

Survival of the fittest. this is the law of the world were Gabriel was born. Gabriel the first son of the current king of dragon roar kingdom. but he was born powerless. he wasn't able to absorb Mana, How will Gabriel live in a world that swallowed the weak. How will Gabriel survive, the clutch of his brothers who saw him as a threat to the throne. will Gabriel be able to survive in this kind of world, or will he perish. It's one of those predictable novel, but is gonna be a blast.

HeavenlyMighty · Fantasy
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4 Chs

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Where am I? Gabriel asked himself as he looked around. This place is really creepy,he thought to himself, shiver!! He shivered due to both fear and cold. there is nothing here only a space of total nothingness and darkness.

Any body there? Gabriel asked, but only a creepy silence followed. Gabriel shivered again but this time due to fear.

What am even doing here? Did I die? Is this were dead people stay? 

My mother, I will never see her again.

And my sister, she must be sad. At this point Gabriel could not think rationally, he was panicking.

 Pheew!!!, Gabriel took a deep breath to clear his mind.

Calm down and think.he told himself. 

Gabriel has never been the type to lose his cool, no matter the situation, he had the ability to control his rationality. 

Any body there? he asked again. But this this time he was cooler and less panicky than before. 

Suddenly Gabriel noticed a twist in space, and before he can move he was drawn inside by the suction force.

Urgh! Gabriel groaned as hr stood up from the ground. The opening in space had dropped him on the ground from an unreasonable hieght, its a miracle he did not break a few bone. Whoever or whatever caused that space opening must be an asshole, Gabriel thought inwardly.

Woow!!! Gabriel exclaimed in astonishment, as he looked around the scenery around him.. I really made heaven!! He shouted in an upbeat manner.

Gabriel found him self on a really weird, but beautiful place. It wacloserarden like environment. With blue stream, and different colours of flower in different part of this endless garden. Of course all these are normal traits of a garden, apart from it being endless.but this garden also had a mountain, this is not very weird, but then its an ice mountain.

The Mountain caught Gabriel's attention because of it contrast to every other thing in the garden.

Gabriel moved closer to the mountain to have a better look.

There is cave here? he thought to himself. He looked around, warily before entering the cave.

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!...

All the fire began lighting themselves, immediately Gabriel entered the cave.

Damn! I almost got a heart attack, here.

Be prepared for the unexpected, when entering any where noted. Gabriel thought to him self.

Who is there? Gabriel asked. Hr waited for an answer bet after receiving none he gave up.

He walked gently into the now lit cave.this place is really creepy, Gabriel thought to himself As he navigated deeper into the cave.

Argghhhhh!!! Gabriel yelped in fear, as he felt like he was touched by someone. He turned sharply to see who it was, but he received the highest scare of his life.

Hanging from the wall of the interior of the mountain. Was a snake beast. What the hell he screamed in fear as he scurried away fearfully from the beast.

Due to Gabriel past experience with snakes, not even past, the reason he don't know where he is, he now had a special fear for them. 

Gabriel continued moving back till his back hit the Wall, while the snake refused to back down and continued coming after him. Gabriel desperately tried to find an escape to his current predicament. His current situation looked really familiar to him. 

Gabriel was helpless back then when he encountered, the toxic snake back then in his room. He was also helpless now, but this time he isn't going down without struggling to survive.

He looked around to see for an escape root, and he saw one. It was a staircase, he knew that cause he could see the first three stairs from his current position. But there was a problem. The staircase was behind the snake. And he had to go past the fast approaching beast, and it was gonna be tough considering the best was already too close. It now or never he thought, as he prepared for his grand escape. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath. Grrrrrhh!! The beast growled as it open its mouth to swallow the human in front of it. 

It raised it upper body, standing only with its lower body. It bited down on Gabriel, but Gabriel would not let it, as the head of the snake closed on him, he bent down, and rolled out from the beast's confinement. He stood up immediately and made a run for the stairs, he ran to were ever the stairs took him not looking back at all. 

Gabriel ran till he got to the ending of the stairs, he looked around and found a door not to far from his position. He walked to the door with his heart beating. He opened the door but unlike he expected he found a well furnished apartment.

How the heck did somebody build something like this on a mountain? he thought to himself as he walked into the apartment. Any body here? He asked as he walked deeper into the apartment. 

 Don't move stand exactly where you are and answer all my questions, do otherwise and you are a goner, Gabriel heard suddenly from his back. Now, who are you? the stranger asked him. Gabriel thought of how to answer his question and decided to just tell the stranger the truth about himself.

I am Gabriel, the first prince of Dragon roar kingdom. Ohh the trash prince of the Dragon roar the stranger said. Gabriel was not surprised the stranger knows him, his kingdom was well known, and him he was even more popular. He was popularly referred to as the trash prince.

You can call me what you like Gabriel replied to the stranger. He has gotten used to being called trash, does not mean he now enjoyed it. He still hated it. You are really confident, don't you think the stranger asked Gabriel as she chuckled amused by Gabriel earlier outburst. She was of course surprised to see that Gabriel could maintain his calm in this situation. He waited to know if Gabriel will answer to his earlier compliment but just as expected he did not get any response.She went to stand in front of Gabriel, she raised his head to look at her. You are also handsome I must say but then you are so weak that I feel I might break you by mistake. Gabriel shivered as he heard her, he knew she wasn't joking, he felt her power an it made him fell like an ant in the front of an elephant. Have a seat and relax I was cooking before you invaded my house.

Gabriel was surprised she was letting him go just like that. She did not even ask him how he got to her house. But we'll he was grateful she did not kill him right off. Thank you. he thanked her as he went to sit down on the sofa.