
My Journey Through Life So Far

This are kinda the things that has happened in my life growing up. May seem kinda not necessary but I had this strong urge to put down most of it. Kinda like an open diary of sorts. I hate expressing myself by open mouth so I'm doing this open book. Some parts of my life may be offensive to others but it happened to me and I don't think I need to apologise for that. Well maybe sorry to those it happened to as well, I can relate. Although I'm still quite young, (shameless) I feel I've been through a bit. I don't know why but i just have the urge to put them down.

Carl_Joe · Realistic
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30 Chs

So we're still at the hospital.

So after I'm born me and my mom are still at the hospital. I'm in an incubator and from the picture I seem bigger, in fact gigantic compared to the me before. (Raising me head triumphantly right know. Don't know why, don't judge me).

Anyway mom looks healthier too in the pictures. I can see dad too in the pictures grinning from like a...*cough* grinning.

My grandad was the one that delivered me so I was named after him? I can't remember. Hold on let me go confirm. I mean I'm going to pause writing, call my mom and confirm right now.

Arg, Talked almost 30mins and I forgot the reason I called her. I'll ask her later. Ok that's a lie, when I called my dad was with her and I don't know why but a felt a bit embarrassed to ask especially when I was on loud speaker. Maybe it was nervous. I don't know.

So yeah I see quite a few nurses and doctors and janitors picking me up and making weird faces in the photo. Mom and dad said they came to see the kid that was supposed to be the dumpster kid.

Ok maybe that's not a funny joke, but they really came gathering. My mom is smiling on the bed too. That's nice.

After a while my mom and aunt say they started feeding me solids. Not like rice or burger or pizza but porridge. I don't know why you would give a kid pizza or burger but don't judge me.

Yh so after 6 months review, against doctors advice and my entire family shoving porridge and other mixtures and concoctions mixed in there down my throat, literally, I was looking fine.

Grandad was praising mom for how good I looked. I'm sure the old man was praising me for looking so sexy but I'll just let mom have this one.

Don't judge me