
My Journey Of becoming A Mafia Boss

Ethan’s life takes an unexpected turn when his father’s remarriage leads to a move to the Martinia empire. Alongside his twin sister, Ethan adjusts to their new life, but fate intervenes in a shocking way: a near-fatal stabbing grants him supernatural powers instead of death. As Ethan grapples with his newfound abilities, he encounters a mysterious fox—a creature that unveils a hidden world teeming with diverse species. This revelation intertwines with Ethan’s journey of self-discovery, leading him down a path where the ordinary gives way to the extraordinary. Ethan becomes the boss of the underworld, ruling over it with a blend of cunning, loyalty, and ruthlessness. His companions—each with their own unique abilities—join him as they travel the world, experiencing adventure, danger, and deepening friendships. From dark alleys to opulent penthouses, they navigate a treacherous landscape where alliances shift like shadows. -------------------------------------------- Join Ethan as he rises from an ordinary young man to a formidable mafia boss, unraveling secrets, facing enemies, and discovering the true extent of his powers. The stakes are high, and the game is deadly. Welcome to a world where power, loyalty, and betrayal collide—a world where Ethan’s journey is anything but ordinary. No NTR/Netorare but netori YES!!!! As English is not my first language, so please bear with me, and you won't have any issues understanding the content, in case if you are wondering. I hope you enjoy the story. The release schedule is one chapter a day. If you like it, Leave a review.

Devil_Incarnation · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
147 Chs



(A/N:- The starting few chapters maybe boring for some people. So bear with it Guys...

And please remind me if there's any error.)


In the vibrant and bustling streets of Slider City, where neon lights danced and engines roared, a spirited young lad named Ethan burned with a relentless thirst for speed, a passion rivaled only by his companion, Brian.

United by their fervor for the adrenaline-fueled world of car racing, these two inseparable friends would seize every opportunity to pit their skills against each other, hurtling through the city's labyrinthine streets in heart-pounding contests of skill and daring.

One scorching afternoon, amidst the cacophony of revving engines reverberating through the bustling city streets, Ethan and Brian found themselves consumed by the fervor for an electrifying showdown.

Eager to test their skills and ignite the adrenaline of onlookers, they enthusiastically consented to engage in a high-octane race through the pulsating heart of Slider City.

With every deafening screech of their tires, their rivalry intensified, drawing an ever-growing crowd of spectators who eagerly awaited the outcome of this thrilling spectacle.

As the engines roared to life, the two friends accelerated down the streets, adrenaline coursing through their veins.

They zigzagged through traffic, expertly navigating the urban obstacle course. Laughter and cheers from bystanders followed them as they weaved through the crowded roads, each trying to outdo the other.

During the adrenaline-fueled race, Ethan's phone suddenly chimed, breaking the intense focus. He quickly glanced at the caller ID, recognizing it as his closest confidant, Alexx.

Though her given name was Alexia, Ethan affectionately referred to her as Alexx most of the time. Understanding the significance of the call, Ethan made a split-second decision to veer to the side of the track, momentarily halting his pursuit of victory.

With the roar of engines still echoing around him, he answered the call, eager to hear what his dear friend had to say amidst the exhilarating chaos of the race.

"Hey Alexx, what's up?" Ethan replied, his gaze fixed on the road ahead as he navigated through the traffic.

"WHAT'S UP???!! You bastard, where the hell were you? I've been trying to reach you for half an hour already," Alex's voice blared angrily through the speaker of the phone, frustration evident in every word.

"Hey, chill out, babe! *Sigh* I see the first thing on your mind is cursing. Anyway, I'm kind of caught up right now. What's up? Why did you call?" Ethan replied, revving the engine and shifting his focus back to the race. The roar of the cars filled the air as he spoke.

"Then what do you want me to do, huh? Today is your last day here in this city, and you didn't even call me since morning. Don't tell me you---hm? You're racing again?"

"Brian wanted me to smash him in racing again before I left an---" Ethan didn't even finish his words before he was interrupted.

