
My journalist girlfriend

When Lucy was celebrating her 17 birthday everything changed her life, her mom slipped into a coma after a car accident when she was coming home after her show "Like had you heard this word's every man is a successful woman right it true but not all". since then Lucy dad made a bad business deal because of the thought his wife slipped into a coma. Lucy tried to look for a job as a journalist after university so that she could help her little sister Crystal at her school to have a good education. slowly Lucy's dad fell sick of the loss of his business and thought of his wife in the hospital, Lucy finally got a job as a journalist she was happy that she could help her family. When Dizerta was young he lost his mother when he was six years old. since then, his father has taken good care of Dizert, giving Dizerta everything he wants. dizerta's father Mr Levi Liam Anthony a famous CEO all over the world. Mrs. Saima Ronnieanne Liam was Dizerta birth mother "She Died because people found out that she is a vampire they killed her", Saima fell to her knees on the ground why a knife on her spinal cord ouch Levi who was with his son in the market looking for his because the festival they were doing they got Lost, Levi called out for his wife name when he heard her scream in pain runs to the direction of his wife why he carries dizerta on his back. Levi saw Saima knee on the ground why blood soaking her clothes still in shock he dropped his son done them bent down "Dizerta boy go and play with does kids and don't forget what Papa and Mama told you If you are we are out, dizerta nodded his head before running off". Levi stood up and walked towards Saima bent to wipe his wife's tears off her face and hug her when he felt a dagger-designedin snake on her spinal, Levi path the hug them looked at his wife's beautiful face and told did who did this,s to you, my love, saima hold Levi hand is too late Levi please promise me this before I die, Levi touch saima soft cheeks it not too late my love you will recover soon my love you can't leave me I want to avenge the person who do this. Saima raised Levi hand up them kissed it more Tears rolled down her face Levi please promise me that you protect our son dizerta and carry him somewhere Far away from the humans I don't want history to repeat his, Saima turned to look at Dizerta One last time who was playing happily them look Levi, saima kiss Levi on the kiss cheeks slowly blood come out of her mouth please Levi don't take revenge for me just been with me till I die, saima smile as she die slowly why the poison flow through her whole body. Levi breathed her last breath with her family Levi cried and then closed her eyes. six years later Mr. Levi taught Dizerta to be strong, brave, and confident, not trust people around him, and to begin wisely after what happened to his wife 6 years back. after school, dizerta's dad will take him to the field and train him how to fight, for in case of emergency it is war or what happened to his mother 6 years ago. 12 years later Mr Levi died, before Mr Levi died he transferred his wealth and property to his son Dizerta the new CEO of his company, and told Carl his assistant to watch over his son Dizerta. The question is will Lucy parents recover? Will Lucy be happy in her life? Will Crystal have a good education Lucy Wish for? If you want to know more about Lucy and Dizerta add the book to the library and start reading, My Journalist Girlfriend.

Lisa_lucy · Fantasy
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Birthday party 2

Outside the mansion Baloch cover Artemis eyes using his hand pulling her close again his chest before disappearing out of the view.

Baloch bought Artemis to an unknown place were she can hear waterfall, Artemis push Baloch out of his grip when she heard the waterfall well and clear, Artemis remove Baloch arms out of her eyes to see what place is she.

Artemis walk forward before turning around to face Baloch I love this place is more peaceful and fun more than the birthday party this place is special Baloch how do you know this place, Baloch walk forward to were Artemis was that a good question miss Artemis I don't know when I was a little demon boy , when I feel alone, betrayed, angry, hate, not love , happy, sad, or all types of emotion I come here, it make me feel relieved for all life problem, nobody has discover this place since then, this place is so special and unique to me It remind me about my childhood and remind about a special person to me, Artemis walk forward left Baloch behind went to where the is waterfall and seat near the lake, Artemis stretch leg on the grass remove her heels out of her soft beautiful foot place it gentle in the water.

