
Chapter 8

  The next day, she called in sick and decided to not go to the school. She couldn't face him if he came! Moreover, she wasn't in the right senses, her eyes were puffy from crying a lot.

  Her emotions were all mixed up. On one hand, she was sad and angry about the betrayal. She could cry hours for that, and she did - but then she would be confused and try to clear his name just for the sake of satisfaction within her heart. Then she would also get happy thinking about their last kiss, which would soon turn into sadness when she realised that those kisses must have been fake.

  She didn't know how to feel at all. She should have felt horrible and numb, but instead, she was fucked up.

  Sarah visited her after school and took care of her. She told her that she was feeling some sort of headache and shrugged off the whole topic, while Sarah also scolded her for not informing about her condition earlier.