
Chapter 24. Debuting News

Four years as a trainee had passed by in a blur for Rachel. The rigorous training, the long hours, the constant pressure to improve—it had all become a way of life for the young girl. Though she was not the youngest member of the group, Rachel found herself nearly unable to debut, as the company remained unconvinced that she was ready.


The doubts and concerns of the company weighed heavily on Rachel's mind. She had poured her heart and soul into her training, pushing herself to the brink of exhaustion, determined to prove her worth.


There were times when the pressure became overwhelming, when Rachel felt like simply giving up and walking away. The doubts would creep in, whispering that she wasn't good enough and that she would never be able to live up to the company's expectations.


Yet, in those moments of weakness, the memory of Harper's words would resurface, and the thought of returning home and having to face her mother's skepticism once more only fueled her determination. She refused to let Harper down and refused to return home with her dreams unfulfilled.


Rachel remembered the promise she had made to Harper and the endless support and belief the older girl had in her. It was something that transcended time and distance, a constant reminder of why she had chosen this path in the first place. She couldn't—she wouldn't—let Harper down.


And so, with a steely determination that belied her youth, Rachel continued to push forward. She mastered every challenge the company threw her way, proving her worth time and time again. The other trainees, once skeptical of her ability to keep up, looked upon her with a newfound respect and admiration each day.


And after four long years of restless dedication, the company made its decision. Rachel would be debuting as a member of an eight-member girl group, her hard work and perseverance having paid off in full.


The first person she would call about the good news is Harper; however, Rachel knows how busy Harper is these days. She graduated within three years and quickly jumped onto the first cruise ship, which gave her employment. In the time since, Harper had moved her apartment closer to her sister's house in Berlin, opting for a cozy space that could double as an Airbnb when she was away.


Harper didn't miss out on Rachel's school tuition for four years straight; she managed to calm down Rachel's mother in her second year. And sometimes, she would send Rachel some pocket money if she had extra money.


"You're acting like her wife," Sophia had commented, only half-jokingly, during one of her visits to Berlin to accompany her father to a medical symposium.


They meet Harper and spend all day together with her, who's come to Berlin only to meet the siblings and their parents. They even have a dinner with Rachel's parents, Sophia, Jonathan, her, and Dylan.


"So, which of my children are you planning to marry?" Rachel's father had asked, his laughter filling the room as he admired Harper's gentle, hardworking nature and her sister's impressive background in the oil and gas industry.


Harper's response had been characteristically humble and matter-of-fact. "I'll be on my way to work on a cruise ship after graduation, so I don't think I can marry someone right now," she had said softly.


Jasmine, once so wary of the young woman, had found herself slowly warming up to Harper's charming personality. "Why the cruise ship, though? Wouldn't it be better to upgrade your skills and work as a clinical psychologist?" she had inquired.


Harper's eyes had sparkled with excitement. "Because I want to see the world, and I don't want to be stuck in one place. I took this major just to make sure I could write a great book during my journey," she explained, eliciting a proud smile from Dylan.


Meanwhile, as the laughter and lighthearted banter filled the room, Jasmine's gaze softened, a pensive smile playing on her lips. Harper's words had struck a chord deep within her, reverberating with a familiarity that she had long buried in the depths of her memory.


As she watched the young woman before her, so full of life and determination, Jasmine couldn't help but see a reflection of her younger self—the same burning desire to explore, experience, and live life on her own terms. And in that moment, a wave of guilt and remorse washed over her as she realized that she had very nearly done the same to her own daughter, Rachel.


"You've got your future all planned out, haven't you?" David had remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. "I wouldn't mind if you married one of my children."


"Then I'll be the one to marry her!" Jonathan had chimed in, his gaze fixed on Harper with undisguised adoration.


"Doubt it," both Sophia and Jasmine had responded in unison, their words laced with a touch of playful skepticism.


"Wow, such a supportive family." The family had erupted into laughter at Jonathan's antics, the warm camaraderie and acceptance radiating through the room.


Later, Rachel's family sent her countless photos and videos of the gathering, leaving the young idol feeling both jealous and overjoyed. She had longed to be a part of those moments, to witness firsthand the growing bond between her loved ones and the remarkable Harper. They send some pictures and videos to Rachel, who's jealous of the family gathering between her family and Harper's.


"Are you in the sea again?" Rachel asked softly on her phone. The internet's connectivity has improved vastly these days, allowing her to reach Harper no matter where the older girl's adventurous spirit has taken her.


"No, actually, I'm in Seattle right now, about to head off on an Alaskan cruise in an hour." Harper's lovely voice rang out, her excitement palpable even through the phone line. "You called me at the perfect time, Rach!"


Rachel couldn't help but break into a wide smile, her heart racing with the news she was about to share. "I'll be debuting next month! Wish me luck and watch me, okay?"


"Really?! You're debuting?! Wow, this is huge news, Rach!" Harper's voice erupted with enthusiasm, and Rachel could almost picture the older girl's eyes sparkling with joy. "I'm going to celebrate this with a glass of champagne tonight! I'm so happy for you!"


Rachel couldn't contain her own excitement, her words tumbling out in rapid succession. "I know, I'm so nervous but also so excited! I can't wait for you to see me perform!"


Harper's laughter, rich and melodic, filled the air. "Tell me more about it, Rach! I want to hear all the details!" She urged, her genuine interest and support shining through.


For the next fifteen minutes, Rachel animatedly told her about her story, which was almost not to be chosen for debuting until the company finally decided that she's fit to be debuting. Harper listened intently; she loves to hear every word coming from Rachel's mouth.


"I'm so proud of you, Rach," Harper said, her voice soft and sincere. "You've worked so hard, and you deserve this opportunity. I can't wait to see you shine on that stage."


Rachel felt a lump form in her throat, overwhelmed by the depth of Harper's words. "I couldn't have done it without you, Harper," she confessed, her voice thick with emotion. "Your belief in me has been the driving force behind all of this."


"Ah, don't get all sentimental on me now!" Harper teased, her laughter cutting through the poignant moment. "You better focus on crushing that debut stage, okay? I'll be cheering you on from the Alaskan waters!"


Rachel nodded, even though she knew Harper couldn't see her. "I will, I promise. Thank you, Harper. For everything."


"Anytime, Rach. Now, I better get going; the ship is about to set sail, and I don't want to miss it. Break a leg out there!" Harper has to go because her work will start the moment the ship departs from the port and into the sea.


"Bye, Harper! Call me when your ship ports!" Rachel said.


"Yes, of course! I'll be in touch, Rach!" Harper replied in a rush, and just like that, the connection was severed, leaving Rachel with a sense of longing. She stared at the now-darkened screen of her phone, a soft smile playing on her lips.


"I miss her," Rachel murmured to herself, letting out a contented sigh.

For the older reader, yes, this is the same writing. Please go back to read from the beginning. I add two more extra chapters!

ToriAnnecreators' thoughts