
My Idle Gaming System

Dimensional Rifts permeate throughout the Chaotic Universe, bringing with them immense dangers...as well as innumerable treasures. In a small Realm, a destitute boy awakens the Idle Gaming System. Countless Dimensional Rifts later, he lazily raises his head to realize...he is invincible!

Adui · Games
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352 Chs

Preparations, Clearing the Abyssal Plane! III

The Extinction of all existences within a Plane.

This was what Noah was currently doing as he flew across the crimson skies of the Abyssal Plane while his mental energy waves erupted out to decimate the Abyssal Beasts before.

When Noah first obtained this feature of Abyssal Plane Expedition, it mentioned the Abyssal Beasts as Vile creatures that devoured Dimensional Planes. Now that Noah knew about the Primordial Beasts that were born to devour Universes and Cosmos, he saw this feature being even more unique as it seemed like a message from the one that had him his System!

The Primordial that had designed the Idle Gaming System and its features had the eradication of a type of beast that could devour planes, almost as if they were raising Noah to face these existences first before he came across Primordial Beasts.