
My interracial harem of beautiful queens

In a world where demons and elves coexist, Adam Harris awakens in a strange place, completely without control of his body. His hands are shackled, and sharp spears are pointed at him, ready to pierce him. In a state of shock and panic, he breaks free from his shackles and cries out the question, "What the devil is going on here?" A mysterious and stunning girl, enveloped in a mystical aura, responds to his words. Her eyes glow with bright flame as she turns to Adam, demanding he surrenders. "Surrender, demon!" At that moment, Adam feels a strange warmth inside him and, glancing behind him, discovers soaring black wings. He realizes that he has now become a demon himself and is a prisoner of the elven tribe. However, on the brink of death, when he is about to be executed, a mysterious voice rings out in his head: "'Conquering Queens' system has been successfully activated!" This system offers Adam a chance at survival and the chance to become the lord of a harem where the beautiful elven queens will submit to him. Adam's adventures begin as he plunges into an epic battle for power, love, and freedom. In this world steeped in passion and sexual intrigue, he faces dangerous adversaries and wins the hearts of beauty queens. But at every turn, he is haunted by inner demons and past secrets that could destroy everything he has grown to love and strive to achieve. (R-18 CONTENT!) My Discord - aleksandreev

MisterBombastic · Fantasy
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277 Chs

Shizuya 2 (R-18)

Soft moans came from Shizuya's mouth as she sighed softly into Adam's ear. Her moans were quiet and hard to hear, but every time Adam squeezed her buttocks, her breath hitched and a loud cry came from her mouth.

His cock touched her labia, stretching them but not penetrating. The wet feeling was what Adam felt as he moved closer to her body. Her breasts pressed against his chest while her delicate hands grasped his back.

Rarin had his own atmosphere and through clenched teeth could only watch helplessly as his wife moaned in another man's arms. Although he didn't have feelings for her like before, but he hated the fact that his wife was being touched.

"Even if we divorced... you're still mine, Shizuya!" Rarin shouted loudly, not worrying that the neighbors might hear them. His gaze reflected his most hateful emotions, while his scream was so piercing that if it wasn't for Adam, half the town would have heard him scream.