
My journey to you

The first time Aahil met Elena her friends were gossiping about him and she asked "Who is Aahil" Aahil ,....... The second time they met she tricked him but he deliberately gave in.Since then Mr Aahil Roy started his long journey to chase his little wife. they met again and again.She thought it's a coincidence.Little did she know that the big wolf is deliberately creating opportunities to meet little rabbit.

Kafa_Kader · Urban
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27 Chs

Repay kindness

Is everything ready?


Everyone said in unison.


"Hi brother in law, how are you feeling?"

William was startled.

What happened to these to?

Alia and Cyra never talked to him so sweetly. William still replied cautiously.

"I was doing quite well a few moments ago. Now that you two are asking I am not sure."

"Brother William what do you mean?

"No, I mean since you are asking, I should be better. Haha.."

William gave a dry laugh.

"Is that so."

"Yes, yes"

Chester on the other hand immediately becomes alert.

"Brother Zayn look these girls are close to brother. They must be plotting to steal the shoes. Let's go there. Rick and Milan keep an eye here. If they run, immediately grab them. Don't let them slip off."

"Don't worry brother, leave this side to us, Not to mention shoes even an cockroach will not be able to pass by us."

Chester patted their shoulder.

"Brother it's not a trivial matter, it's a matter of 10 million. Brother would kill me if he knows that I bet 10 million with his beloved sister-in-laws. So be careful."

"You should be more careful, you already slipped off the matter a few minutes ago."

Chester and Zayn went to the stage.

"Hey you two, what are you doing?"

"It's you again, what can I do. I was talking to my brother-in-law, can't I?

Saying these Cyra and Chester started a staring competition. Alia said,

"Brother in law in order to welcome you, we specifically prepared a surprise for you."

"Surprise? Hope it's not a fright."

"Tina, bring that bowl."

"What kind of surprise comes in a bowl. You are not trying to murder me with a bowl right?"

"Shut up!"

Tina came with a big bowl, Bidiya filled the big bowl with water.

"Now brother-in-law take off your shoes."

"Huh!? Why!? William was puzzled and Chester was anxious.

"No, brother don't take it off, why does my brother need to take off his shoes?"

"Because we are going to wash his feet."

"No need, my feets are clean" Willam refused.

"No brother-in-law, it's a tradition, we are going to wash your feet out of respect for you. And you know how much~~ we respect you, right?"

"Brother! it's a scam! Respect and you guys, do you even know the spelling of respect?

"Of course I know, R E S P E C T.

Everyone laughed out loud listening to their bickering.

"Anyway brother-in-law take off your shoes otherwise you can't marry my sister.

"No, brother! Don't take off your shoes."

William was caught between these two. Then Alia suddenly leaned closer to Chester,

"Are you afraid that we are going to steal the shoes so you don't want us to perform this ritual?

Chester was caught off guard by the sudden approach. He immediately took a few steps back to create a distance.

"Of course not! Even if you try hundreds of tricks, you can't succeed."

Alia looked away nonchalantly.

"Then stop putting you nose in our business. You do your own thing."

"You don't have to tell me about what I have to do."

William doesn't know why his brother and future sister-in-law's are at odds. But somehow he was a little biased towards her wife's sisters as he treats them as his own sisters. So he let them be. William took of his shoes and before any of the bridesmaids can touch that shoes, Chester snatched it from his brother.

"Chester what's with this behaviour? It's not like they are going to steal the shoes."

Chester said with a smirk

"Who knows?"

After William put his feets inside the water bowl, Cyra grabbed his feets so that he can't move.

"What are you doing Cyra? No need to do these. I can do it alone."

"No I have to do these."

Alia gave a signal to Elena and Lyla who is currently busy eating. Lyla is a foodie, she can't control herself in front of food.

So she forgot that she was supposed to control a robot rat to scare off Chester and Zayn.

Their plan was to create a romantic atmosphere between Mr. Aahil and Zayn, whether the rumour is true or not, people would definitely be distracted. As Chester himself is afraid of rat, he will also be distracted. They would take the chance to steal the groom's shoe.

Elena is supposed to distract Zayn as Zayn was also gaurding the shoes, he was quite far away from Aahil. Elena's main task is to bring them closer.

"Hello brother."

Elena politely said to Zayn. Zayn was surprised at her greetings. Zayn has a very good impression of Elena.

"Hello, Your name is Elena, right? I didn't expect to meet you here. Looks like we are quite fated. Haha.."

Elena also said

"It seems so."

But in her heart she said,I am here because of you.

"Actually brother Zayn I need your help but I don't know if it's appropriate."

Elena said solemnly. Zayn has a kind nature. Whenever someone mentioned 'help' he would try to help even if it's not within his ability. Although this nature of him always brings him trouble.

"You can ask for help without any worry. I will try my best to help you."

"Actually my brother is a businessman. He always admired Mr. Aahil and wanted to have a corporation. Can you help me to talk with him? I've heard you are his best friend. He listens to you very much."

Zayn immediately became proud,

"Yes, you've heard right. Brother Aahil and I are really close. Although he doesn't listen to me." He said it in his heart.

"But little girl, I can only help you talk to him. If your brother can work or not, it depends on his ability. He will never open a back door for anyone even if it's me."

"I understand. Thank you brother. You are really kind brother."

Elena said it very seriously.

It's really very rare to find such person nowadays. But unfortunately people would take advantage of his kindness. Although Elena was also kind of deceiving him, she felt a little guilty in her heart. So she said to herself I will repay him in future for fooling, no, for his kindness.