
My IQ System

Schemes, trickery and artifice. What value do such stratagems hold in the presence of overwhelming power? The terrifying might of a dragon renders an ant's strategies obsolete. And Yet. In the palms of his hands, all beings move in accordance with his will, whether they realize it or not. For he possesses a power known to many yet comprehended by few. The power of the mind. "With this, the entire universe is merely my playground." Meet Adam, The World's Dumbest Man.

Holomez · Fantasy
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54 Chs

The Fox & The Beggar

"How's life as a beggar?" Silas asked, legs crossed, leaning back with a relaxed expression. Zhihui, seated across from him, tapped his fingers on the table.

After a deep sigh, he replied, "Peaceful." His ocean eyes seemed to sift through distant memories, reminiscing as he observed the opulent surroundings.

The main dining area showcased a stunning blend of decor, featuring polished dark wood floors, rich brocade tablecloths, and intricately embroidered silk cushions. Private dining spaces offered intimacy, adorned with images depicting various ferocious beasts.

A tranquil water feature added serenity, and hand-painted murals adorned the ceiling. Waitstaff, dressed in luxurious silk attire, glided through the room, ensuring guests were pampered to perfection.

The dishes on the tables promised a culinary adventure, with delicate dumplings, aromatic teas, and exquisite desserts.

Despite the lavish setting, the only out-of-place figure was the grey-robed, barefooted, and admittedly less-than-fragrant beggar. Stares of disdain and venomous remarks were directed his way, but given Silas's company, most opted not to bother.

"So, are you genuinely a beggar, or a 'disguised senior'?" Silas asked, a grin playing on his face as his dark violet eyes focused on Zhihui. A hint of disbelief tinged his tone.

"A humble beggar," Zhihui muttered with a slight grin, slouching in his chair. "We both are."

In response, Silas raised a brow and chuckled lightly. "I, look like a beggar to you?" he questioned in a playful tone.

"Not in the slightest," the long, raven-haired beggar replied.

"Then what makes you say that?" Silas asked, picking up a gold cup and taking a sip.

"There are those who are a lot... No, a thousand times stronger than us in the world," Zhihui said in a slightly solemn tone. "If someone like that appears and threatens your life, what option do you have other than to beg for mercy and pray they let you live? Nice clothes, money, all of it – can you really say it's your possession?

To more powerful cultivators, we're no different from fruit hanging from a tree in the forest. Think about it, Silas. One day you'll be enjoying a lovely, satisfactory lifestyle, then suddenly, you're sitting on dirt, with a wooden bowl in your hands, wondering about your next meal."

Silas rubbed his chin in thought for a moment before a wide smile spread across his face. "That day will never come," he declared with a laugh. "I will be the one who will be begged by others," a determined glint flashed in his eyes, seeming to pierce into the future.

Zhihui scoffed inwardly. The proud front was merely a mask; he was almost certain that, in the face of death, the young man in front of him would not hesitate to shamelessly beg for his life.

"Alright, alright. The Severus clan's young master, tell me about this opportunity already."

Silas's face turned sour hearing the first few words of the beggar, but it was quickly replaced by one of greed. "As you know, breaking into the foundation establishment realm requires high amounts of heaven and earth energy.

If one simply wanted to break through, they would purchase some eighth, possibly ninth-level Qi condensation demonic cores here.

Or, join a sect, make a few contributions, and gain access to an area concentrated in Qi. But two geniuses like us, how can we settle for this? I aim not just to break through but also to be ahead as soon as I advance!"

Silas' eyes narrowed. "In the mountain areas between here and the Bloodlust Sect, infested by demonic beasts, I received information that there's a 3rd foundation, Double-Headed Fire & Ice python..." he exclaimed with an eager tone and a low voice.

Zhihui squinted his eyes as he focused on the young man's words.

"Ordinarily, going up against this monster would spell death. But recently, some encountered the python – a group of three, each at the third level. I can't say how skilled they were, but clearly not skilled enough.

The double-headed python killed them all... but not without sustaining heavy injuries itself," he continued with a smirk. "And on top of that, it's also going through shedding. I'm sure you know what that means."

Zhihui nodded slightly while he contemplated.

If this doubled-headed python was similar to the snakes back on Earth, then after shedding its old skin, the new skin would be very tender, leaving it vulnerable. And the previous skin would also have grown over its eyes, reducing vision.

"If that was all, it would still be risky to take on the beast," the fox's smile grew wider. "Luckily for us, we have a few...'friends' planning to tackle it."

"I see. Those Bloodlust Sect disciples.."

"Exactly," Silas said. "And they aren't as weak as you may think, with the beast they're up against. I'm sure they've made enough preparations."

A sudden killing intent flashed in Silas's eyes, causing those in the room to pause for a moment, stunned with their hairs standing on end. "Preparations that were gonna make use of..."

"After the battle with the python, they will be exhausted and weak, like, in your words, 'fruit hanging from the tree in a forest', just waiting for us to pick." An insatiable greed radiated off the young man as he spoke.

"Think about it. Two third-level demonic cores that may rocket us both straight to the second level of foundation establishment, maybe even higher! And the Bloodlust Sect disciples' items... and even the possession of the three third-level cultivators which the python killed," his expression turned rosy, brimming with excitement.

"I don't think I need to say anymore." With those words, he stretched out his open palm towards Zhihui, whose mind raced with thoughts.

He was right; this opportunity was truly one he didn't want to miss – the accumulated resources of not just the Bloodlust Sect disciples, but also the three unknown cultivators on top of a demonic beast core that would aid in his cultivation.

Adding on to that the IQ he originally planned to steal from the Bloodlust Sect disciples. Even after the years of living a beggar lifestyle, detaching himself from material things, Zhihui couldn't help but feel inwardly stirred.

Despite the lack of knowledge in the next realm and just how valuable these resources would be, a hunger boiled within him. Greed seeped into his bones, and his gums itched with excitement.

But it was also risky; could the words of the young man be trusted? How strong is the python, and what assurance is there that if things backfire, they won't crash and burn in the aftermath? In Silas's words, with some effort, one could acquire Qi-condensation beast cores here in the city that would help advance to the foundation establishment realm.

It wasn't as if this opportunity was pressing; there was a safer, more controlled way.

Zhihui stared at the young man's hand, his mind caught in a storm, thoughts swirling around like a hurricane. 

After a moment that felt like ages, he shook the fox's hand. 'Can't win if you don't play.'

A deep sigh escaped his mouth, "So, what's the plan?" Zhihui asked.

"It's like this…"

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