
My Journey to End's Genesis

In a moment of desperation and confusion, I found myself at the brink of death, my past obscured by darkness. But a glimmer of hope emerged as Death itself offered me a second chance, albeit at a steep price. Now, thrust into a world I know nothing of, I grapple with the consequences of my newfound existence, haunted by the uncertainty of my past and the weight of a contract with Death. Yet, amidst my turmoil and doubts, a determination burns within me. Despite the odds, I refuse to succumb to despair. Instead, I embark on a journey fraught with mystery, magic, and peril, driven by the unwavering resolve to reclaim the life I once knew. Join me as I navigate the labyrinth of sorrows and trials, wielding every ounce of strength and willpower to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic world. In a realm where darkness lurks at every corner, I vow to fight for my existence, to seize back what was taken from me, no matter the cost. [DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE, SOME CHAPTERS MAY CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


Rooting from the ground, vines rushing to our resource.

Striking on the invisible gripping on us.

A big collision on the force...

It's a spell...

...Angel casted.

-"Leaves To Fence, cuddles and reliefs."



"Nature's shield, foliage's might, encircle now, protect firm and tight."




"Wrapping the mage or cherished object in a verdant embrace, it weaves together a lattice of vines and leaves, creating a natural barrier that encircles with protective grace, shielding against all intrusions."


C-class Spell 


Protection (Barrier)


30% Perfect(A Little Bit Weak, Can Be Penetrated.


10 Mins Per 2 Hours.


With impact, trying to grip and tear through the force surround s us.

They were speaking.

But I still couldn't hear a word quite well.

This spell or power did do damage in the first strike.



Turning to see that attention has been averted toward us.

People had run out already

Both people that came to be pleasured and the workers themselves.

I had a weakened vision but I could tell that some people were still left behind.

Gradually and gradually...

It was getting better...

Both my sight and my sense of hearing...

I could see that it was my former teammates (party members) who left and they were hurrying toward us.


The vines were still pushing through.

-"With Particles In Air, Amount Can't Be Compared, Come Here Refined And Therefore Be Combined"

That was the next thing I heard.

Looking it was Dorothy...



SPELL NAME: "Within the air, water particles amass, each varying system, refined, now in its own class.."


Gathers the water molecules from the surrounding environment and even people and items within the location which can lead to dehydration and weaken the body system as it wraps up into a ball depending on how moist the environment was.

The gathered vapour can then be used as a water blast, hitting away anything in its way as fast and hard as possible knocking them unconscious, only if they were already affected by the first spell.


5 meters


B-class Spell


Separation (Offensive)


70% Perfect(still strong and effective in battles?)


once a day(as long as the mage can can handle it)


Dorothy is a very strong mage...

Thinking of mages, our party only consisted of mages due to the lack of swordsmen and archers at the adventurer's guide office.

She also has a high battle IQ.

right there and then after casting the spell

Sucking out water from the most of air and the wind-like force which decreased humidity to a degree, which weakened it and made Angel's vines breakthrough and got a hold of us.

Finally free...

"Weakling!! I expected better from you"

"Dorothy, this isn't the best time for this," I replied.

"So what's going on?" she asked.

"I don't know but all I know is she wants to take angel away, I wouldn't let her do that" I responded as I pointed to the one Angel referred to as Callista.

"pttf. I doubt that, I wouldn't let her do that, watch how a god battle" Dorothy will always be Dorothy.

With verily dry air, I realized I was becoming faint, my lungs were all dried up.

Oh!! Dorothy

"Do..Ro.. in your... Spell" I could barely breathe.

Not even speak long enough but she heard.

"Oh!! Sorry peasant"

Thereafter she dispersed the collected back into vapors.

I was beginning to gain myself...

"I wouldn't let you take Angel!! Callista" I shouted, it's a funny scene to be honest.

"with low strength like yours, I highly doubt you could do anything" she replied.

"Yes he is weak, but let's see what you would do about me"

"Come and entertain me, hmm... Oh yes, Dorothy, let me see if you are a better weakling than him"

"I will show you, I'm not a weakling at all"

~ "Water, descend, my ally to defend." ~ Dorothy casted.



Hydrobind Gear


"Water, descend, my ally to defend."


Gathers Water Particles In The Midst In One Position Creating A Sword or weapon a For Mage.

The made weapon can not shoot out blasts or slashes for ranged attacks depending on the weapon made.


B-class Spell


Conjuration (Offensive)


60% Perfect(Very Effective)


As Long As Mage Can Keep Stamina.


Dorothy grabs the air and holds on to nothing, rushing towards Callista.

The spell activated.

Piece by piece appearing a bright blue sword made completely from water moisture that gathered up from the surrounding, it became as firm as an actual sword, not the weak ones ofcourse.


She strikes.

That was very fast.

That attack even destroyed things behind Callista, grazing them.

Everywhere was covered in dust.

Angel was already free and was ready to strike.

"She's not even strong herself and she dares to call me a weakling, pathetic human and their stupid pride" Dorothy announces.

"She... *coughs*"

"yes I know, she is weak!! "

"Something feels not right here," I said.

"beat it cunt" Dorothy replied,

Dorothy would start Dispersing her sword and walked towards Angel to help out.

"You shouldn't take away the rat poison if you aren't sure if the rat is dead."

The dust had settled and there stood, Callista, standing still firm and strong,

Completely unharmed and barely affected by the effects of the attack.

"I don't mean she is weak, what *coughs* what I was saying is, she isn't weak *coughs*, AN ATTACK LIKE THAT WOULD NEVER STOP HER!!" Angel reveals.

I looked at Dorothy who was in complete shock at what happened.

Since when I knew her, that attack she made has like, never been stopped before, to talk less of even dodging it.

"You look quite dumb now sis, cat caught your tongue?" Callista asked Dorothy

"You were all about showing me, what kind of attack is that?" Callista continues,

"You are only one step apart from the boy and then. Also weak, I can't even think of... (HAHAHA)"

amid her statement, there was laughter.

There we looked and saw Dorothy, turning a completely shocked face into a smile and then progressing to laughter.

"What's funny?" Callista asked.

"Tch nothing... Hmmmmm let me speak, all these years I have been looking for a person who I could fight toe to toe with, and its looks like my prayers have been answered"

"so what are you saying?"

"You have gotten yourself a competitor 'SIS' Now Meet Your DEMISE!!.

Yes within that criticism attitude of Dorothy, there also lies a psycho, quite obvious, Hahaha.