
My Imaginary Twin Sister

About a girl that as a child her father never accepted her cause she is a girl she had just one person to confide in, her mother but her mom had to suffer something that wasn't at all a crime giving birth to girl, she never complained Things don't always work as planned Tiffany grew up not having friends not leaving the house unless mom goes with her and her mates at school don't even come close to her, she grew up in a house were she would always witness her mother being bullied, beaten up bashed and bruised but she couldn't do anything. After her mother died she blamed herself for not saving her...... She soon falls in love but fear took the better part of her as she fears that she might end up with the same thing her mother sufferd in her own married life (domestic violence) so she trys her best to stay away from relationships but fate has another thing fully planned for her ╲┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ╲┃ But first start from the top ┃ ╲┗━━━━┳━━━━━━━┛ ╲╲╭ⓄⓄ╮┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╲╲┫╰╯┣╯╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ┈┈╰┳┳╯┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Divaxx · Teen
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56 Chs

Happy birthday

My imaginary twin sister

Chapter 53: Happy birthday!!!!

Tiffany: ( who are you?) 🙏 please prove me wrong

{You don't remember me ??}

Tiffany: should i (nope not a clue)

{ well maybe my name could ring a bell}

Tiffany: (uhu go on)

{I'm Miguel}

Tiffany: Miguel???? I don't see any bells ringing but i do not want this

conversation to go any longer so I'll have to pretend i know him 😊😎. ( agh Miguel long time no see (๑ ◕ v◕๑)づ )

Miguel: I'm happy you remembered. sadly i also remembered you lost your mom, & as your cousin i feel so bad 😢 that i couldn't meet you earlier, i'm sorry

Tiffany: i feel like a havy weight just disappeared from my heart, He's my

cousin 😀 phew😮💨 i can breathe now ( it's fine she will always be alive in my heart 😥, but good thing you're here now )

i gave him a hug and he hugged me back ☺ .

(I'll be upstairs if you need anything )

And of i was till i realized, my phone! Then i turned back to both of them

( Leroy , can i please havemy phone back☺)

Leroy : of course, here

Tiffany: i took it, with that i ran to my room then i shot the door, took a shower then got ready for bed 😴😴😴.

Later that same night when i was fast asleep my phone kept ringing over and

over again (i really need to put my phone silent when i want to sleep😡 )

and with sleepy eyes i stretch for my phone and it was Cindy, i answered the call.

(Don't you sleep 😠📞)

Cindy: 📞Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!📞

Tiffany: she screamed in my ear ( Cindy i can hear you very clearly please, and my birthday is not until 15hours ) i said whispering

Cindy: 📞Sorry sorry , i just want yoTo be the first to wish you happy happy pre SixteenYears birthday 📞

Tiffany: (thank you so much, now can go back to bed ∩(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)∩

Cindy: 📞of course, of course, good night but i'm coming to your house tomorrow📞

Tiffany: ( ok see you tomorrow, Good night ) and she hung up, {yawning} i'm so sleepy😴😴😴


Pov: Terra

Terra: finally she's fully asleep, my turn 󞐨๑⚈ ͜ ⚈๑) .

Well i did what i do every night when she's asleep 😕? [Have rugged fun😝😎]

i put on a black leather jacket and black torn jeans with matching boots, and then a dark makeup, and yes i did all this on

Tiffany's body😒 don't worry i have it cleaned up before she wakes so don't think about it.

Then i poured our hair, our long hair. Then after i was done looking at my marvelous work i jumped of the window

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