
My school

The sunrise in the morning and make the light through my room window. I almost think it was Friday so make me early wnt some.

"other day to school," I said and slowly getting a bath. My mom makes breakfast as usual but my dad and my brother. They still sleeping it already 0650 am. Ughh just forgets it. I had breakfast and wait for my driver to take me school. My parents are busy so they don't have time to take me and my brother to school but I still greed full to have them for my life. Sometimes my parents make me feel pain or something hurt. Maybe they want me to learn about life I guess.

"Hey, What time do you get home? Wanna you want me to take you home?" said Aunt Ana, my driver. "Actually can't you take me home at 230pm I going to be late because of the training," I answer her question.

At school again, I always lazy to school. I wonder why. As usual, the teacher asks us to make a line every class and gender. I will always be the first person in the line of my class although I am the tallest girl. It gets weird and weird.

"Tira can't you be the in front with me. Please only for today." I beg her because I don't want Mrs.Tan to check my journal. It was my unlucky day for me yesterday."Alright only for today" said Tira, her words really make me happy.