Baloch watch what Artemis what she do before going to seat went her, Baloch call Artemis, Artemis turn face Baloch yes you call anything Baloch was lost in Artemis beauty Baloch.....Baloch snap out of his thought, Artemis anything I hope you are feeling comfortable yes am feeling comfortable Baloch I just have one question Artemis look at Baloch don't mind what do you meant about remind you about a special person to me Baloch seat down on the grass near Artemis it reminded me about you Artemis I love you very much Artemis I want you to been the queen and empress of soliva kingdom, Artemis remove her leg out of the water carry her heels wear it and stand up, Baloch look at Artemis Artemis where are you going to, Baloch I meant your majesty am sorry I didn't love you I can not been the queen and monarch of the kingdom am sorry I need to go, Artemis call out for shicu shicu shicu come out of nowhere, kemi do you call, yes take me to Esmeraloa Mafia mansion Artemis climb shicu back.

Baloch feeling heartbroken watching Artemis back when she climb a Phoenix dragon and go.

Top of the sky tear come down for kemi eyes, shicu flat his wings and fly down kemi hold shicu silicones very tight, shicu do you want to fall me , is now you are talking you look down in the dumps if anything you can tell me lucy as a friend you should not hide anything's for me that what a friend should do Lucy the important thing is to listen to your heart and mind and you will know the right thing.

shicu flat his wings up and turn to the direction to Esmeraloa Mafia, am sorry shicu am just lost in my thoughts and direction I don't know what to do or say, I came here for a reason that to make dizerta to been happy not for someone to get halted why sometimes I feel lonely sad hatred I wonder what I am doing in this planet if it not favor me. Lucy I feel everything you feel sometime we need to sacrifice our happiness for other Lucy and for dizerta you care for he , when his happy you are happy, I know you guys not have a good start with each but for Baloch his majesty you take he as a friend you do except he to take the step but was not his fault he like and love because you are so unique, special and fun that is why dizerta risk his life to save you now is your turn to do the same you are a special diamond that so precious, you shine very bright, you stop injustice, thank you shicu very for everything and also been there for me you are welcome Lucy that what a friend do you are so awesome Lucy hug shicu neck tight it okay Lucy before you strangle me sorry shicu it alright now I know what to do.

Meanwhile in estemeraloa birthday party after dizerta through dancing with all the ladies he went to look for Lucy everywhere when bumped into Esmeraloa on the way, ahh dizerta how is the party I hope you are having fun, yes estemeraloa the party is okay do you see Artemis no, is Artemis have you check everywhere yes estemeraloa smile a wicked smile on her lip ohh before I forget dizerta I got you a drink, me a drink look at estemeraloa who stretch out arm to give he the drink thank you Esmeraloa what flavor red wine just as the way you want it to look like blood thanks anyway dizerta if I see Artemis I will tell her that you asked for her ok, estemeraloa leave dizerta alone and went to a corner rest her back on the wall looking at dizerta who have drank the wine that she have given to he with evil smile on her face now dizerta you will been my only only my good that your friend or guardian Artemis have make it easy for me.

shicu reach Estemeraloa Mafia mansion and landed safely on the ground Artemis come down careful for shicu back and jump before walking to shicu face and give he a big hug before waving he a good bye. Artemis turn around out of the blue lovara appear, lovara am here to tell that dizerta in big trouble Artemis look at lovara with a strange look what do you meant that dizerta is in trouble am sorry I hope you and dizerta can forgive me. today is Esmeraloa birthday not only that but her consummate night for she and dizerta.

Esmeraloa tried all mix to make you leave the party but by now dizerta have drank the wine that she mix a little orange MD for dizerta to drink , wait is that not an alcohol, yes it's Artemis walk forward and slap lovara across the face how dare you and estemeraloa do this to dizerta and he is very kind to you guys and this is the way you pay I will teach you and estemeraloa a lesson first I need to find dizerta before something bad happen to he, Artemis run inside the mansion and look for dizerta everywhere, dizerta drink the wine estemeraloa given he it a little strange make they added a new ingredients dizerta walk forward to continue his search for Lucy when feel a dizzy so with to rest his on the wall when felt his head pea like a heart pea in pain, dizerta drop the glass on his arm and place his hands on his head trying to control it slowly dizerta lost his sense and conscious before he close his he see a female front everything to black, estemeraloa look at the conscious dizerta on the floor am sorry dizerta I just love you I can not allow you to been with Artemis but with me, estemeraloa bandown and use her to touch face before carry dizerta to her room.

