
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Back to the depths you go

Perspective : Conrad Garnier

{ Dream }

(What is this?)

I found myself sinking downwards, as the world around me dissolved in an endless expanse of desolation, into an unfathomable sea that stretched as far as the eye can see. Its depths were void of light that engulfed me in a suffocating darkness, that weighed upon my very soul.

And yet, it was soothing.

I found solace in my eerie solitude.

I was sinking further and further, into that bottomless sea, a sense of hopelessness clung to me like a relentless specter.

The inky waters, thick and oppressive , coiled around me constricting my every movement.

(For the life of me .... I can't remember what was I doing?)

(Nor do I remember, who am I?)

That was when, I felt the currents of the water suddenly shifting, sending a shiver down my spine.

A disturbance, an anomaly in that desolate sea. Began hurtling upward towards me.

Curiosity caught me, compelled me to steal a glimpse of that enigma, that dared to disrupt my eerie tranquility.

As I strained my eyes, a shadow emerged from the depths, ascending with immense speed.

In a fraction of a second our eyes met, and dread blanketed my soul like a suffocating veil.

The thing that I saw, was a shadow, an embodiment of darkness.

Yet, Interestingly, it's form mirrored mine with chilling precision. Its appearance bore the mark of suffering, eyes consumed by an abyss of torment and a maniacal grin that defied reason.

It's presence exuded an unhinged madness, a sinister aura that I seemed to be familiar with.


(I don't even know, Who I am?)

(But I know him better than myself?)


As that thing went past me, a sense of urgency pulsated through my veins.

My senses screaming me to go after it.

Yet, I wasn't able to move,

I tried to move my hands and legs. But my hands and legs felt like mere weights, refusing to respond to my desperate plea of movement.

Suddenly, the tranquil and solace darkness I befriended, felt hollow and lacking.

It was no longer soothing nor comforting, rather It became hauntingly quiet, my mind beckoning me to release myself, I kept trying.

It was as if the laws of that twisted reality had conspired against me.

I was struggling against some invisible shackles that binded me. It was dragging me deeper and deeper.

(No !)

(I refuse to accept this)

(I will not give in)

I summoned every ounce of my strength to propel myself upward. The water's resistance threatened to engulf me, but I persevered, With my strength and my will I shattered those shackles and went after that shadow.

Yet, just as I approached that enigmatic shadow,

my eyes widened in disbelief.

Countless replica of that ominous figure materialized around me, forming a congregation.

Those doppelgangers, resembled remnants of past that I would rather forget, leering at me with piercing, haunting gazes.

(Why are they here?)

[Sarcastic meaning

(Noo ... I don't remember you!)

(I won't remember you)

(I have nothing to do with you)]

Their collective presence excluded, an unsettling aura, a reminder of things that I had thought I left behind.

With a twisted symphony of their silent whispers, they conspired to drag me down, deeper on to the darkness.

Against the merciless force of their grip, my futile struggles were like that of a fragile butterfly caught in a tempest.

The bottomless sea beckoned me, it's dark promising an eternal embrace, But even on that face of that monstrous opposition, a flicker of determination ignited within me.

I yearned to break free from their clutches, as they dragged me deeper and deeper.

The battle raged on, I clung to the hope that I would emerge victorious.

While, I was being dragged deeper and deeper by those eerie apparitions, their whispers invaded my ears.

Their cries blurred my conscience.

"Why ?".

"why ?".


They were demanding answers and seeking acknowledgement. That I refused to give them.


(I had nothing to do with that).

(I don't know any of you).

Their intent was clear to burden me with the weight of my past, to ensure that I remain forever sunked in the floor of my conscience. So, that thing may take my place.

(No .. I refuse to acknowledge you).

(You all are nothing to me ... like the countless pile .. I don't give a damn about any of you).

(I don't care .... I don't care)

In that moment a new surge of will power and control, developed within me, with my determination.

(I won't acknowledge them).

I made my choice.

As soon as I mustered the strength to do so, they disappeared into nothingness, disappearing forever into the void of things I will never acknowledge.

With my new found power of denial, I ascended towards that shadow.

(That is not where you belong?)

(You cannot take my place)

I caught up to that shadow, that had haunted me for so long, influencing me from within,

It was time, I showed him, that his emotions have nothing to do with me.

With a firm grip on it's legs, I summoned every ounce of strength within me and hurled it back to the depths, from which it came.

The shadow, forceful and oppressive was no match for my tenacity.

As it descended a sense of liberation washed over me.

Now, I had reclaimed mine perspective.

{ Conrad awaking }

Perspective : Regina Clement

We had walked enough, Elkdrack with Conrad on his back looked exhausted.

It was difficult for us to walk as fast as Emilia and the others.

We had encountered some resistance, but they were just, small worker ants, that I and Kyle dispatched effortlessly.

Now, in a secluded chamber of the cavern, we had decided to take rest.

Elkdrack positioned Conrad on the ground, with him leaning beside him, he took a breather.

The air was still damped with the stench of those insects.

Elkdrack asked,

"How much time has it been since they left on their own?".

Kyle, now behaving in a down to earth manner said,

"According to my hour glass ... it has been almost 4 hours".

Leaving Kyle on his own, to think and recuperate, had made him back to himself.

But he still wants to stop them, and reassemble our expedition's party, even if he was no longer in charged.

I don't know whether that was because of his own selfish reasons or, did he actually wanted to save all of us.

But one thing was clear, even though, since, our separation we hadn't encountered anything that threatening, like our previous insane encounters. We might encounter them in future, and that may be our last, engagement.

We might find ourselves alone and separated, and at the end of our line.

Clinging to the possibility that, "If we were together".

Patrick asked me,

"Aren't you tired... why don't you rest and let me keep watch?".

I with the intention to decline his generosity, replied.

"No.. You guys took care of Conrad for me ... that's the least I can do".

Patrick replied,

"Conrad is our buddy too ... you know".

Elkdrack interrupted and said,

"Hey Regina ... take him up on his offer ... I know you would rather be on Conrad's side than .. standing there staring nothing".

I replied,

"Staring nothing... I am keeping watch... ".

Elkdrack replied,

"We have seen you zoning out ..... you are pushing yourself too hard ... now take some rest".

With that, Patrick while looking at me, tilted his head slightly and raised an eye brow.

Gesturing me, that it won't matter what I say, they wouldn't let me keep watch any longer.

I submitting to their request, resigned myself towards Conrad, sitting beside him. While admiring his beauty as he slept.

Elkdrack commented,

"Look at him... he is out like a log ... maybe Patrick's spell did wonders on his wound".

Patrick replied,

"We won't know that until he wakes up".

Elkdrack said,

"Come on ... don't be a buzz kill ... accept your compliment".

Patrick replied,

" I didn't knew that was a compliment? ... ".

Elkdrack said,

"Then what do you think that was ...? ... just accept it already".

"Your spell worked... and Conrad is healed".

Patrick said,

"Then, we will never know that until he wakes up ... maybe there is still some internal injury that is left unhealed".

Elkdrack replied,

"Stop saying that man ... you are making Regina worried".

Patrick apologized,

"Sorry ... but still as a healer... I can't be certain until I hear from my patient themselves".