"I don't care! I'll wait for you at home. If you dare to leave without saying goodbye, I will rip off your ball and don't you dare think that I'm joking" Alexx replied with a menacing sound.

When Ethan heard Alexx's words, he suddenly felt a chilling sensation engulfing his entire body, starting from his balls and sending an intense shiver down his spine.

"Don't worry, I'll be there. And please, don't even joke about my family jewels like that, I beg of you. You don't know how important they are to a man," Ethan replied, his voice tinged with mock seriousness as he shed imaginary tears

"You'd better show up," Alexx said firmly before ending the call.

Ethan sighed and brought the car to a halt. Retrieving his phone, he dialed Brian's number to inform him about the situation.

Three minutes later, Brian's car pulled up in front of Ethan's vehicle, and he stepped out to bid farewell.

They shook hands warmly and exchanged promises to meet again soon, perhaps over a cup of coffee or a weekend hike.

Ethan sat in his car and abruptly altered its direction, careening through the streets and disregarding several traffic signals along the way.

As he did so, the flashing lights of a police car appeared in his rearview mirror, signaling a pursuit. After a tense few moments, Ethan encountered yet another police car blocking his path.

Frantically scanning his surroundings for an escape route, he realized the narrow pathway offered no respite.

With a heavy heart, he complied with the officer's commands to pull over, knowing he had no other choice.

"Someone seems to be in a bit of a hurry today," the police officer remarked with a hint of taunt in his tone.

"Yes Officer, I....."

"Licence and registration," the officer interrupted, cutting off Ethan before he could offer any further explanation. This marked the second interruption Ethan had faced today in his speech.

"May I have your name, please?" the police officer inquired, reaching for a notepad in his chest pocket.

"It's Ethan, Sir," Ethan replied.

"Ethan..." the officer jotted down the name in his notepad and continued, "Seems like you have a penchant for driving fast, huh, buddy?" he remarked with a raised eyebrow, observing Ethan closely.


"You have broken 10 traffic signals so far. As a consequence, your car is being seized. If you wish to reclaim it, kindly accompany us to the police station to pay the corresponding fine. Otherwise, you may forfeit ownership of your vehicle permanently," the police officer stated firmly as he gestured for the individual to step out of their car.

Ethan had no choice but to sit inside the police car and proceed to the police station to pay his fine. However, the process ended up consuming nearly three hours of his time.

By the time he reached Alexx's House, dusk had already settled in, painting the sky with hues of evening.

He pressed the doorbell, its chime echoing through the quiet evening, and waited patiently.

"Who's there?" Alexx's melodious voice drifted from the other side of the door, tinged with curiosity.

"It's me, Alexx. Open the door already," Ethan responded, his tone infused with a hint of impatience.

"Do I really have to...?" Alexx teased back, her playful tone dancing through the air.

"Come on, Alexx, please let me in," Ethan pleaded desperately, his voice tinged with urgency.

"You're incredibly late," Alexx retorted sharply, her tone laced with frustration, as she stood rigidly behind the door.

"Just give me a chance to explain why I'm late, Alexx. Please, open the door," Ethan implored, hoping to convey the sincerity of his apology.

But there was only silence in response.

"Can you please let me in?" Ethan asked once more, his tone tinged with urgency.

"I dunno... I'm gonna wait a bit, just like you made me wait," Alexx's mischievous voice retorted.

Ethan stood outside, feeling torn between frustration and amusement. He wondered if he should cry or laugh at his misfortune, but in the end, all he could do was wait patiently, hoping Alexx would eventually open the door.

After nearly 5 minutes, the front door creaked open, revealing a girl his age standing before him.

She has short orange hair reaching her shoulder that is lightly pink at the end. Her face was oval-shaped with a petite nose, eyes that seemed to flutter with mischief, and lips so inviting they tempted one to savor their sweetness.

Clad in a short white top that barely reached her breasts, exposing her flat belly and teasing her belly button, she paired it with a short black frilly skirt that flirted with her thighs.

The sight of her exposed fair skin added an extra layer of allure, leaving Ethan momentarily stunned.

