
My Ill-fated Life

sacret · Fantasy
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81 Chs


Thron and I were sitting in the couch and Thron say should we tell Alice about us? I think about it for sometime and I say I think we shouldn't for now. He also nod his head and I look at the time and it was time to go pick up Alice. I say I will go and pick up Alice and I came out of the house. While walking I was thinking what I did was right or not. Like how Uncle said I should give a chance to him. I was waiting for Alice to come out and he saw and run to me. I pick him up and he say he has really fun today. I smile looking and we were coming back. Alice ask why we aren't going to cafe. I say today I don't open the shop. Alice smile and say you should take a rest too. I smile and say yeah so I am having it. We come inside the house and Thron was sitting in the couch. Alice saw him and he went to him. Thron hug him and Alice say ge really miss him. I was looking them and Thron put him in his lap and say I also miss you. Alice ask now you aren't going, right? Thron look at me and say I won't now. I say Alice, you must be hungry so let me make you something. I went to kitchen and I can heard them playing and talking with each other. I realise that this is how I want to live. I smile looking at them and think if we could really be like this from now on. Then I went back to make snacks for Alice. I finish making them and call them. We sit around the table and we eat. Alice was smiling looking at Thron as he was happy to see Thron. We finish eating and I was cleaning the dishes. Thron was watching TV with Alice. I came to them and I saw Alice fall asleep while watching TV. I call Thron and say Alice is asleep so I will take him to his bed. Thron say he will do it and he pick up him in his arms and take him to his room. He came out of the room and I was sitting in the couch and he came and sit beside me. He say Rose, let's go back to my home. I look around and say this is our home. Thron look at her and say I know. But let's go and start from where we stop. I look at him and say OK, let's do that. He smile looking at me and I smile back.