
The Seelie Queen's Illusion

"I will murder your people even if it's the last thing I do!"

The statement alarms both Cartilliannae and the Sea Queen. They both know how powerful and wicked Siyenthera is but to scare the children like that, kind of pissed Cartilliannae of. 

The Seelie Queen is currently sitting by her throne when she heard Siyenthera's statement and asks her dwarves to gather every energy source that she stored. 

They all gave her a confused look but the determination in her eyes gave them the reason to not doubt the Seelie Queen's intention. 

They took every golden and blue colored energy crystals from the storage room as they watch Cartilliannae sits in the middle of the room.

The dwarves carefully place all of the gathered energy crystals around the Seelie Queen as she mutters unspeakable language that even the other creatures can't understand.