
My Imaginary Twin Sister

About a girl that as a child her father never accepted her cause she is a girl she had just one person to confide in, her mother but her mom had to suffer something that wasn't at all a crime giving birth to girl, she never complained Things don't always work as planned Tiffany grew up not having friends not leaving the house unless mom goes with her and her mates at school don't even come close to her, she grew up in a house were she would always witness her mother being bullied, beaten up bashed and bruised but she couldn't do anything. After her mother died she blamed herself for not saving her...... She soon falls in love but fear took the better part of her as she fears that she might end up with the same thing her mother sufferd in her own married life (domestic violence) so she trys her best to stay away from relationships but fate has another thing fully planned for her ╲┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ╲┃ But first start from the top ┃ ╲┗━━━━┳━━━━━━━┛ ╲╲╭ⓄⓄ╮┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╲╲┫╰╯┣╯╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ┈┈╰┳┳╯┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Divaxx · Teen
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56 Chs

Stop hitting my gate!!!

Tiffany: it was late we all said good night,  Dad and my stepmom hardly stay at home and they don't seem affected by their absence Leroy knows how to cook and i also know how to cook Simon does other things. I said my prayers and went to bed what a long day i had.


Butterfly, butterfly which direction are you going

Tiffany: That song its what mom uses to make me sleep if I'm not asleep before her or if i fake my sleep so as not to see her in pain i can't bear it. And the person singing, sounds like my mom, the song continued,

Are you going here 

Or are you going there 

I saw a pretty flower over here 

Tiffany: i was in a black plain  background as i followed the voice it got louder until i found her it was my mom she was sitting on a log with her feet in water while she brushed her long brown  hair gracefully and she was singing, i brought myself out from hiding when i was sure it was my mom and immediately i did that she stopped singing, she was staring at me, gazing into my eyes. (Mom) she kept her eye contact steady then she got up i thought she was coming to me i smiled, but instead she turned the other and walked out (she doesn't remember me???) (Mom wait) i followed her she didn't stop i was still walking by her side when she turned to me in a fast pace and said {you read my diary} (yes) i replied softly  {have you used my spell book yet } (no) { you have to find a spell for hidden massage and then check the diary ending} (okay mom) i just kept replying to her question, then after questioning me she started walking again {your not dead right} (hmm mmmm) 

  {you have to master all my spells.... Danger my sisters, you no Terra will protect you oh} 

How did she know about Terra, she was still walking but talking to her self then walked to a certain place she crossed with ease i on the other hand couldn't and she was still walking she didn't wait for me (mom!!!) I was shouting calling to her, it was like a barricade i couldn't go but she could cross i was hitting and pushing when a voice was heard behind me a male

[What are you doing] 

I turned very slowly then my eyes came in contact with a very old man with a walking stick (I'm trying to meet my mom) 

[Its not your time go, get out of here ] 

He scolded (no i want to follow my mom) i kept hitting the thing i couldn't see it but i could feel it it wasn't letting me in 

[Go out of here don't cross there ] 

(Mom!!!) I was calling her while hitting the barricade totally ignoring what the old man said

[You listen to me young lady go back its not your time ] 

( is it her time then) 

[ no but hay i didn't kill her stop doing that... She knew she was going to die but she didn't stop it ask her that when you see her out again, just stop hitting my gate!!!!] 

(please open it) 

[No way I'm doing that you have come too far .... I'm sorry young lady but you're gonna get yourself killed someday but now go back!!!!] 

Before i could say anything he used his walking stick and hit me twice.



Were is Tiffany she wakes up before me what happened, i knocked on her door no answer i called out to her no answer I've already checked the house I'm sure she's in her room.

After a while of knocking i opened her door and she was still sleeping with all the noises i was making with her door, maybe she's sick so i touched her head and she was cold as cold as ice i moved her hands she wasn't stiff but cold, freezing cold and she wasn't breathing. (Tiffany!) I called shaking her lightly i didn't want to assume the worst so i rushed out to get Leroy and lucky for me he was in his room, i banged on the door 

Leroy: go away I'm still sleeping 

Simon:  Leroy its an emergency, and that was his que to get up with sleepy eyes and lazy steps he opened his door 

Leroy: what do you want

Simon: its Tiffany she's cold and she's not breathing

Leroy: what not breathing, cold?? Nah i think your trying to prank me well its not April yet so leave me alone!!

Simon: he was about to close the door when i put my feet blocking it (seriously I'm not joking I'm coming from her room and her body did not respond to any noise i made with her door not even when i shaked her 

Leroy: 😐😑 (O_O)

Simon: he rushed her room leaving me standing there then i quickly followed him, he was already with her his face was confused worried well i didn't know what to do so i just stood there watching what he would do next i was also worried.

And before we knew it she raises her self up trying to breath like someone who just survived drowning 

Leroy: Tiffany😂 oh my God, i thought you were dead 

Tiffany: Dead????? (Hah hah hah) breathing fast

Simon: i rushed to her but leroy beat me to it he already hugged her so i tapped her leg 

Leroy: Don't ever scare us like that okay 

Simon: yeah because mom and dad's not home how would we take you to the hospital. 😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅









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