
Meeting his in-laws

"Daddy, Mommy, I'd like you to meet Mr. Nero Carlson. Mr. Carlson, these are my parents. " Daryle sat beside Nero as the four gathered around the dining room. Mrs. Duran has already cooked for dinner when Daryle and Nero arrived as they talked more time at the Mayor's office.

"What does Mr. Carlson have to do with you?" Mr. Duran tried to sound ignorant of what he was seeing. He didn't want to conclude yet.

"He is the beneficiary of Charles' eyes. We met at the Capital City. We accidentally came to know each other in our trip back here. We felt everything was arranged for us...." Daryle began.

"So you are in the stage of knowing each other yet right?" Mr. Duran asked both of them.

Nero smiled and looked at Daryle lovingly. Before he spoke Daryle continued, " Daddy, it may sound too sudden but I knew he is the right one for me. Charles specifically told his parents to look for a single young man who can have his eyes. I believe he wanted that man to find me after he is gone. So... sweetie, do you want to say something?" Daryle looked up Nero as she squeezed his hand.

Nero smiled and nodded continuously then spoke. "Mr. and Mrs. Duran, I came here few weeks ago to find Charles' parents so I could talk about supporting their charity foundations. That is when I've learned from Mr. Marquez that his son has made them promise to donate his eyes to a single man. Twice I left Capital city coming up north, I saw this beautiful lady behind the counter and I was so captivated by her. Something was kinda tugging my eyes and heart to look at her. The third time is this morning when we finally sat beside each other on our way here. Sounds really funny but that's how we started." Nero paused to clear his throat and assess the atmosphere around him.

Seeing that Mr. and Mrs. Duran were silent, he continued, "Mr. and Mrs. Duran, I am a single man, 25 years old and have been trying to live an extremely adventurous life before. That bad fall from the cliff turned my life into a completely new direction. Seeing Daryle here makes me want to settle as soon as possible and start a new fulfilling life with her. I loved her the moment I saw her." He said. His right hand squeezing Daryle's left hand.

"So, are you saying you have already something in between?" Mrs. Duran spoke up.

Daryle nodded. Nero glanced at her and smiled sweetly. "Yes Ma'am. You're right. We talked about this along our way here. It may be too sudden but as Daryle said, its a matter of choice. We can choose to love each other no matter how long or short we've known each other right, honey?" he said turning his head to stare at Daryle's side view. Her long curled eyelashes looked so adorable with her small pointed nose and red round cherry lips. Nero stared at this side profile of hers and was lost in thought for a while.

"Hmmmmm!!! Hmmmmm...!!! So what are you saying, I don't want to conclude right away?" Mr. Duran cleared his throat then clarified what was obvious.

"We want to get married as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Duran, can I ask for your daughter's hand? I have never been this captivated before. I love your daughter so much!" He said nervously. It was his first time feeling nervous of something.

Nero looked at Daryle whose head was bowed as she listened to them. Her hand squeezing Nero's hand as if to assure him that she was listening. This gave Nero the confidence tp speak more.

"Daryle, what can you say about this? You are of right age already to decide for yourself. Although, you still need our consent. That's up to us. " Mr. Duran asked his daughter whose head was still bowed.

Daryle lifted up her head. "Dad, Mom... I agreed to marry him. I don't think delaying this can do any better. There's no difference. It's a matter of choice. After all, Charles' wish for me before he oassed away was to be with the man who gets his eyes." Daryle said confidently.

"Alright then, what can we say. You are already of right age. I cannot stop you or dictate you anymore. It's your life. I'm giving my blessings to both of you!" Mr. Duran said as he kiftrf his fork and spoon to start eating. They all ate in high spirits. Nero and Daryle smiled at each other sweetly as they exchanged gazes. Nero kissed her forehead before starting his food.

"We'll go to apply for marriage license tomorrow sir!" Nero said as he scooped food into his mouth.

"What? That soon?" Mrs. Duran blurted out again shoxked as she was.

"Yes mom. We already talked about this. Don't worry mom. I think his information given by the hospital is reliable enough." Daryle said.

"I only have her in my heart. You don't have to worry about it. sir, madame. " Nero knew they will doubt his identity and intention.

"Okay. So be it. But don't go overseas! I want to see my grandchildren grow up here!" Mr. Duran demanded.

"Daddy!" Daryle laughed as she stared at her dad's ridiculous expression.