
The Tribute

Chon Narae, 20 and has been living in a convent filled with girls that are her age. She didn't know who her parents are and why was she there. All she knew, was one of them would be chosen for something special for the humankind.

It scary to do something like that when you were practically raised to be a sacrifice. The only thing that made her life easier in the convent was VAV, a 7 kpop boy group that has just debuted a year ago. She saw them on a big screen in town, and at that time, they were only announcing their debut stage, and then after that, she had been following them through social network sites.

She was silently praying in the chapel for her prayer time when a priest approached her. She was having second thoughts if he was ever a priest because he's too young and of course, handsome. So, it was a little awkward to call him 'Father'.

She opened her mouth to address him but he cut her off first.

"Please, I know it is awkward to call me Father," the man chuckled. "You can call me Van."

She nodded in agreement.

"Do you know why are some of you raised here?" St. Van asked.

She nodded again. She was afraid but she didn't know why.

"Your time has come to serve mankind. Will you accept, Narae?" St. Van asked as his voice was deep and unwavering, meaning he is serious.

"D-Do I have to answer right now, V-Van?" she asked.

"Yes. In fact, even if you don't want to agree, someday, you'll still be chosen since you are raised for this particular mission in life," St. Van explained.

Before she answered, she gulped a mouthful of saliva.

She slowly nodded, agreeing to the offer.

She decided to say yes because he's right. Everyone in the convent has their time to serve mankind.

"Let's go. The car is waiting. Don't bother packing," St. Van said and offered his hand which she accepted willingly.

I just hope she lasts longer than the last tribute, St. Van thought to himself.


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