
My Infinity

NaomiSamuel · Celebrities
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15 Chs


Suzy wake up alone on the bed, she immediately dressed up and left the room, she couldn't bare to see Taehyung, she was done having her bath when she saw him in her room

"Huuh" she said awkwardly

"Good morning" he smiled brightly at her as she blush

"What are you doing here?"

"Because I dont want you acting awkward towards me, last night was.... "

"Please dont talk about it" she interrupted


"It never happened, nothing happened "

"You want us to live in lies"

"We have been living in lies , consider it as me paying off my debt"

"Then you will have to pay again, cause right now you look tempting in that towel" seductively

She took a step back as she tighten her grip around the towel

"What has came over you?"

"You should have thought about what it will lead to when you wear that gown last night"

"You bought that gown, why are you blaming me?"

He was moving towards her as she kept backing away until she was trapped between him and the wall, he lean close as if he was going to kiss her

"You were my first and am yours, you have awoken a desire which has been sealed for long"

"There are other women out there" suggested

"The one my body want is you" he covered his mouth against hers as he roughly pull her hard against him so she could feel his erection, he carried her in his arms as he pressed her against the wall, he unzip his trouser as he roughly thrust into her, they both moan as she began to ride him, he smiled in pleasure as he hungrily kissed her

"You want me too, you cant deny it suzy"

"Damn it..." she moan as she shudder in release, she cried in pleasure when he thrust deeply as he also shudder in release

He kissed her gently on her lips before pulling out of her "I will be going to the office now, see you later in the evening "

"Hmmm" she said

"Dont go out, its dangerous cause of the paparazzi"

"I wont"

He stare at her eyes searching to see if she is telling the truth

"Very well then"

Suzy went back to the shower and wash up when he left, she no longer understand her relationship with taehyung

Her phone was ringing it was changwook, she picked the call immediately but regretted it.

"How could you?"


"I love you for screaming out loud, why him? Why does it have to be him?"

"Oppa listen "

"He only wants to use you then dump you"

She couldn't bear it, she hung up as she lay down on the bed and fall asleep

She woke up when she heard a sound, she ran downstairs thinking it was Taehyung or jang, she was shocked to see jennie

She was shocked when she smirk and then clap her hands, some huge men came in, suzy was scared as she tried to run but she got hit by one of the men.

"Stay away from my man you slut, look I have found the stupid contract between you and taehyung" she threw the documents at her

"Why are you doing this?"

"Soon enough, the press will be here to see everything"

Changwook was furious, he was surprised to see the gate open and filled with paparazzi, he saw suzy being drag and beaten, he made his way towards them to save her, he punched the man who hit her


"Get her out of my fiancee's house" jennie yelled as she began to fake tears

Taehyung was shocked when jang rushed to him and play him the video, he drove home but couldn't find suzy, he tried calling her, he saw her phone in her room, he screamed in frustration , he ask jang to search for her while he went to confront jennie

He was angry as he roughly grab her neck, she was struggling against him when their parent came to her rescue

He was shocked when his mother slapped him hard on his cheek " How dare you?"

He only glare at her as he turn to jennie "if anything ever happens to her, be ready to die by my hands" he barked angrily as he hit his hand on the wall

"Stop the pretence child, we saw your contract with her"

"I dont love your daughter and will never marry her" he growled as he walked out.

He received a call from Jang telling him he has found suzy, he rushed to the address sent to him just to find her in changwook's bloody arms , she was crying while he comfort her.

He clenched his fist in anger as he walk towards them

"Suzy" she was startled when she heard his voice as she gently pull away from changwook

"Suzy let's go" changwook said in anger


"Are you alright?" Taehyung said ignoring changwook, his heart clench in pain when he saw the blood on her lips