outside the mansion lovara stand still shock what have happen to her, lovara clap her when a bottle of alcohol appear out nowhere landed on her hand, lovara walk forward open the bottle of alcohol drunk it till she get drunk.

estemeraloa open the door walk inside close the door before careful but dizerta on the bed before going to the bathroom to change into her night gown inside dizerta head he see his younger self crying of the lost of his mother when his dad carry he my little bunny why are you carry is it because of your mother don't worry about her she is fine and safe, Dad is she fine she leave me alone here and I need to protect against the person who tried to kill her but I fall my little come down I want to show you something ok papa, follow me now come and seat with me on grass ok papa , now my little bunny look at the sky tell me what you see ok I see the dark night sky and stars of is my turn I see the star but a guardian army up there who watch over us and protect us ok papa so you trying to say that mummy is a guardian angel now who watch over us and protect us yes you got it.

my little bunny yes papa let me tell you something I you that is precious don't give up keep hoping for a better side your mother is happy that am taking good care of you I want you to promise me that you will not sob to kill yourself in the inside but dad promise ok I promise you I will not cry to kill my herself and the demon inside me that my boy Let me clean your face now smile.

Artemis sob out dizerta where are you, estemeraloa come out of the bathroom and take a drug that make her body very hot, Estemeraloa went to seat where dizerta his and carful unbutton his cloth, dizerta open his eyes and notice that every here look blank no light slowly dizerta regain his eyes sight , dizerta something was undressing he, dizerta open his eyes turn his face to direction of where the person who is undressing he, when dizerta look at the girl it was estemeraloa what are you doing estemeraloa am doing what is right for me like to make us to become it can never happen I don't love you am sorry estemeraloa, dizerta remove the cloth around his body before standing up out of bed before going to where the door his, estemeraloa look at dizerta with a evil look you are estemeraloa shouted out dizerta only my I count share you dizerta with other dizerta come back here.

Lucy check every where for but no sight of he when something tap on her back , Lucy turn around dizerta rest on her shoulders when Lucy see dizerta condition is very bad how dare she do this to dizerta , Lucy hold dizerta arms place it on her shoulders so that she can carry he , Lucy clear her mind close her eyes before thinking about home before appearing in dizerta room, Lucy carry dizerta place he on the bed careful before covering he, Lucy was about to go when dizerta pull her hand close he take my small tight be careful I will been waiting for you be back soon, Lucy was close to dizerta when dizerta give Lucy a kiss her lip before passing out.lucy stand up before living the room, lovara still walking around open another bottle of alcohol drink it close her eyes thinking of a higher clips so she jumps that when lovara appear on a secret place where the king his, on top of the cliff lovara look down is now to jump, Baloch was in the water in his siren form swimming in the water when he heard a sound coming from the mountain, Baloch come out of the water transform to his human form put on his cloth fast before disappear in the air , on top of the mountain lovara was about to jump down off the cliff that when Baloch appear on time to catch the drunk girl who was about to kill herself pull her close to his embrace , lovara shout-out leave me alone I want to die me lovara hit Baloch back using her hands kick he tried all her best to leave his embrace, lovara give for trying to set free before passing out on conscious, Baloch notice that the girl who was struggle to leave his embrace have passed out , Baloch hold the girl tight them close his eyes clear his mind of everything that had happened and think about his home.

Lucy thank her friend the kittie who she love special her fluffy white fur like a snow I think I should call you snow because you have a fluffy

fur white like snow, snow come down for Lucy hand went to robbed her fur on Lucy leg umuh that so cute no time snow come let go is time for estemeraloa regret the time she was born. Baloch appear on his room went to drop the drunk girl on the bed careful before covering her, Baloch left lovara to fresh up and lock his room door before anyone could come in .

