
The beginning

Lily Cruz is a thirteen years old girl who is from Philippine. She is brave, strong and beautiful. She has the skin of a new born baby and her lips is like a rose, her hair is long and black. Lily is a natural girl, she believes and loves nature. Since childhood lily always wanted to go to the moon. One hot afternoon lily and her friends went to the beach to have, when they got there they met Eva lily's cousin and also her family rival, Eva has always been a bully to lily since childhood. Lily didn't want argue with Eva so she walked passed her but Eva followed, her lily and her friends went down into the sea to look for dolphins but unfortunately a big wave pulled them deep into the sea Lily, Eva and the others tried swimming but the wave was too strong, soon everything went blank. Lily woke up in a room which she knew was not her room neither a hospital, the room was decorated with stars. A woman came to the room and told lily that she was in palace of the moon. Lily was surprised she thought everything was a dream but it was the reality, lily then asked the woman how she got there, the told lily that she was brought there by the queen. Later in the evening the queen came to the room and told lily that she would help her go home if she goes to the royal ball as the princess in the following week. The queen showed lily around the palace and also trained her on how to act like a princess. The day of the ball came, lily had a great time that night, she went out to get fresh air, lily saw a beautiful butterfly, she followed the butterfly into the forest, there she saw a beautiful girl wearing a gown crying. The girl introduced herself as the princess, she told lily how her maid tricked her into the forest and got lost. Lily helped the princess get back to the palace, the queen was grateful to lily, the queen took a star from her dress and placed it on lily suddenly everything went blank again, Lily woke up a hospital with mother beside her lily then released that everything was a dream.