
My Imaginary Twin Sister

About a girl that as a child her father never accepted her cause she is a girl she had just one person to confide in, her mother but her mom had to suffer something that wasn't at all a crime giving birth to girl, she never complained Things don't always work as planned Tiffany grew up not having friends not leaving the house unless mom goes with her and her mates at school don't even come close to her, she grew up in a house were she would always witness her mother being bullied, beaten up bashed and bruised but she couldn't do anything. After her mother died she blamed herself for not saving her...... She soon falls in love but fear took the better part of her as she fears that she might end up with the same thing her mother sufferd in her own married life (domestic violence) so she trys her best to stay away from relationships but fate has another thing fully planned for her ╲┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ╲┃ But first start from the top ┃ ╲┗━━━━┳━━━━━━━┛ ╲╲╭ⓄⓄ╮┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╲╲┫╰╯┣╯╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ┈┈╰┳┳╯┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Divaxx · Teen
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56 Chs

nearly dead (1)

My imaginary twin sister

Chapter 55: nearly dead

Terra: the ground began to shake like an earthquake

Ricardo: this is when the magic happens

Terra: he held my hand i looked at him still wondering why the ground was shaking, and then all a sudden there was a big round hole on the ground in front of us

Ricardo: Do you trust me

Terra: i don't even trust my own mother especially not with my last life, i said nothing but stare into dose eyes that spoke and i also read his mind so one thing is clear he not trying to kill me . so (yes) this better be worth my trust😪😪

That big hole on the ground looked like it was rising up

Ricardo: Terra i want you to jump

Terra: ((⊙_☉)(◍•ᴗ•◍) ok) i did jump right in the hole and like a cat i stuck the landing

Ricardo: that's my girl down there

El falcon : she's brave

Terra: The hole was very dark and the ground began to shake again, i stood up straight then i realized it was going up like an elevator .

And just when i thought it was a prank and i wanted to shove it in their faces that I'm not scared a little shaking ground even if it was an earthquake.

Anyways i think i reached the end of the little earthquake Ricardo set up and i thought maybe they were going to bury me alive but i could see the stars then lights switched on

(Ugh my eyes , turn it off!!)

Ricardo: MI armor how do you like your present

Terra: uh?? (What do you mean by my present???) It was as big as stadium

Ricardo: ah yes this is yours, all yours mi Amor, you like (๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)づ

Terra: yish!, i don't want to love you please . i came down from the wrestling ring , then i went close to him, he looked so nervous like he could faint.

I don't understand how a hard, tough, Strong man like him acts like wimp for b_love (thank you, but No! (ー̀дー́))

Ricardo: (//・_・//) (💔⌓💔) why??.... Tell me what you don't like and ill change it

Terra: ( i don't want it, its too big , and i can't manage this on my own , thank you, but No! ) and that's final!

I don't want anything from him so i don't end up constantly reminded of him nope, Nope!!! No way i can't fall for him i'm dead i'm a spirit so that cant be possible.

Ricardo: like i said i wont force when your ready you'll say on your own

Terra:( So( ̄~ ̄;) when is it gonna happen ) i have to be fast Tiffany will soon be awake from her bad dreams every night (ー̀дー́)

Ricardo: when is what going to happen

Terra:( me vs El Pancho )

El paso: ehem its El Paso

Terra: ( well El Pancho are you ready

El Paso: (•́へ•́╬) i will enjoy cutting you piece by piece and watching you bleed slowly 😈😈

Terra: (wow(*´∀`*) all that for me )

El Paso: (´・_・`)ヽ(#`Д´)ノwhat!!.

Terra: (what? Were you expecting me to be terrified, oh El Pancho please have mercy on my(ಥ⌓ಥ), look I'm shivering I don't wanna die 😭 oh please don't let me end like this, how will my siblings live without me?? Don't you have a heart💘😭🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭)

El Paso: (⊙︿⊙)

Terra:( (ಥ⌣ಥ) hahaha hahaha (👎´∀`) nope not a chance, haha ugh your expression is priceless )

El Paso: 😒 i should have known , your acting is good though

Terra (thank you that was my passion ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Ricardo: was?? What happened

Terra: ( i died (¬_¬)ノ)

Ricardo:(●__●) what

Terra: (ugh now I'm bored😪 can we get on with this some of us have things to do )

Me: we in the wring .

Terra: this is a death match the only way to survive this is by giving up, surrender as you may call it and the rules are simple no weapons , they never said anything about powers so there is nothing stopping me from using my powers .

We had already started but I'm not one to throw punches first na and so I waited and it felt like he was studying me for a while still I didn't move not until he strikes first.

And he finally did, he tried to punch me but I dogged . (its gonna take more that punches to kill me sweetheart ) then I flipped backwards, with just one move I kicked him in the ribs, I'm sure he didn't see that coming but hay things were going smoothly until.

Tiffany: aghhh!!!! 😵

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