
Please Take Good Care of Her (1)

That evening, Daryle mustered her strength after having taken a nap the whole afternoon. She wasn't aware that while she was soundly asleep on Nero's arms, he managed to arrange few things.

Nero contacted the hotel staff to bring some evening gowns for his wife to change into for their dinner with the Marquez's. Although Daryle might not be stranger to the Marquez, Nero want her to slowly adopt a social life. In the near future, they will be engaging in many business meetings which will surely require some dressing up and socializing.

"So beautiful!!! What have I done to meet this darling wife of mine?" Nero held Daryle's hand to help her stand after getting dressed up.

"Silly !!! If not because of your clumsiness, I'm sure you're already becoming a monkey on those mountains." She pouted and poked at his nose.

"Well, I'm glad I was clumsy then! I could not have fallen into your hands now." Nero let her sit on his lap and embraced her possessively.

"Didn't you say we need to go up now? I can walk now, I just need to hold on to your arm." She tried to move away from him before he gets the chance to mark her again with another kiss.

"I'll carry you hun.I'm sure it still hurts down there" He said shamelessly as he pulled her back.

Before she could resist, she was already lifted from her feet into his strong arms. He headed to the door and closed the room with his feet.

While he was walking along the corridor to the lift, he kissed her repeatedly that Daryle needed to hide her face against his chest to evade his lips.

"Nero, put me down! You are already too much!!!" Daryle was kicking her feet and pounding his chest to free herself.

"Ha! ha! ha!...Look who's in my arms! Didn't I find a wife to dote on?" Nero said as he passed by some cleaners along the corridor. Those cleaners were rather embarrassed seeing them doing intimate things so openly.

" I'm warning you Mr. Carlson, don't ever touch me tonight or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!" Daryle said angrily when they were inside the lift.

"Mrs. Carlson is mad at me ..look at her! All I did was to make her feel my love.... But she's more beautiful if she's mad like that." Nero mumbled as he stared intently at his frowning wife. He found it so cute and adoring of her. He is also completely aware that he is pushing her a bit too quickly. He just wanted to see this side of her as well as let her see this side of him. Anyway, they have all the time to get to know each other. He should take it easy. What's important is that they chose to commit to each other in marriage. There's nothing more fulfilling than to know that someone committed to accept you and stay by your side for the rest of her life.

He held his wife's hand as they stepped out of the lift. He draped his arm on her shoulder as they entered the restaurant. They found their name on the table beside the window. Not long after, Mr. and Mrs. Marquez arrived.

Nero signaled the waiters for the menu, passed it to the elderly couple then to Daryle.

"Hun, no alcohol for you." He said as he handed the menu to her.

Daryle looked up at him puzzled. Her face changed its expression. She didn't know whether to laugh or get mad at him. 'What do you think of me?'

Mr. and Mrs Marquez were amused looking at them getting along well so quickly. After the waiter took their orders, they started chatting lighty.

"I'm so glad you two could adjust comfortably so quickly." Mrs Marquez opened up.

"Yeah, actually I felt I have known Daryle for quite long time. I don't feel awkward at all. It's surprising really." Nero said as he draped his arm around Daryle's shoulder.

"So what's you plan after this? Are you going to settle here or take her home? " Mayor Marquez asked sincerely.

"That's exactly why I called you tonight Mayor. " Nero replied.

"Hmmmmm... what do you mean by that?" Mayor Marquez was confused.

"I want to personally get involved in this Charity work. My wife's parents also wish to see their granchildren raised here. Which I'd love to." Nero explained and turned to look at his wife who was nodding at what he said. "Hun, do you want to say something?" he kissed her at the side of her head while squeezing her against him.

"Yeah, uncle and aunty, actually, when I heard your plan about putting up a foundation after Charles, I wanted to get involved also. I could study medicine and be a doctor. I think it will not take me too long to finish that course." Daryle said.

"Are you not suppose to build your own school? Your family is already a whole faculty for a school." Mrs. Marquez was surprised.

"As for now, I don't see that as my direction. I never desired to be confined inside a classroom aunty. " Daryle said.

The food was served and each one ate with grace while lightly chatting about the foundation. The location, the dimensions of the building, the staff, the budget, the permit and all.

Hi dear readers, this should have come first before tge second one. Please pardon my carelessness. Hope you. an figure it out. Enjoy!


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