
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Confronting the New Girl

Lycanos threw out a whipping side kick, but Enzo blocked it and stayed firm. He didn't even fall back a step and rushed forward with immense speed. His incoming punch was just about dodged, but his fist went crashing into a tree behind them.

He knocked out a large chunk of wood and bark from the trunk, then Lycanos swiftly threw his fist forward as he saw his attention had diverted off him.

Using his Lunar strike, his punch landed right on the target. Hitting him in the jaw, his head jerked back then Lycanos followed up with another lunar strike in quick succession.

However, his second punch was blocked and didn't do nearly as much damage.

Landing this attack, Enzo dropped his arms to show off his glowing white eyes. Lycanos and Xavier were taken aback by this pristine colour, and his claws and fangs started to show once again.


Dashing forward to close the distance between him and his opponent, he landed a disorienting jab to his face.

As Lycanos started to fall back, he landed an overhand haymaker to his temple. While stumbling back, he received a slash from his long, sharp claws, to his abdomen.

Lycanos fell back onto a knee but jumped back up onto his feet to leap away from an incoming kick.

Covering more than 4 metres in his jump back, Enzo still raced right after him.


Aiming low, he landed a right straight to his gut and rattled his insides. His punch felt like a cannon had crashed into him, and his first instinct was to fall and just curl over in pain.

However, he remained on his feet, and tried to use Enzo's anger against him. He seemed to be fighting like a wild beast, like the wendigos of legend. He didn't even look at the attacks that Lycanos were attempting to throw at him, and this could allow him to possibly use his collectedness to land blows.


As Enzo drove himself forward with head aimed downwards, he received a powerful right straight punch directly to his face that forced him to stay put. He had used his lunar strike to amplify his punch, but he only had 2 more times to do that.

After draining his energy, he wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he was sure he wouldn't die or anything like that. It just didn't seem like anything positive would happen.

The two ended up locking hands and pushed at one another, trying to push the other back. What Lycanos did notice was that he was being pushed back almost immediately.

He just started sliding across the grass and he couldn't do anything to stop it. Enzo snarled as he moved forward, revealing his long, sharp fangs. They looked similar to Lycanos' own, but just looked far longer.

This was the same with his claws.

Aiming lower at his abdomen, he stopped pushing at Lycanos' hands then grasped onto his waist then lifted explosively.

Pulling his torso back as much as he could, Lycanos was pulled off his feet and sent right back into the ground, except it was headfirst this time.


HIs head and shoulder were drove into the ground, causing masses of mud to get shot upwards.

His body just flopped to the ground, and he smiled upon looking at the sky.

'He's really strong.' He realised, before flipping around to return to his feet once again.

His injuries were already fading, and he had two more opportunities to use his lunar strike. After that, he would be toast. His regular strength simply wasn't enough to hurt Enzo, who was much stronger and more durable than him.

Enzo landed a punch before Lycanos could properly evade, and he was sent back in an unsteady stagger. He fell back several metres and Enzo dashed after his disorientated target.

Hs shot forward with insane speed, but this prevented him from making quick side movements.

Enzo fell right into Lycanos' hands and he tightened his fists upon watching him advance. As he came into range, he landed a left hook, and pushed his head to the side.

Enzo came to a stop after receiving such a blow then he followed up with his final lunar strike to drain his energy. With both attacks landing to Enzo's face accurately, he thought he had done a decent amount.

Blood dripped out of Enzo's nose, but his wounds and injuries had already vanished. His piercing white eyes remained, and he looked unbothered about the blows he'd receiced.

Lifting his clawed hand, he reached in again and could barely be tracked by Lycanos. He simply lifted his arms to try and prepare for the worst, and he remained still. His eyes reflexively shut but nothing came.

Slowly opening his eyes, Xavier was stood next to Enzo with his hand on his wrist to stop him.

Enzo's breathing slowed down steadily, and he seemed to have regained his consciousness.

"I'm sorry, Lycanos, I felt like I lost myself again." Enzo said, before he was released.

"It looks like you're gonna have to put a lot of extra work in, Lycanos. Wendigos apparently start off with vast amounts of power compared to us werewolves." Xavier realised.


[User: Lycanos (Ramio) Damaskus]

[Level: 5]

[XP: 38/80]

[HP: 18/18]

[Lunar Empowerment: 2]

[Regeneration: 1]

[Strength: 2]

[Speed: 3]

[Durability: 1]

[Stat Upgrades: 0]

[Energy: 120/120]

[Talents: 2] [expand]

Lycanos just looked at his system stats while in class. It was a few minutes before lunchtime, and he had already lost complete interest in the work he was doing.

His teachers were aware of his situation and gave him a lot more leeway compared to the other students. Some hated this but that was just how it was. He'd gone through quite a traumatic childhood.


As the students lifted, Lycanos watched the new blonde girl approach the door to leave. This made him remember what had happened the day before, and he needed to confront her.

She had sent him flying, which was supposed to be impossible for any ordinary human.

Once the school day came to an end, he covertly followed her as she was preparing to leave school. The hall they were both in was totally quiet, and she lifted her handbag to leave.

However, Lycanos sped toward her.

"Hey! Leah!" Lycanos called from behind her, making her smile as she turned.

"Hey there, Lycanos. Can I help you?" She asked, giving off a fake smile.

Her facial expression irked the werewolf and he just cut to the chase.

"Stop trying to hide what you truly are. You're supernatural aren't you?" He asked.

She just chuckled, and took a step back.

"What? What do you mean, supernatural?"

"Don't play dumb. You threw me into the air, no girl should be able to do that." Lycanos said, making her laugh.

"Did you really take it that serious. I apologise, I was just running too fast." She said, before she tried to leave.

However, Lycanos just flashed his red eyes, which made her come to a stop. She stared at his eyes and looked frozen in fear.

His eyes returned to normal, and she remained awfully still.

Lycanos was somewhat bewildered by her lack of movement. However, her eyes glowed golden and she charged right in his direction.


Receiving a straight punch from her, he was shot off his feet and felt one of his arms snap in two.

Sent in a roll away from her, she dropped onto her hands and galloped at him with insane speed.

Her fangs had taken form and she looked far more beast-like than Enzo or Lycanos ever would. Her face had taken a partial transformation to make her look more lupine and beast-like.

She raced ahead with speed that Lycanos couldn't do anything about, receiving another punch. This time it was to his face and he almost faceplanted right into the ground. He landed on his hands then performed a quick side-roll to then face the girl once again.

Her power was insane, and he almost couldn't believe it. She seemed to be even more powerful than Xavier, and his arm was still healing from its wound.

With no other options left, he decided to try and fight back. Running forward as fast as he could, he tried to land his lunar strike only to see her evade the blow aimed for her face.

All he hit was her flowing hair, then he received a devastating punch aimed lower, at his abdomen.

Finally, she drove forward her knee, right into his groin to drop him to the ground almost immediately.

He grasped onto his stomach, before his head dropped to the floor. He hissed in pain, struggling to breathe from the pain he'd feel as he did so.

'He's not an alpha? Could he be a vampire?' She thought, looking at him trembling on the ground.

"Don't you dare try to intimidate me again. If you try to, I'll do much worse!" She declared, before running off in a hurry.