
My interracial harem of beautiful queens

In a world where demons and elves coexist, Adam Harris awakens in a strange place, completely without control of his body. His hands are shackled, and sharp spears are pointed at him, ready to pierce him. In a state of shock and panic, he breaks free from his shackles and cries out the question, "What the devil is going on here?" A mysterious and stunning girl, enveloped in a mystical aura, responds to his words. Her eyes glow with bright flame as she turns to Adam, demanding he surrenders. "Surrender, demon!" At that moment, Adam feels a strange warmth inside him and, glancing behind him, discovers soaring black wings. He realizes that he has now become a demon himself and is a prisoner of the elven tribe. However, on the brink of death, when he is about to be executed, a mysterious voice rings out in his head: "'Conquering Queens' system has been successfully activated!" This system offers Adam a chance at survival and the chance to become the lord of a harem where the beautiful elven queens will submit to him. Adam's adventures begin as he plunges into an epic battle for power, love, and freedom. In this world steeped in passion and sexual intrigue, he faces dangerous adversaries and wins the hearts of beauty queens. But at every turn, he is haunted by inner demons and past secrets that could destroy everything he has grown to love and strive to achieve. (R-18 CONTENT!) My Discord - aleksandreev

MisterBombastic · Fantasy
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277 Chs


Today Elara's mood was just awful. Her husband, Arannis, had once again been caught cheating. And she was annoyed, not because of jealousy, but because of the feeling that something of yours was being stolen. She gritted her teeth and wanted to make a scandal when she returned home.

However, on the nightstand by their bedroom, she saw a letter that Arannis was going on a business trip to the borders of Elfheim. Although this was normal in wartime, Elara was very annoyed. Because this letter came in the mail, she was furious!

For another week Arannis ignored her and avoided her in every way, not giving Elara a chance to make a scandal. And now he was thousands of miles away!

Annoyed, Elara went to her favorite establishment, an underground bar. Many nobles gather there, for the establishment is a first-class place. Sometimes the prices for a cocktail could be as high as the annual income of a human city.

And the whole reason is the ingredients, which are endangered and do a lot of good for increasing strength. And so, she took the most expensive cocktail and watched with hatred as some prostitute was treated to a cocktail that was more expensive than Elara's!

That's why her mood was terrible, causing others to treat her with caution. That was until Adam came up to her and gave her the most expensive cocktail.

"Who is this man?" Elara was impressed by his generosity and felt interested.

If he can splurge so easily on ordinary cocktails, he is the son of a wealthy family. Elara also noticed his seductive and beautiful appearance, which made her, or rather her younger sister, shudder.

Finally, when Elara drank the cocktail, she felt the most genuine ecstasy. Feeling the rich taste of the cocktail and that sensation of increased strength that she hadn't felt in a long time... Elara decided to get to know the man better.

The man didn't seem to mind, either, and was openly flirting with her. Normally Elara would have interrupted him and humiliated him in front of everyone, but... something about him made her become submissive and feel a sweet sensation in her chest.

"Sir Johnny, you don't need to spend so much money on a miserable woman like me. This is a very expensive cocktail." Elara smiled softly, looking into Adam's eyes.

Johnny is Adam's alias, which he made up before he came in here. Adam, or Johnny, smiled softly at her.

"Mistress Elara, just accept my treat. I was shocked by your beauty, and my heart even beat faster." Adam laughed and smiled softly, nudging the glass toward Elara. "Consider it a small gift in honor of our acquaintance."

"A little present? Sir Johnny, you are a charming man." Elara smiled softly and leaned her body against his, especially her breasts against his muscular arm. Her eyes sparkled, revealing stars. "Except I don't know how I can ever thank you for this gift?"

Elara said it with a note of seduction and expectation, and her green eyes looked directly into the eyes of Sir Johnny, who seemed to understand. He put his hand on Elara's shoulder and smiled softly.

"If Mistress Elara doesn't mind communicating with me, that would already be the greatest gift for me, you know," Adam smirked.

"Of course, yes! It's not a problem at all." Elara stood up straight and smiled. "I'd love your company, too. And... just call me Elara, okay?"

"Haha, good, good! Elara, thank you for your positive response." Adam smiled. "How about we go to a restaurant? It's my treat, of course."

Elara's eyes lit up and filled with anticipation. The restaurant was also part of this bar and was closed to regular guests. Only those who spent a large amount of Dragon Stones (the currency of this world).

And Adam bought three cocktails, the name of which was "Moon Dragon Cocktail" which cost 500 Dragon Stones apiece. And that money could provide a whole city for ten years.

Soon Adam and Elara were led to a somewhat deserted restaurant. Only two people were sitting there, a man and a woman. When they saw Adam and Elara, they stood up and said hello. Adam, of course, greeted them as well.

Although they did not know Adam, the mere possibility of entering here meant wealth and power. So they chatted with them for a long time longer, making Elara feel important and powerful.

Though Adam did not know these two, Elara knew well of the two. One was the head of an Elfheim noble family whose rank was only below that of Elders. In simpler terms, a Duke.

And it was his wife, an equally important and influential woman. She controlled many businesses in the capital and thanks to her the family fortune grew to staggering proportions. Elara was proud and pleased.

Her eyes sparkled when she saw the confident Adam and his noble and elegant demeanor. It was worth saying that even upon seeing such influential people, Adam showed no panic and interacted with them very politely as well as cheerfully.

Five minutes later, they ended the conversation with a good word. Both sides felt the joy of this meeting and seemed eager to meet again.

"Mr. Ronald, Mistress Rosa, I am very happy to meet you and hope that we can talk to each other more often." Adam smiled softly and shook Ronald's hand.

"Johnny, just call me Ronald. Now you are an important friend of mine and a friend of the entire Erivia family! Here, is my family badge. In every corner of Elfheim, you will be treated as I am if you show this badge!"

Adam and Elara were presented with two badges that bore a gold emblem. Adam smiled softly and bowed elegantly.

"Rosa, I had no idea you had such exquisite taste that matched my preferences!" Elara smiled softly, holding both of Rosa's hands.

The two women seemed to become friends. Adam smiled softly and after some speeches, they parted. Adam and Elara took the tables and waited for the officer. Adam, meanwhile, pondered a little while Elara looked at him.

Her eyes, which were a delicate green, burned as brightly as streetlights. In those dazzling eyes, one could see affection and joy. Elara rejoiced as she remembered the relationship she had built with "Johnny".

And given the badge, Elara could now walk around with her head held high, and as long as it wasn't the Queen or the elders, Elara could act arrogantly and she would get nothing for it. She smiled brightly in her mind, but outwardly she behaved modestly.

She had a goal in mind - to seduce Adam. Even if it meant cheating on her husband, Elara was willing to do it.

"So what if I cheat on him? He cheated on me first!" Elara trembled with anger as she remembered Arannis, and then she sighed. "Okay, calm down, Elara, calm down! Tonight is your chance to be an important part of the secular world. I mustn't screw it up!"

With a soft smile, Elara ordered. Surprisingly, she did not take the most expensive dishes and took only those that would not hit Adam's wallet too hard.

Adam was surprised, as he expected Elara to suddenly pull a vacuum cleaner out of nowhere and shove the muzzle of the vacuum cleaner into his purse until there wasn't even one Dragonstone bronze left!


Friends, in connection with the contract, I'm opening up the goals through which you can get more chapters.

Inspiration capsule = +1 chapter (max 2/d)

Massage chair = +2 chapter

Luxury car = +3 chapter

Dragon = +5 chapter

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