Ethan attempted to enter, but he was halted at the door. His questioning gaze sought answers.

"First, enlighten me on the reason for your tardiness; otherwise, I'm afraid entry is denied. You weren't contemplating leaving without bidding farewell, were you?" Alexx inquired, noting the perplexity reflected in his eyes.

"NO! How can I leave without saying goodbye to you? You're my best friend, Alexx. I can't just forget to bid farewell to you before leaving," Ethan exclaimed with a laugh, his tone tinged with drama.

He paused for a moment, his expression exaggerated. Observing his theatrics, Alexx couldn't help but roll her eyes in amusement and a hint of annoyance.

Ethan then explained how his car had been seized and detailed the significant delay it caused him in reaching her.

Upon hearing his explanation, she finally welcomed him in, instructing him to wait in her room while she went to brong something to smoke, to help alleviate tension.

After smoking for a while, Alexx asked Ethan how he was feeling.

"I'm okay for now but if my dad finds out about it then he will kill me for sure. On top of that, I'm leaving this city tonight" Ethan replied while puffing out the smoke from his mouth.

"Are you not headed to Martinia City? It's the grand capital of the Martinia Empire," Alexx inquired, relieving him of the cigrette and indulging in a few puffs and continued, "With a bustling metropolis vibe and the heart of the Martinia Empire, it's quite the destination, isn't it?"

"Yup! But I don't know a single soul there," he replied, a hint of concern etched across his face.

"If you don't know anyone there, then what's prompting the move in the first place?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"Well, it's mostly because of my dad and his work. He's almost always in Martinia City, so..."Ethan replied

"Ethan, I haven't asked you before, but what exactly does your dad do?"

"Um, well, I'm not entirely sure, but he's involved in the buying and selling of various products, kind of like a procurement manager, I think."

"Can't he do this type of work here as well?" Alexx raised this question with some uncertainty, furrowing his brows.

"Yeah, he can, but he started seeing this woman named Maria, and they've decided to move in together, so....."

"Wow! So, you're going to have a stepmom now?" Alexx exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise."

Ethan replied while crushing the finished weed on the plate, "Not only my stepmom, but also my stepsister. She actually has two daughters, so we're all going to live together. I'll be with his new girlfriend and daughters."

"That sounds like a corny fairy tale to me. Let's see if you'll end up doing lots of housework and cleaning, just like Cinderella. HA HA HA."

"Your humor isn't amusing, Alexx."

"Come on, cheer up; it's not going to be that bad. Maybe you'll even get the chance to fool around with one of her daughters," Alexx said mischievously, punctuating his statement with an evil laugh.

"What the... I didn't expect this side of you," Ethan exclaimed, his voice tinged with shock.

"Hehe~ So, tell me, are they beautiful?" Alexx inquired with a playful tone.

"Umm... well, they are," Ethan replied, his tone hesitant.

"Come on, Ethan, you're a catch. You need to wise up."

"Wise up?" Ethan questioned, turning his head towards her. Suddenly, Alexx leaned in and kissed him on the lips, then pulled back after a moment. Ethan blinked in surprise, processing the unexpected gesture.

Ethan's face bore a shocked expression as he stood bewildered, unsure of what to do next.

However, as he noticed the faint blush on Alexx's cheeks, he found the courage to speak.

"Wait... You mean to say... You like me? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ethan's heart raced with a mix of surprise and excitement as he awaited Alexx's response.

"I've dropped countless hints, but it seems they've gone unnoticed. Forget it. Dwelling on the past won't change anything.

I had hoped you'd come to understand on your own, but your sudden actions have pushed me to speak up about my feelings.

This marks our final meeting until we reunite at university. Once I finish my studies here, I plan to apply for a scholarship at Martinia University, hoping to meet you there." Alexx paused, taking a deep breath, causing her chest to rise and fall, momentarily catching his attention before she continued, "So, this is my last opportunity."

"Last opportunity for what?" Ethan asked, confusion evident in his tone.

"To take your Virginity, you clueless fool," Alexx replied bluntly.



To Be Continued..........

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