
The Variety Show Continues

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Happy days were short-lived. Two days later, the program team announced the official opening of the show with the new artist.

Without Keith and his assistant causing trouble, everything went very smoothly this time. Everyone adapted very well to the pace of the script, and Kimberly finally got to experience what a normal program team's shooting was like.

After a week of shooting, the day of filming finally came to an end. At the end of the celebration party, Kimberly finally received a message from her mother.

[Mom said, "Successful. He won't bully you anymore in the future."]

"Looks like you received it too?" James turned on his phone, and a message was written on it.

[Universal Entertainment: Due to the recent health issue of our artiste Keith, the company has decided to officially terminate all business relations with him as of today.]

"I received it, but it's from my mother," Kimberly said with a hint of sarcasm. "He's always daydreaming about a life of luxury after he becomes famous. In the beginning, almost all his resources were provided by me, but he can't even get out of the top searches upon his termination now. It's really ridiculous."

"People without ability always fantasize more." James seemed to be caught up in a whirlpool of memories. He was no longer as quiet as usual. He said, "They always yearn for more, but they are unwilling to put in the corresponding effort. In the end, they blame everything on the people around them and lose miserably."

Both of them did not speak again, enjoying the silence and celebration of this moment.

The evening in the mountains was not like the hustle and bustle of the city, but more like the pleasant surprise and fleeting joy of a firefly that was accidentally found in the darkness of the grassy road. No one knew when the fireflies would disappear in the palm of their hands, but they were remembered for the moment of splendour.

"Aren't you going to drink to celebrate? Today is a great day, isn't it?" Andrew's arrival broke the slightly quiet atmosphere. He grabbed one in each hand and brought them back under the lights.

Maybe it was because the moonlight was too charming tonight, or maybe it was because good news always made one feel happy. Kimberly drank two or three more glasses of wine than usual. After a few rounds of toasts, she felt a little tipsy and walked to the pear tree by the side.

She preferred to stay away from the noisy parties and enjoy the darkness and silence alone. Perhaps only under such circumstances would she be able to find her true self. She felt empty at the moment, as she quietly waited for her life to be filled up with colourful happenings.

"Looks like I'll have to stay here for another night."

"Let's leave together?" The banquet was gradually coming to an end. James walked away from the banquet, he did not seem to be affected by the alcohol at all. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and asked, "Can I have this opportunity?"

"Of course you can." What was amazing was that at this moment, Kimberly didn't seem to mind having him in her journey. In fact, she even held a faint expectation for it.

At this moment, Keith couldn't calm down. He smashed everything that could be used to vent his anger. He curled up helplessly in a pile of debris and roared as if he was going crazy, "Impossible, impossible, how could this be..."

He was facing the mortgage of his apartment, the expiration of his credit card, and the liquidated damages he thought he can afford had turned into a high amount of compensation due to the contractual trap.

Perhaps tomorrow, or perhaps in the next second, he would become a person who had been kicked out of his home and wandered on the streets. He would no longer be that young man with a promising future.

"I can't..." With trembling hands, he dialed the last call for help. "Lend me money...any amount is fine. I can accept any condition and I will definitely pay it back. I am a star! I can earn a lot of money! I can even launder money for you!"

He begged bitterly to the loan shark through the phone that he had received a few days ago. This was the last path he could choose. As long as he could survive this time, he would definitely be able to make a comeback.

After hanging up, the person on the other end of the phone dialed another number and reported to him, "He has taken the bait. May I know what to do next?"

"Follow the original plan. When it's almost done, make him 'disappear' and send it to Chief Coghill next door."
