
Experiment 2

The caretaker spoke like a machine gun, stating the events of the experiment to Dr. Henry. His words were too advanced for Mitch but he was able to get the gist of it. It was as how he thought it would be, Martin died. He also began to understand the meaning of the word 'Experiment', since he was exposed to it a few minutes ago.

Recalling the gruesome scene within each room he can't help but shudder. The word experiment has now casted a shadow over his heart, something that he would fear for years to come.

"No, let's try one more time, I have a good feeling about this subject I brought with me." Dr. Henry grabbed Mitch by the shoulder and edged him closer to the unknown caretaker.

Seeing a subject without restraints, the man instinctively looked at Dr. Henry with a demanding face. It was abnormal, the scene that was playing out right now. A kid less barely 13 or 14, is walking with his own two feet towards possible impending death. Since arriving in this bizzare place, not once had he seen a kid who is willing to crawl to his own demise.

Catching the expression of the caretaker, Dr. Henry explained Mitch's situation in a hushed tone. After whispering the condition of 1217 to the caretaker, the caretaker's eyes flashed with pity but only for a brief second.

"Alright, Paul.. call over a team of 8 for me. I need.." He began listing out the required drugs, medicines and other necessary equipments.

The caretaker kept nodding his head while he wrote the requirements down. After scribbling down on a piece of paper, he started to head back to the hallway Mitch and the doctor took to get here.

However, just before the caretaker built a considerable distance between them, Dr. Henry's voice echoed through the hallway.

"Also, don't forget to bring my record player." He shouted.

The caretaker gave a thumbs up and continued on his way.

"Alright, I'll have you stay in this room for now. You can't eat or drink anything just yet. Stay still until we get back." Dr. Henry dragged Mitch by the hand and directed him into the room.


The room was just like the other rooms Mitch saw, only it was empty and spotless. For all he knew, this room could equate as hell but right now it was heaven. The window could not be seen from inside. However he knew exactly where it was placed. He glanced at the window from time to time while waiting.

Soon he grew weary. It was about a quarter before 9AM. There was no clock in the room, Mitch only had a feeling because of his sleeping habits. Since he already resigned to his fate, he cared less and less about his future. In that sense, he took a nap.

few hours later, he was still in dream land. The room was already filled with smoke. It was white in nature. It probably was some kind of sleeping gas as Mitch only sleeps for an hour. Out of nowhere, a few caretakers donning gas mask pushed in some high-end lab machine. After decorating the room with the machines, the smoke was drained out. It seeped down into the cracks on the floor. One by one, the caretakers took off their masks. A few of them left leaving 9 people inside the room, including Mitch.

Dr. Henry entered late but despite his tardiness, everyone was respectful to the point where they would bow to him. Dr. Henry is the mastermind, the most knowledgable man they have ever encountered. He was also the reason the the government agreed and turned a blind eye against this unholy place, letting them perform human experimentation. He was like Einstein in this field of study. He has provided the military with various mutated soldiers capable of hindering an army, even making them retreat and formulate a new plan of attack.

His latest work, C9G2, worked behind the scene and manage to create peace between North Korea and South Korea recently. As to how, it was already classified secret. C9G2 was akin to a ghost, only following orders from his creator, Dr. Henry.

To get him to act, one must make a contract with him. Only Dr. Henry and money would make him move.

That doesn't mean that the world could just bully Dr. Henry. A notorious group, feared across the world, kidnapped him and made him work under them a few years back.

He went along without resistance and a few days later, he left without resistance. The notorious group was wiped off from the face of the earth by 6 people. Since then, no one ever thought of performing the same reckless act.

No one knows how many monsters the doctor had created.

The situation right now is- the government provides human resources, and human subjects while the team would create deathsworn soldiers with enhanced genetics.

This 'orphanage' however, is not part of the agreement. It's more of a playground for Dr. Henry. Still the government couldn't risk going against him just for a bunch of strays. To compensate, the doctor even agreed to provide special mutated human soldiers if the price is right. So they all reached a peaceful conclusion.


"Alright, ready yourselves, those who needs to go for a bathroom break, do it now. This one is going to last for a long time."