
My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

As a video uploader who owned a model aircraft online store, Tang Rui suddenly discovered that the model aircraft he made had an upgrade panel that allowed him to add upgrading points to it. [Item: Fixed Wing Model Aircraft] [Experience: 35/100] [Sources: 0.1] For a couple of hundred yuan, Tang Rui upgraded the body of the aircraft to a proportional level, perfectly replicating the dashboard in the cockpit. He also added some enhancements, turning its EPO body into an aviation-alloy one. Tang Rui said, "System, show me your limits." From toy model aircraft to high-altitude, high-speed drones, and then to small-scale orbital shuttles... With the system panel in his hand, it would be too unambitious of him to just be a video uploader on a small website instead of creating a military weapons company and becoming famous.

Wolfberry is not Tasty · Sci-fi
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368 Chs

After Tang Rui returned home for a shower, he headed to the office area in search of Lin Chao. To his surprise, Lin Chao was nowhere to be found.

Where had he disappeared to?

"Red Lotus, where is Lin Chao?" Tang Rui inquired, knowing that the AI monitored the entire office area.

"Master, Lin Chao is currently on the launch well cover," Red Lotus reported, projecting the live video feed for Tang Rui.

Tang Rui sucked in a breath at the sight of Lin Chao sitting cross-legged on the launch well cover, a picture of concentration.

He was dumbfounded.

What was this all about?

He switched off the projection and approached the launch well.

"Lin, what's the idea here?" he asked, bewildered.

"Just pondering some issues," Lin Chao answered nonchalantly.

Pondering? On the launch well cover? Such a strange place to ponder, Tang Rui thought, certain there must be limits to absurdity.