
My journey to you

The first time Aahil met Elena her friends were gossiping about him and she asked "Who is Aahil" Aahil ,....... The second time they met she tricked him but he deliberately gave in.Since then Mr Aahil Roy started his long journey to chase his little wife. they met again and again.She thought it's a coincidence.Little did she know that the big wolf is deliberately creating opportunities to meet little rabbit.

Kafa_Kader · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


At the wedding venue, the atmosphere is luxurious and romantic, beautiful and warm lighting is placed in the entire hall , the candlelight is swaying, the music is soft, and exquisite dishes are placed on the table.

But no one is enjoying at this moment.

Elena, Alia, Cyra, Tina and other bridesmaids were all standing in a row with their head down. In front of them, All the elders are sitting.

"Can anyone explain what happened? " Alia's dad asked in a stern tone

All of them were silent.

Cyra whispered to Alia, "Uncle is asking you to explain." "When did he say my name, you go if you dare,"

"Do you think I dare not?"

"Alia, Cyra!!"

"Yes, Dad"

"Yes, Uncle," Both of them stood uprightly hearing her father's angry voice.

At that moment, Elena came forward to explain the whole matter and she clearly denoted the incident just omitting the money part. Then sincerely bowed to everyone and apologized,

"Actually, uncles and aunts, we just wanted to have some fun, we didn't know it would cause so much trouble for everyone."

Elena stomped on Alia's feet, Why did you kick me. Elena gave them a signal with her eyes to let them apologize too. Alia immediately understood the assignment and took the lead in apologizing.

"Dad, uncle, we really didn't mean to cause such trouble, Forgive us, please."

All the other girls also asked for forgiveness. Looking at these girls the elders heart softened. Amara's Dad said,"Leave it brother, They are still children. Besides it's not a big deal. It's just Mr. Aahil, I don't know if he is offended."

"I always forgive them, They never repent. Always causing trouble, Do you know because of your carelessness Elena will be held accountable?"

"No Dad, we will not let her take the blame. You can be reassured that If somethings happen we will protect her unfortunately," Alia said firmly.

"You little girls don't have to worry about it. I will take care of it. Just don't be so careless next time." Emir said to the girls.

"No, Emir, you don't have to. I'll talk to him later. Besides we are also partly responsible for it."

"Okay, okay, enough of taking the blame now!! I've already talked to William, he said no one is angry, everything is fine," Everyone felt relieved, the girls immediately put away their guilty look and relax, "I told you nothing will happen, just chill"

"No ~no~no, you guys don't think you will not receive punishment, Now come one by one, say what mistake you've done while holding your ears,"

"Oh come on~Can you give a normal punishment, what's up with this childish holding ears punishment?" Alia said sarcasticly.

"If you think it's childish, I can give you an adult types of punishment too. Uncle how about cutting off Alia's living expenses."

"No, don't go after my money. It's not a childish punishment at all."

"Ehem, I admit that.." Hold your ears,

Yeah, I am doing it, I admit that I shouldn't cause a ruckus at the wedding, I should've snatch the shoes directly instead of politely stealing it," This girl, Alia's parents felt hopeless.

"What about the rat you brought?"

"That's not my fault, it's Layla's fault, I told her to only scare chester, she let that rat run to Elena,"

"Hey, Layla, it's your turn to apologize,"



Why did you just say umm, talk,


"You are eating again, Layla!!! Why are you still eating at this serious moment."

"Calm down, Alia.Let her finish the food first," Elena then gave her a handkerchief. Layla gave a grateful look at Elena.

I am sorry, everyone. I didn't direct the rat well. I shouldn't have been bewitched by the exquisite dishes and led the rat in front of Elena and make her so scared that she would jump on another scary rat, no I mean Mr. Aahil."

"Pfft~~" Everyone couldn't help but laughed. Why are the confessions of these girls are so funny. It feels like they are telling jokes instead of apologizing.

Ehem~, next one to apologize,

Cyra also apologized," I am sorry everyone, I shouldn't be overconfident and bet 10 million for stealing shoes and drag everyone along to the bet."

All the girls immediately looked at Cyra, This fool!!!!

"You even bet 10 million!! Why didn't you tell me before and Where did you get so much money?!" Amara was surprised. That connects the dot now. I was wondering why would they take so much trouble for shoes.

"Is that why you are fighting with the girls, Chester? For money!! Where did you get the guy to get money from my sister in-laws." William shouted at Chester.

"Why not brother, they are always riding on top of our head, we just wanted to teach them a lesson. But who knew these girls are so courageous, dare to jump on Brother Aahil."

"Pfft, I still can't control my laughter remembering that scene." Ishan laughed out loud.

Aahil came out of the dressing room after changing his dress at that time. He gave Ishan a cold stare.

"Hey, don't be angry, brother. We got to see a good show thanks to them."

Saif patted his hand on Ishan's shoulder. "Ishan is quite right, Aahil. I do think they deserve more than 10 million in daring to provoke you."

Aahil didn't pay attention to them instead said Chester and Zayn, "Follow me."

"Where are you going?"

"You guys don't need to know."