
My journey through the apocalypse

Please help me to survive, my life is at stake! I might really die!!!

wH0amI · Fantasy
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14 Chs

5 minutes

Two boys come forward and escort Davide to the end of the group, Davide collapses as soon as he feels a little safe. Ray asks him, "What should we do now?", huffing and panting Davide replies, "Let me.. take a breather."

After a few moments of intense silence, Davide gathers his thoughts and explains his plan to the group of survivors around him.

"Listen up, everyone," he begins, his voice strong and commanding. "We need to get out of here, and we need to do it fast. But we can't just run blindly into those things out there - we need a plan and work together."

The group looks at Davide expectantly, eager to hear what he has in mind.

"I need the strongest and most athletic among us to come forward," Davide continues, scanning the crowd for potential volunteers. "We're going to need your help if we're going to make it out of here alive."

As he speaks, a handful of individuals step forward, their faces determined and their bodies tense with anticipation.

"Good," Davide nods approvingly. "Now, I want each of you to take off your ties and give them to me."

The survivors look at each other uncertainly, but they do as Davide asks, handing over their ties with a mix of confusion and trust.

"Now, I need to know which of you is the strongest," Davide says, looking around at the group. "Which of you is the most skilled in hand-to-hand combat?"

Two individuals step forward - one from the judo club and one from the kendo club - and Davide nods in approval.

"Good. Now, I need to know which leg is your dominant one," he continues.

The judo player speaks up first. "My right leg," he says confidently.

The Kendo player follows suit. "My left leg," he replies, his voice equally steady.

Davide nods thoughtfully, then turns to the rest of the group. "Here's what we're going to do," he says, his voice taking on a more urgent tone. "We're going to create a barrier using our collected chairs. The strongest among us - that's you two," he points to the judo and kendo club members, "will stand in front of the barrier and use your dominant legs to kick those things back if they try to break through."

The group looks at Davide with a mix of fear and admiration.

"But what about the rest of us?" someone asks.

Davide smiles grimly. "The rest of us will be the second line of defense," he explains. "We'll stand behind the chairs and use our ties to whip those things if they get too close."

There's a murmur of agreement from the group, and Davide can see the determination in their eyes.

"Okay, let's do this," he says, his voice ringing with authority. "Everyone take a chair and a tie, and let's get into position."

Davide asks an arts and crafts boy to help them with tying the chairs.

He swiftly does the job, he turns to Davide and says, "I tied as many as I could but we are out of ties, I only managed to arm 14 people!"

At that moment 20 more people arrived at the back of the group, shortly after, a voice rigs in all of their ears, and it said, "The conditions for activating the main scenario have been met!"

Everyone panics and hears the voice again, "Survive for 5 minutes or kill all the failures to clear this quest.". Before anyone could even think of anything else, Davide shouts, "Change of plans, kendo, and judo players come together and form groups of two, the people who can fight support them! Four non-combatants follow closely behind them."

After hearing Davide's command, everyone teamed up, only Davide, Ray, and the art club boy remain. Both Ray and Davide pick up a chair.

Davide looks at the boy and throws his chair at him saying, "Protect yourself with this, don't let them get near you!"

Davide then looks around for a chair but doesn't see one, instead, he finds a pole. He picks it up to inspect it and finds out that it is a broken leg of a chair!

"How did it break?", Davide thinks to himself as he rushes back to his group. "Where did you get that from, I want one!", Ray says as he stares intensely at the pole.

"Okay okay, here, take it, give me the chair.", Davide says as he hands him the pole!

"Really, thanks!", Ray says as he exchanges the chair for the pole. The team felt confident as they rushed forward into battle.

As the team rushes forward, Davide and Ray use their chairs and poles to defend themselves from the attacking creatures. They swing their weapons with full force, bashing heads and knocking down multiple enemies at once.

The kendo and judo players work together to take down the creatures, using their skills to immobilize them and strike them down. Despite their fatigue, the team continues to push forward, determined to survive the five-minute challenge.

They hear the creatures howling in pain as they strike them with their weapons. Sweat drips down their faces as they struggle to catch their breath. Davide and Ray are starting to feel the effects of the battle, their arms growing heavy and their breathing labored.