
My Inauspicious Life

Seo-jun finds himself in another world in the body of a minor antagonist character of a book he's read before. What happens when he discovers there is more to this minor character than the book let on to? *Rewrite available. It's called 'My Not So Auspicious Route'. Excerpt: Once he deemed his hair dry enough, he quickly rubbed the dye into the tips of his hair. The shower beside him turned off. He changed into his uniform and stepped out at the same time as the person in the stall beside him. "Oh, how heartless of you to leave me," Mikyle teased Seo-jun as soon as he saw him. Of course! The other person just had to be the prince! Seo-jun was ready to spit out a reply when he realized the prince was only wearing a bathrobe. . .a loosely done one at that. Seo-jun caught a peek of toned pecs and chiseled abs. He quickly averted his eyes. The prince really was unfairly good looking. The prince chuckled at his reaction. "Not the usual reaction but you must have liked what you saw, your ears are burning." "They are not!" Seo-jun snapped, snapping his eyes to the prince in anger. Mikyle leaned down, bringing his face closer to Seo-jun's. A hand came up and brushed a piece of hair away from his face. "They are." Mikyle was so close that his breath fanned across Seo-jun's face.

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19 Chs

What is With This Situation? Part 2

Seo-jun stood up to exit the carriage but a hand, not so gently, pushed him back down on the seat. "Show some respect," Christian's pale lips were pulled into a sneer, twisting his handsome face. "Let your older brothers off first."

He wanted to argue but shut his mouth when he remembered that Adrien was only fifteen while Christian and Bayley were seventeen. He was thankful for Nadeline and her visits, otherwise Seo-jun would be completely clueless about him and his new family. She had given him a brief overview of all the members' interests, dislikes, and birthdays. She even explained the reason behind the wacky hair color.

Elementalists existed in this world. Not everyone possessed that power but those that did would have hair and eye colors that personified the type of power they possessed. The Mallorne's were a family that carried the water elemental gene henceforth blue hair and blue eyes ran dominant in the family.

Bayley stepped out of the carriage shortly followed by Christian. It had only taken half of the carriage ride there for him to realize that Christian found mirth in antagonizing him while Bayley would stay quiet. Though Seo-jun did notice that his new older brother seemed more lenient toward Christian's antagonistic and rude behavior but would reprimand Seo-jun if he so much as sigh or role his eyes during Christian's fits. With a deep, calming breath, Seo-jun stood up for the second time and finally exited the carriage.

In front of him was a typical view from right out of an anime that took his breath away. The large, pristine school was a beautiful structure that was situated on an even more beautiful plot of land that painted a serene picture. Flowering trees of various sorts lined the walkways, wrought iron benches were positioned throughout various spots lining the walkways. He couldn't see it from here but knew that there was a lake somewhere on the campus.

The four-story main lecture hall was made up of red bricks. Tall stone pillars lined the front of the building and the steps that led to the large wooden doors that was the main entrance. Large, inviting windows were on every floor.

Seo-jun pulled the strap of his shoulder bag closer to him. The dormitories were located behind the school's main building.

Classes didn't start until the next morning so he still had plenty of time to familiarize himself with the area. Slowly but with purposeful strides, he followed Nadeline's directions in the hope of arriving at his room without incident or getting lost.

He took the path on the right which led to the boys' dormitory. A gentle breeze swept through, gently tousling his hair. Flower petals drifted through the air, carrying a sweet scent. This really was a picturesque place.

Students walked by, some at a leisurely pace while others rushed by. One person with vibrant green hair was swinging on a canopy made from vines that grew out of one of the trees. Flowers adorned the girl's hair and Seo-jun wondered if she had the earth element.

He passed by a pair of boys that had wooden swords drawn in a mock battle. There were a gaggle of girls sitting on a large blanket, having a picnic.

The dorm for the boys came into view before long. The same person who designed the school also designed the dormitory based on how the two buildings looked, if Seo-jun had to guess.

Entering the building through the front door were two familiar figures. Seo-jun stopped in his movement and watched quietly as his two brothers strutted in. He wasn't looking forward to being in school with them but the good news was that they were attending their last year, so Seo-jun will have two years of blissful school life away from them after they graduate at the end of the year.

He entered the building. The foyer was a large open area that led to an even larger sitting area. There were large potted plants stationed under and near the large windows. Some of the seats had boys in them but the room was surprisingly scarce of activity.

Following Nadeline's instructions, he made his way up to the third floor. His room should be the fifth door down the right.

