
My Imaginary Twin Sister

About a girl that as a child her father never accepted her cause she is a girl she had just one person to confide in, her mother but her mom had to suffer something that wasn't at all a crime giving birth to girl, she never complained Things don't always work as planned Tiffany grew up not having friends not leaving the house unless mom goes with her and her mates at school don't even come close to her, she grew up in a house were she would always witness her mother being bullied, beaten up bashed and bruised but she couldn't do anything. After her mother died she blamed herself for not saving her...... She soon falls in love but fear took the better part of her as she fears that she might end up with the same thing her mother sufferd in her own married life (domestic violence) so she trys her best to stay away from relationships but fate has another thing fully planned for her ╲┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ╲┃ But first start from the top ┃ ╲┗━━━━┳━━━━━━━┛ ╲╲╭ⓄⓄ╮┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╲╲┫╰╯┣╯╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ┈┈╰┳┳╯┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Divaxx · Teen
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56 Chs

What's in the box


Abuelo: I'm sorry about your wife son I know how much you love her

Felix: 😥😥😞

Abuelo: I feel much worse because I miss your Mom so much I don't know what entered me the perfect woman every man would wish to be his wife, I treated her bad I didn't realize I hurt her until now she's long gone. I feel Regret, I feel Suffocated, I feel Alone, I wish I could turn the hand of time I would give her the best treat I will treat her like the Queen she is I miss her son..... I never knew what I was doing and I still don't know Why I did it. I didn't want my children to take my bad habits. your wife was a good woman like your mom.

And it continued his father was consoling him

When Pepa walked in

Pepa: Felix is there a snake in this house??

Felix: nooo

Pepa: I saw Tiffany with a snake around her neck and when Mart and I went there it was gone and she was still there

Mart: don't worry Felix I've taken care of it

Pepa: noo you don't believe me. There is something suspicious about Tiffany

Mart: leave your Aunt she's hallucinating

Pepa: I saw it really

Mart: and proof???

Pepa: I'll show you trust me I will get proof and you will be the one hallucinating 😤

Mart: calm down it's not like that

With that she stormed off looking for Tiffany.....


POV: Tiffany

I was in mother's room this time I made sure to lock the room door then I opened the mirror the snake came out ( it must be Suffocating here right ) I was talking to the snake who didn't even look at me

Terra: aren't you going to open the box

Tiffany: I really want to but I'm scared I don't know what's inside

Terra: well I trust your Mom wouldn't kill you

Tiffany: I know that but I'm curious about what's in it

Terra: well there is only one way to know that... By opening it, I'm getting impatient here curiosity is killing me

Tiffany: OK I tried to pull it, it was super heavy

Terra: what do you think would be here

Tiffany :¯\_(0_0)_/¯The same curiosity that your filled with I'm also filled with it. I turned into a baboon then I lifted it up with ease then I dropped it on the floor, the box was big like to my shoulder length. Then I carried the key and put it directly into the key hole and I turned it until it opened, shocked at what I saw

Knock, knock, knock, knock

Tiffany: someone was at the door knocking

Pepa: Tiffany!!! Open up

Tiffany: what is she doing here why is she monitoring me. I locked box back then I turned into a gorilla then I put it back

Terra: what about the snake

Tiffany: 😮😮😮 I totally forgot. Were has it gone now I was looking for it then I turned to look for the snake and it was right in its position and I was looking for it well good

I pushed the under button and it was closed

Then I opened the door with a huge grin on my face

Pepa: what are you doing here??? Huh

Tiffany: ( nothing this is my mother's room I just want to stay here)

Pepa: and the snake

Tiffany: ( which snake??) I was playing dumb

And she pushed me then she got inside the room

Pepa: what are you hiding

Tiffany: ( what am I hiding ??) I returned her question

Pepa: oh I know what your doing

Tiffany: what😮 she knows?? ( what am I doing(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)) I'm starting to get nervous

Pepa: your hiding the snake here aren't you??

Tiffany: she went close to my Mom's wardrobe then she opened fast hoping to catch something well me I put the key safely in my pocket

Terra: stop acting like a thief that has just been caught stay normal

Tiffany: OK, OK I'm normal ( Tia Pepa what are you looking for..... I can help you find it)

Pepa: snake

Tiffany: ( I don't know what you're talking about. [ hiccup])

Terra: your a very bad liar what are you doing

Tiffany: I hiccup when I lie it's not me

Terra: what do you call her

Tiffany: Tia

Terra: Tia I don't know Why you are sooo interested in the snake do you want to see it

Pepa: yes show it to me

Tiffany: Terra made me walk to the drawer near the mirror. What are you doing, I panicked.

Terra: giving her what she wants

Tiffany: Tia made sure she watched my every move. Then there was a small box in the drawer Terra made me bring it out, me on the other hand was trying to dodge the mirror so Terra wouldn't be seen

Pepa: what's in the box ???

Terra: the snake

Tiffany: Terra made me open the box then in it was a tick black rope

Terra: what does your Mom use this for

Tiffany: I don't know, then I looked at Tia she was like a scared child waiting for the ghost to appear so they can run, How Frightened she was, then Terra threw it on her body without a second thought

She ran like someone being chased by a ghost 👻👻

Terra: HahAhahahahahahaha😹😹😹😂😂😄

Tiffany: we laughing and rolling on the floor
