
hazrat Bilal habshi (R.A)

as u all know hazrat Bilal habshi R.A was the most respectful.person and he has faced a lot difficulties when he accepted Islam if we listen them our eyes will not be stop from crying there are so many stories of his life one of the most difficult when he spend was the the people who didn't accepted Islam made him slep in the hot sand of Arabia and tortured him in so many ways but still there was one sound in his mouth Allah u Akbar Allah is the one. and he has a superstitious love for the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H he so prophet Muhammad bought Bilal from them and put him with him he also gave azan in masjid so non believers of Islam started refusing his Azan it was there saying that he has some mistake in his Azan so after prophets demise Bilal R.A cried very much he said I watch the walls of this village I remember prophet so I can live here so he left that city after 6 months prophet Muhammad .p.B.U.H came in his dream and said to him that Bilal u have forgotten me u have not given Azan in masjid for six months u did not give us greetings nowadays and then after this he went their and he gave azan all children women came out of their houses and said that prophet Muhammad has alive and came again and started crying Bilal himself can't give give because whenever he gave azan he always saw prophet standing there but now he didn't bilalR.A was the only one when he gave azan so his voice of Azan went 7th sky