He slowly made his way down the hallway and gave a simple knock on the door. When no one answered, he pushed the door open. The room was three times the size as the bedroom he had been locked in at the manor. There was a large four-poster bed up against one wall and a small sitting area nestled against the large windows on the wall farthest from him.

There was a door to his left and when he opened it, he found a walk-in closet. His mouth watered at the sight of all the expensive looking clothes and neatly pressed school uniforms. Seo-jun absentmindedly ran his hand over the smooth, soft fabric. It appeared that the Mallorne's allowed Adrien to dress like the noble that he was while at school.

He sat his bag down and decided to change into a more comfortable outfit before going back out. He wanted to find the library and do some light reading on this world before classes begin.

The soft material of the gray trousers he had picked out felt wonderful against his skin. He didn't need to know much about clothing to know that this was made with expensive material. Once he finished dressing, he left the room.

The library was located in the main building and was located on the third floor. When Seo-jun entered through the large opened doors, his breath hitched and his heart stopped before kicking into overdrive. The library was easily the size of the Mallorne manor and even had a second floor. Books lined the walls and the shelves in the middle of the aisleways.

With reverent eyes, Seo-jun made his way to the history section. He quickly scanned over the books, looking for ones that would be the most helpful. It was a really good thing that he could read the language because it sure as hell wasn't written in Korean, it also wasn't English or Chinese.

After loading up his arms, he found a seat underneath an alcove in the back. He put his stack down onto the table and plopped down, eager for the new knowledge that he was about to obtain.

Hours passed by with Seo-jun bent over his seat, enthralled in his reading. This world contained five major continents and seven minor ones. From his understanding, he was currently in the Velron Kingdom located on the Esurian Continent.

A chair scraped against the floor. "Wow! You must really like to read," a deep, silky voice spoke to him.

Seo-jun felt his heart flutter. It was a little ridiculous that a voice could do that to him. No, it was crazy that someone actually had a voice like that.

He placed a marker on his page and looked up. "I do." He was going to say more but the words suddenly died in his throat. No, the words didn't die but his mouth certainly became dry.

The person who had sat down at his table was a tall and extremely handsome man. His blonde hair shone like gold in the light and his red eyes sparkled like freshly polished rubies. His cat-like eyes were framed in long lashes and his skin was flawless. If Seo-jun had ever questioned his sexuality in the past then there was no need to now. The man sitting in front of him was breathtakingly gorgeous.

The handsome man arched one finely shaped eyebrow. "Are you all right?"

"Gorgeous," Seo-jun murmured. His eyes widened and the tips of his ears became hot when he realized that he had spoken out loud. With klutzy hands, he gathered up all the books he had been reading and bolted toward the check-out desk.

He was a coward. One extremely embarrassed coward. How could he have been so stupid to say that out loud?

After checking out the books, he left the library and decided to head back to his room. At least there he couldn't embarrass himself or get himself into unwanted trouble.

He really hoped that he didn't have any classes with that guy.

Sitting the books down on the small table, he sat down to read. His mind kept drifting every so often. Really, how could he have said something so embarrassing?

After a few hours, he finally decided to give up on reading. He flipped the book that he had been reading over and got up to look for something to mark his spot with, not wanting to dog-ear the page. He went over to the writing desk and pulled open the biggest drawer first. Nestled inside was a sketchbook and two song books. He had an haha moment when he saw the tip of a bookmarker in one of the song books.

He withdrew the bookmarker and the sketchbook before closing the drawer. He walked back over to where he had been reading and placed the bookmarker, a small silver clip with an aquamarine gem on it, inside the history book he had been reading. He then made his way over to the bed with the sketchbook in hand. Seo-jun's eyes began to close and he drifted off to sleep after staring intently at the drawings that had been hidden away.

Seo-jun woke up early the next morning and got dressed. The school uniform consisted of light bluish-gray trousers, a white silk shirt, and a bluish-gray blazer that had the initials of the academy stitched in white on the left breast pocket. The material was nice and comfortable and the outfit didn't look too bad. Seo-jun had to admit that anything would look good on Adrien's body. Adrien was definitely pretty for a boy, though Seo-jun missed the height he had in his previous life, he even missed the little tear mole under his right eye.

After grabbing the necessary materials for classes which were mainly things to write with since textbooks were kept in the classrooms, he shoved them into his shoulder bag before leaving the room. He had also thrown in an art book that he had found in the writing desk just in case he needed something to do during breaks.

