a hug. It was a tight and worried embrace. One that sends every emotion the participants are feeling.

"I don't blame you if he gets sent to prison. However, we normally do things illegally for bail and whatnot but this, it's nice. How are you getting Meghan to fess up?" He wants to know my plan. I don't know if this means that he trusts me or if he just wants my help.

"Get hurt basically. I'm hoping if I rile her up enough that I can get her to fess up her secrets." I mentally added 'like all those action movies where the good guy trumps all'

"Do you think it will work?"

"I hope so otherwise getting the shit beat out of me wouldn't have been worth it." I say bluntly causing him to smirk. It reminded me of Ryan and tears started welling in my eyes.

"Just know that Ray, Chris and myself consider you to be a part of this family." My heart swelled knowing that I was accepted by the people who mattered the most to Ryan and who were the closest.

"Thank you."

"Now." I watch as Ryans' father wipes his hands on his legs and lets go of a breath. "Let's get this shit show started."

I really hope I can get this out of Meghan. I need people to know that I'm innocent and that Meghan is the bad guy. I mean Ray and Ryan will both be taking over the family soon. Ryan seems to act like he's in charge already at least. I'll have to ask about that.