
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Prologue (2)

The sky was now black, filled by the white moon along with twinkling stars. The streets were illuminated by warm, golden lights that would frequently flash off and flicker.

A stream of smoke followed him in his stroll from his blunt, and he mindlessly walked with reddened eyes.


He heard a shout that was from an adjacent street. He remained still, but wasn't exactly in his right mind. He just walked in the direction of the sound, and turned the corner to see a group of people.

They wore suits, but wielded various weapons. Bats, batons, knives.

He could tell that they were a gang, and upon closer inspection, he saw a woman pressed up against the wall.

"I'll get the money to you as fast as I can. I'll work overtime, I'll get another job!" She pleaded, before she received a punch right to the face.

The man that struck her had to have been twice her size, and he had a maniacal smile over his face.

"Shut up, woman. That's not how this works. You missed your deadline. You knew what was going to happen!" He stated, aiming a knife at her head.

"Douchebags. They think they're so sick taking out their anger on a helpless woman. Straight trash." Lycanos thought to himself, taking a hit of his blunt.


The burly man, who was clearly the largest of the crew, walloped the feeble woman and dropped her to her knees.

'No way he's just done that! Trash!' Lycanos thought, clenching his left fist.

He imagined the same pain that his auntie must've gone through that day that was similar to this.

His brain was urging him to advance, while his heart kept him in place with fear.

He gritted his teeth from this stressful collide in his mind.

What was he going to lose? What was the world going to lose with him gone?


'At least I can do something good for once!'

With this last thought, he fuelled his fury with a shout and rushed ahead. He entered a sprint and the other gang members looked confused as they saw this scrawny kid rushing at them.


He rushed past the group of frozen gangsters, entered the alley they were crowded around, and struck the man that had hit the girl.

He had tattoos that ran up his neck and the bottom right of his face. He was completely bald and stood at 6'2, being nearly half a foot taller than Lycanos.

'This kid dare hit me like this?'

The man grabbed him and hurled him into a wall. The impact was forceful and Lycanos started to feel an agonising, throbbing pain in his back. However, he didn't stop there and he then bit on the man's left hand as hard as he could.

"Argh!! You pest!" The man roared, falling back.

"What are you all doing standing there? Get him!!" He ordered.

The mob of bat and knife wielders charged at Lycanos. Seeing this, the woman gave Lycanos a last look of gratitude before running away as fast as she could.


Receiving a swing from a metal bat, his head slammed into the graffitied brick wall behind him. Drops of blood were left behind, and he received numerous more swings from these wooden and metal bats.

After one final strike to his head, he fell on the wall behind him to stop him falling.

His face was covered in his own blood and he had lost sense and control of his legs. All he did was maniacally laugh. That was all he could do in his last moments.

'I'll be meeting you soon Mum. Dad.'

"Why won't you die?!" The tatted man exclaimed.


A blade wedged itself into his abdomen, causing far more pain and injury than the bat swings had caused. He coughed out a mouthful of blood and slouched over in weakness, before receiving more vicious stabs from this man.

Soon enough, he had lost the strength to remain upright and slid down the wall, leaving a trail of blood on his path.

His eyes blankly looked off into nothing and were awfully still, with his head slightly tilted.

"Let's go!" The man ordered, with a hand signal to his gangsters.

They rushed off into the darkness of the alleyway he was in, leaving his corpse there.

His body remained awfully still and his thoughts came to a sudden stop.

The streets fell quiet, only being broken by the buzzing of the fluorescent light bulbs that illuminated the streets.


His finger made the slightest, lightest movement and his eyes then started to move slightly. It started off as twitches, but he then they started racing around to survey the alley violently.

[User has been revived!]

[Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

'What? Am I dead?' He wondered, before giving his surroundings another quick glance.

He was in the same place that he had supposedly died in, and something had certainly happened. He couldn't even lift up his broken limbs, and was surrounded by a massive pool of blood.

However, the pain swiftly vanished. He lifted his arm effortlessly and tapped down his stomach violently. He lifted onto his feet with widened eyes of shock as he felt no wounds or injuries whatsoever.

He energetically ripped off his hoodie to then lift up the grey cotton shirt that he had underneath. Looking at his lean but scrawny physique, he saw a layer of blood but no injury.

'What?! I'm alive? How come nothing's here?' He asked himself.

Lifting, he saw a blue hologram message that showed him this special message. He had been too invested in his supposed revival to have even noticed it initially.

"Immortal werewolf?" He whispered, totally clueless.

[User: Lycanos (Ramio) Damaskus]

[Level: 1]

[XP: 0/10]

[HP: 10/10]

[Lunar Empowerment: 1]

[Regeneration: 1]

[Strength: 1]

[Speed: 1]

[Durability: 1]

[Stat Upgrades: 0]

[Energy: 100/100]

[Talents: 0]

The layout looked like the user interface found in RPG games that he would spend way too much time on, instead of studying or doing anything productive.

'My name? Damaskus?' He asked himself, upon looking at the first stat.

His family name had been placed in brackets, which was followed by a name that he had never heard in his life. The way it was written made it seem like Damaskus was a more important way of identifying him, but it just puzzled him.

"Mum's maiden name was Rose. My dad's surname was Ramio. Why would it give me the wrong surname?' He asked, before examining the stats further.

As he continued to read, a smile appeared across his face.

'Do I really have a system like in an RPG, in real life?' He wondered.

He looked back to a separate panel titling this system the immortal werewolf system.

'Immortal werewolf? I'm an immortal werewolf? No, there's no way.' He thought in denial.

Why would he, a no-life with no discipline or achievements, have been chosen to gain such power. He had never heard of werewolves in society, let alone so-called immortal werewolves.

They were creatures of legend. Characters of fiction.

Why would he be one of those creatures?

Suddenly, another panel appeared.


[Eat 1lb of meat] [0/1]

[Run 10km in under 25 minutes] [0/1]

[Complete 200 pull ups] [0/1]

[Complete 250 push ups] [0/1]


[Consume 250ml of human blood] [0/1]



'What?! Drink blood like a vampire? Oh yeah this has to be a joke.'

The daily quests being listed to him were not only ridiculous but would certainly be impossible for him. He could barely do a push up, let alone do a proper pull-up.

He hadn't run a longer distance than a few hundred metres in years, and just the number 10 on the panel was incredibly daunting to him.

Reaching out to try and tap on the stats that were in his face, his finger simply phased through the hologram. He jerked it back upon seeing this happen and had a closer examination of this system.

[User: Lycanos (Ramio) Damaskus]

[Level: 1]

[XP: 0/10]

[HP: 10/10]

[Lunar Empowerment: 1]

[Regeneration: 1]

[Strength: 1]

[Speed: 1]

[Durability: 1]

[Stat Upgrades: 0]

[Energy: 100/100]

[Talents: 0]

He understood the stats such as strength speed, and durability, but the lunar empowerment stat confused him slightly more.

He had absolutely no clue what that was referring to, and just continued to look at this panel.

'Yeah, this must be some weird illusion. What is lunar empowerment? Haha, complete bull.' Lycanos thought, heading back to his apartment.

The daily quests were way too hard for him to complete and for a person with the discipline of his level, those quests were certainly impossible.

'I'll do it tomorrow, maybe.'

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