The pathways were filled with students leisurely walking to class. He had left early enough to make it before the last minute student rush. The morning air was crisp but with the promise of a warmer afternoon.

The walk to the main educational building where most of the rudimentary classes were held was peaceful and he was easily able to find his classroom.

He didn't know how Nadeline did it but she was somehow able to figure Adrien's entire schedule and where each of his classes were held. It was a little creepy and kind of stalkerish but really handy.

He entered the room and slid into the second seat by the window. He really hoped that there wasn't an assigned seating arrangement. The rest of the class soon piled in. Seo-jun was surprised at the number of good looking students. This kind of ratio was unusual to him.

A girl with long, dark purple hair that fell in gently styled curls slipped into the seat beside him. A number of guys instantly took up seats around her. Seo-jun scoffed inside his head. The girl was definitely pretty with her neatly styled hair, large yet piercing garnet eyes, and smooth alabaster skin. It was easy to see why all the guys seemed to flock around her. Even though he could admit that she was beautiful, she didn't make his heart flutter like that stranger from yesterday. Seo-jun felt his ears start to heat up as he remembered that extremely embarrassing first, and hopefully last, encounter.

The professor walked in just then. According to Nadeline, the first professor taught both math and science and her name was Dr. Selene Redna. She was the first woman in the history of the Velron Kingdom to obtain this title as a scholar.

Dr. Redna was a small, petite woman with long, messy brown hair tied in a loose ponytail. She had soft, dog-shaped eyes that were a reddish-brown color. A splattering of freckles could be seen on her face thanks to the morning sunlight shining in through the large windows. The woman looked to be in her mid-forties, though Seo-jun was never good at guessing the ages of foreigners.

Placing her leather briefcase on the desk at the front of the room, Dr. Redna pulled out a stack of papers. "Take one and pass them around. We will have a short twenty question quiz to review everything we went over from before the break." She handed each person in the front row a stack of test sheets for them to pass to the students behind them. "It will cover both subjects that I teach. Once you finish, hand it in then begin reading chapter twelve in your physical science book."

Seo-jun felt his heart sink as he took the stack of tests without looking at them. He didn't have the time nor the energy to focus on his reading material from the library from the night before so he wasn't sure how advanced this world was academically.

He took a sheet of paper before passing the rest of them to the classmate sitting behind him. Following the rest of the students, he flipped the test sheets over. His nerves calmed down and a sigh of relief left him.

With steady, confident hands, he answered all the questions. The questions were rudimentary and he only hoped that the same formulas were used in this world.

He finished the twenty questions in five minutes. After handing the test to the stunned looking professor, he sat back down and pulled out the science book that was kept in the desk's drawer. Apparently, books and any necessary material for classes were kept in each desk and we're not permitted to be removed from the classroom. It made for less homework but Seo-jun had a feeling that it also made the little bit of homework that they were assigned that much harder. He had noticed that the library did keep spare classroom books which probably helped quite a bit for the students who didn't take notes or those who had poor memorization skills.

By the time the last student handed in their test, Seo-jun had finished reading the required chapter and had flipped to the beginning of the book to read the first four chapters. The findings in the book honestly surprised him with how accurate they were and how advanced this world was for the era that they lived in.

Dr. Redna started an open discussion topic to go over what everyone had read. The way she taught and how she led classroom discussions really intrigued Seo-jun. Dr. Redna possessed a passion for the subject and that showed in the way she taught, making the class fun and easy to learn. It was an improvement from the boring way the teachers used to drone on in high school back in his old world.

When the two hour class time was up, the students placed their books back into their desks. "Adrien Mallorne," the professor held him back before he could leave.

"Was there something the matter with my test, Dr. Redna?" It was the only conclusion he could come to as to why she would hold him back.

She sat down at her desk and motioned for him to take a seat, the stern expression never leaving her face. "I won't beat around the bush. Did you cheat? I find it impossible since you were the first one to finish but I need to ask."

He liked how honest she was, it was quite refreshing. "No," his reply came immediately.

"Why have you been hiding your aptitude until now? No, I should be asking why have you only now decided to show what you're capable of?"

Seo-jun racked his brain for a possible answer that could ring true for Adrien's situation. He settled for revealing half the truth. "I have two older brothers, one is set to inherit our father's title while the other will possibly take over the merchant business on our mother's side since there is no one to inherit it. I simply wished to not get in their way but I can no longer do that. My father has given me an ultimatum. I either improve my grades and stay out of trouble or I'll be stripped of my family rights and kicked out."

