
Chapter 1

"Where am I?", I asked, finding myself lying in a dark room.

Footsteps were approaching the room I was in.

"I..is anyone there?", I stuttered in fear, as the door was being opened.

„You are finally awake", a somewhat familiar voice said calmly, while walking into the room. »It can't be. He passed away a few years ago«, I thought to myself and without realising it, I spoke. "Is that really you, Alex", as soon as I said those words, I immediately covered my mouth.

„If you want that to be my name, I would gladly change it for you, beautiful", he said, turning on the lights. I wondered to myself, »What is he talking about?«.

As soon as the lights were on I closed my eyes, since they weren't used to it after being in the dark for to long.

Slowly opening my eyes, getting them used to the lights, but instead there was a face close to mine, startling me. Making me move back, while blushing a little bit.

„W..what are you doing", I yelled flustered.

„I was just admiring your beautiful face", he replied with a calming voice and smile, which calmed me down.