
My Judgement System

What do you gain if every action you take will be judged? If it's a sin then what you get is Prison for this world, hell for the next. If it's a good deed then you get comfort in this world, heaven in the next. All actions will be judged in a fair and balanced manner. No matter how small, there will always be a judgment. Will you be safe on the day of judgment tomorrow. or Do you want to feel the judgment when you do the deed right then and there? Antonio, a high school graduate with no skills whatsoever. He wants to change his fate by finding a job here and there. But it's impossible with his current actions and behavior. No skills, no experience, no one to support him. Because Antonio is just an orphan enjoying the leftovers from his parents. Abandoned in a modern society that values things highly. Antonio wants to get help, help from anyone. Until the moment he left his parents' grave, Antonio's life began to change. Dropped (Lost all Draft)

Shaywalloppp · Urban
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36 Chs

Special Students

I was called to the Dean's Room.

Professor Roy gave me the title.

Antonio Diablo, Ph.D. or I can call myself Dr. Antonio.

In the form of a certificate, I was happy and thanked him.

"What do you want now? Go straight to work or improve your knowledge" Professor Roy was curious about my next step.

"I want to enjoy my studies here, because I don't want to leave my best friend alone there" At a time like this for some reason I thought of Raylo.

I'm not gay, it's just that I don't want him to be left behind by me. Yes, in reality he's already far behind academically, but I also need social interaction, even though I'm an introvert.

Raylo is the one who listens to my stories and complaints when I'm done trying to be 'useful' to an unfortunate society.

So there's no way I'm leaving him in this hellhole, for Raylo not me.

"So Doctor Antonio wants to study for four years just like your roommate" Professor Roy was interested, but somehow this sounded very ambiguous.

"I'm honored by the call, Professor Roy. I don't feel I deserve to be called that yet. I want to enjoy my time at this university, from final exams to practical work. If time could extend our lives, maybe at graduation my roommate and I could throw our caps together" I expressed my wish, because I understood and realized that I was new.

like a big tiger that doesn't know how to live in the forest.

So I have to learn to interact, learn from some of the lecturers here, even though our academic degrees are almost equal. Learn to be a student who is stressed by deadlines.

There's no crazier time in college, in my opinion.

"Well, please take any other degree available at this university. If you manage to create something that doesn't exist in this world, I will be the first one to support and help you" Professor Roy gave me a handshake, I accepted it and thought.

Maybe I will try a major machine or technology.

"Any advice from the professor?" I wanted to get some advice from him.

"What do you want to do first before choosing?" He gave me a foundation, a basis for how I should proceed.

"I want to go into mechanical or micro-technology, more towards making machine technology" He paused for a moment and looked at me.

"Mechanical engineering or the application of engineering physics. that's what I can suggest for doctor Antonio" oh god this guy is still calling me doctor.

"Thank you professor Roy, I'll take your permission to study" As I was about to leave.

"Wait a minute doctor Antonio, I would like to offer you a job experience that would be quite interesting for you" I sat back and looked at him.

"What if you teach as a lecturer here for 2 years, but do not interfere with your further experiments, I will prepare everything if you want" His offer for me to teach is very tempting.

With a PhD and 2 years of teaching experience, it might be enough as a basis to apply for a job.

But by taking a new education, teaching and creating new things will collide with each other.

Making me more stressed.

"I will arrange my schedule professor Roy, if I may I would like to use the lab. for new education, maybe after my drug patent is issued" He agreed.

And here I am as a lecturer here every Monday Wednesday Friday.

I walked into the classroom and saw all the professors including professor Roy, many senior students and juniors.

Oh my God, there are so many.

"Morning, my name is Professor Antonio. Here I will teach you about the Fountain of Youth Theorem" I explained my formula but in theory, and how it implies.

To be honest, I haven't fully developed this formula to the extent of its effects.

That's why I asked Professor Roy to lend me the laboratory.

After two hours of explanation, I ended the lesson.

and of course millions of questions were thrown at me.

"Prof, What are the side effects of the drug?"

"Prof, there are other projects besides this. Let me be your assistant"

"Prof, my wife looks old and decrepit. Can I buy your formula?"

"Prof., Does the professor have a girlfriend? I will apply."

"Prof. My daughter is single, I will propose the professor to my daughter"

wait, wait, wait.

Why is this getting personal?

I answered and tried to dodge the bullet there.

[Teaching Science: Good Karma

Humble: Good Karma]

(Gift: A.i blueprint

Professional cooking skills)

Thank you, I'm grateful that I can combine A.I and my nanomachines.

and cooking skills, there's no need to bother buying outside.

After I finished teaching, I bought the staple food.

returned to the dormitory, and cooked.

"What are you cooking?" Raylo had returned to the room and was sitting in his chair.

"The food I'm going to teach you later" Raylo got excited and took a shower.

After I finished cooking, I prepared my food and Raylo's.

I waited for him, he came and ate with me.

"Professor Antonio, with all my heart as your roommate. I am impressed with your cooking. I would be honored if you would teach me how to cook" Raylo was making bullshit again.

"Fuck off Raylo, come here I will teach you" I taught Raylo how to cook.

And he miraculously became proficient in cooking, peeling, cutting, etc. He can do it all, this guy is really amazing.

Of course we feast here. Hopefully we can get fat with this feast.

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