
Chapter 27

"Good morning baby sister" he said smiling "I have taken the liberty of making you breakfast" he smiled at me.

"Coco pops?" I asked hopefully.

"Better" he said as he led me to the table. I looked at the table and my mouth fell open

"Are those?" I asked and he nodded

"Chocolate chip pancakes" he stated as I stared at the two. TWO plates with chocolate chip pancakes literally piled on them. Wow did he really make all these just for me.

"Wow I haven't eaten those since...well since we were kids" I smiled at the memory.

"Yup I used to make them to you every Sunday and then we'd play video games which reminds me" he brought something from the kitchen counter "COD tonight?" I looked at him in disbelief. Wow, I guess he really meant it when he said he was making it up to me.