
Chapter 166

"Damn it, Max" Jacob said and gently grabbed my face, making me look at him. "Look at me Celena. Just at me. Good. Now breathe with me, come on. That's good, slow just like this. You're okay, you're safe don't worry."

I slowly calmed down as I stared at Jacob, my speeding heart slowing down. I nodded at him and he let go of me. I looked at all of them "What's going on? I don't understand" I turned to Brett, knowing he'd be honest with me "Brett? Tell me please"

"Celena" Brett said, looking at me seriously "Do you remember what you were called, before you chose the name Celena."

"wolf 376" I said and Max growled, I flinched and Brett and Jacob turned to glare at Max. "I always wondered but-" I cut myself off and turned to Brett "B-but...But I'm not a."