
Chapter 24

not if I can help it I told her just before I felt Ethan grab my arm

"Lily wait" he said and I turned cautiously, ignoring the tingles on my arm. he looked hesitantly at me before reaching to his jacket and pulling out a piece of paper.

"Look I-I know I'm not your favorite person right now" he said in an almost pained voice, he avoided meeting my eyes and just looked at the ground "And believe me I'm going to work on changing that" determination was so clear in his voice that I bit my lip nervously "But for now just take this" he handed me the paper "It's my phone number Lily. I know you'll probably never use it but...jut in case you-you need something. Anything Lily, you call me right away. I don't care what time it is I'll be there in a flash."

"Ethan I don't kno--"

"Lily please it'll keep me sane" he looked up at me, his eyes pleading. Why the sudden interest? I had no idea.