Baloch come out in towel went to his wardrobe to collect his pajamas went to the bathroom to change, Baloch come out of the bathroom and went to were lovara is seat near her in the bed I wonder why a pretty girl like she will want to die that strange Baloch stand up was about to go when lovara grab his hand Baloch turn to look at the girl who grab his hand, Baloch place his hand on her hand carful remove her hand please don't leave me alone please don't go every I know leave me and now I find someone you are leaving Baloch at the drunk girl who saying rubbish I wonder what she meant that every leave her Baloch lost in thought that when lovara stand up for the bed and place a soft kisses on his lip, Baloch open his eyes widely looking at the girl who kiss he, Baloch sunder out for the kiss and go to one corner breathing air in feeling suffocated for the kiss, why lovara was on the bed kneeling breathing heavy for the kiss that she and Baloch have share few minutes ago.

Baloch try to leave the room lovara use her power to remove the key out of the door ah ah ah sweet boy am sorry but you have woken my demon up now they are yawning for you have you not hear that don't try to near a sex demon if there are drunk, if you near them you will do anything they want with no questioning or do you want to die now and go to hell, Baloch look at the crazy girl on the bed who got the keys, now she use her power to pull Baloch close to her on the bed, lovara remove Baloch pajamas and see his beautiful well build body, lovara troll the pajamas out of her hand snap her finger her long gown change to a beautiful night gown that review most part of her body

before climbing on top Baloch body place kisses all part of his, Baloch try to control the girl who is a sex demon but hope , lovara notice Baloch trying to leave the bed, lovara give Baloch a mind control kiss on his lip. lovara stop the kiss and tell Baloch to Baloch to please her, so that night was temp between Baloch and lovara.

in the Mafia mansion;" Artemis decide walk to the room when see estemeraloa last". Artemis and snow turn right, Artemis talk to snow I you to turn into visible when I need your help you will help ok, Artemis bumped into someone ouch that hurt, person turn am sorry , Artemis look at the stranger and notice that is Anderson the king secretaries excuse me are you not the soliva king secretaries , yes indeed my is Anderson am here to look for the king may I ask you have you see the king, yes is he his private place he didn't want anyone to disturb he , ohh ok so you are Artemis the soon to been the queen and empress of soliva kingdom, am sorry am not the queen and empress of soliva kingdom I just a regular demon girl trying to do revenge on someone, lady I mean miss Artemis maybe I know who is that you want to take revenge, Estemeraloa. wait miss kemi you meant the birthday girl, yes is she , so what do you want to do with her, I want her something bad that she will yawning for her death quickly, why do you want to do that, because she did something bad to someone who I love i meant care for, ok please miss Artemis can you forgive her or can I take her punishment , Artemis look shock why are you saying so is it because you love her , Anderson Walk forward yes since when we was kids she save me now is my turn to help her , okay if you say so, what are you thinking miss Artemis, Artemis put on a devilish smirk on her face I have a perfect punishment for estemeraloa is that what she want she will get it, Anderson look at Artemis with a strange look wondering what the girl is thinking in her mind, am sorry Anderson you have to get involved in this please forgive me can you make estemeraloa to see you as the person she love first then your normal self please Anderson follow me to estemeraloa room ok , Artemis grab Anderson hand and take he to estemeraloa room. at estemeraloa room door Artemis turn to face Anderson am sorry is now you do what I had told you , Anderson do what Artemis told and enter the room before closing the door.

inside the room estemeraloa was crying on the bed when she her the door open and close, estemeraloa raise her head and look at the door side to see who is there when the person turn around estemeraloa saw that it was dizerta she run and hug he tight, estemeraloa drag dizerta to the bed before place a soft kisses on his face why unbuttoning his cloth, am sorry estemeraloa this is the only thing I can do for you if I didn't do it you will death please for give me in soft heart, well estemeraloa done remove dizerta cloth she kissed he everywhere.outside Artemis stand outside the room before calling snow please come and carry me home like last time my revenge have complete snow come out and take Artemis home.

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