Dr. Redna's expression softened and turned sympathetic. "Many students face similar situations. If you ever need any help, my door is always open."

Seo-jun thanked her before leaving. He hoped he would never have to take her up on the offer but it eased his mind knowing that he had someone he could turn to if the need for it ever arises.

He walked out of the back entrance of the main building and headed toward the training facilities. His next class was elemental control and it was held outside. This was the class he was looking forward to the most. His old world didn't have magic or elemental magic so he was excited to see it in action.

The rest of the class was already there. Pebbles flew in the air as vines knocked them down. Water whips danced in the air or swirled around their owners. Balls of glittering light hovered in the air around some people. Seo-jun's eyes widened in pure wonder and excitement. This by far had to be the coolest thing he had ever witnessed.

A few students noticed his presence and snickered at him. He had heard that Adrien was the worst when it came to elemental control but was it so bad to deserve this kind of reaction?

"Come here, Mr. Mallorne." A gruff looking man with scars lining his bare arms and face beckoned him over. "The same as before," was all the man said when Seo-jun came to a stop in front of him.

"What do you mean?" He asked without needing to fake his confusion.

The man sighed and crossed his heavily muscular arms. "It hasn't even been a week and you're already foggy brained? I need you to feel your magic, Mr. Mallorne. You are the only student yet to pull their magic out. It's not that difficult."

Oh. Wait. . .how was he supposed to feel his magic?

Seo-jun was going to ask but decided against it after seeing the bored and slightly annoyed look on the professor's face. With a shrug of his shoulders, he closed his eyes. How was this type of situation described in the mangas and anime?

He closed off all thoughts and turned his focus inward. He was looking for something that felt different or out of place.

Sweat beaded on his forehead and his fingertips start to tingle from the lack of use. His legs started feeling numb. He was getting antsy from standing for too long.

"Completely useless," the heavy sigh and condescending voice of the instructor was what finally snapped his focus.

His eyes shot open. The bright light made his eyes water. There had to be another way to connect with his power.

Seo-jun had mixed feelings when he found out he spent the entire class time practically meditating. He wanted to try longer but he also wanted away from the insufferable heavy feeling that seemed to linger near the training ground.

Making his way back to the main building, he followed the rest of the students to the cafeteria. There was a lunch break before his next class.

He found the cafeteria with ease and grabbed something quick to eat. He sat down at an empty table and ate in silence. Once he was finished, he pulled out the sketchbook he had found that morning. Flipping through the pages, he discovered that some of the pages were filled with life-like drawings. It seemed that Adrien had a natural talent for drawing.

Seo-jun pulled out a quill that was filled with ink. He set the tip to an empty page and the background noise faded away as his hand moved creating an image almost as if it was of its own accord.

He was almost finished drawing the scene he had first walked into on the training grounds when a voice pulled him back to reality. "It's not about finding or forcing the power out," the pretty girl with purple hair stood before him, "tapping into one's elemental power cannot be forced, it has to come naturally." Seo-jun raised a questioning eyebrow, wondering why this girl was talking to him about powers.

She switched her weight onto one foot and cleared her throat. "I've noticed that you've been having a hard time tapping into your elemental magic during class."

She was at the training grounds? How come he didn't remember seeing her there?

"I don't remember seeing you on the training grounds today," he challenged.

A small smirk splayed on her lips before her appearance began to fade out. There was a light glimmer in the air where she used to stand. After a few seconds, her vistage came back into existence.

Seo-jun had to literally keep his mouth from falling down. He may not remember most of the contents from the manga but he certainly remembered that the first prince's fiancee and the protagonist of the story had the unique ability to manipulate the light around her, making her appear invisible.

Lianna Silva, the only daughter of baronet Silva. She was described as a kind and smart girl who had no problem challenging the villains. She was no pushover and Seo-jun clearly remembered a scene where she actually smacked one of the villains in the face. He was pretty sure there were several scenes where she punched the snot out of a full annoying antagonists.

He offered a soft smile that wavered. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you for the advice." He wanted to scream, to let loose his inner fanboy. The main character of this world shared classes with him and even gave him advice.

Her smirk became a genuine smile. "I hope it helps." Her gaze turned downward. "What a wonderful drawing."

He looked down. It was the scene of a girl flicking vines out to stop small rocks from flying at her. "Thank you."