
On The Same Bed?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The house had been cleaned on time, so there was not much dust when they walked in. However, the air was inevitably filled with a stale smell from a long period of unoccupancy.

James placed Kimberly on the bed in the master bedroom. After a long internal struggle, he decided to only take off her shoes and socks.

After taking them off, he immediately withdrew his hand, as if avoiding suspicion. However, his eyes were blurred.

"Ahem, I'm leaving first." James did not know why he said this to someone who was sound asleep. Perhaps it was just to ease the awkwardness in his heart and the little joy hidden in the deepest part of his heart. "I'm leaving first. Call me if there's anything."

However, before he could take a step forward, Kimberly grabbed his sleeve tightly in her palm. She did not open her eyes. She only let out a few whimpers as if she was acting coquettishly, causing James to feel uneasy.

That tiny bit of strength was probably not even enough to pull a rabbit, let alone James. However, there were always many ways to call someone back, just like how a single glance or gesture to a loyal dog was enough to make it run excitedly to its master's side.

Perhaps it was because of the little joy that was hidden, or perhaps it was because he really did not want to break free, James finally convinced himself. He quietly leaned against the headboard of the bed and quietly stayed by her side.

It was a sleepless night.

The discomfort of the hangover made Kimberly moan involuntarily. She supported her head that was about to split open and struggled to get up. After the confusion period of waking up, she finally saw the person beside her clearly.

"Ah!!" Kimberly looked at James, who was shocked by her shout, in horror. She pointed at him and asked with a trembling voice, "You, you, you, you, you...No, I, I, I, why are you on my bed?"

"Me?" James looked back at her with his two huge dark circles under his eyes. He pointed at his sleeve innocently and answered, "I was going to leave, but you grabbed my sleeve and refused to let me go."

"Grabbed your sleeve? Impossible? No, where am I? What happened yesterday?" Kimberly found that she seemed to have lost her memory, and her last memory remained in the pot of warm yellow rice wine.

James told her helplessly, "That pot of wine is famous, but it has a very strong after-effect. Usually, a person would only drink half a pot. By the time I found out, you had already finished the whole pot, and you were so drunk that you looked like hell. I didn't know where you live, so I could only bring you here."

Kimberly checked herself and found that she was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. She didn't feel anything on her body, so she was finally relieved.

"Did I drink that much? I didn't expect such a small pot to be so strong... is this a hotel? It doesn't seem like it." Kimberly looked around at the slightly dated decorations in the room, it was as if she had returned to the 1960s and 1970s of the last century. She thought for a long time before she could barely describe it. "A wealthy family from the last century?"

James was amused by her description. He stroked her head and said, "This is my mother's family home. The courtyard below is quite nice. You can go down and take a look after you take a shower."

He thought for a while, then pointed at the heavy wooden wardrobe next to him and told her, "There are some new clothes in here. The style might be a little old. If you don't mind, you can take them for emergencies first. Ahem, there are also disposable underwear."

Only then did Kimberly remember that she still looked disheveled. She quickly kicked James out and planned to get some clothes to change.

However, she did not expect that when she opened the cabinet door, it was actually rows and rows of cheongsams. She held them and put them close to her body, and found that they fit her. These cheongsams looked very expensive, and the colorful fabrics would not be outdated even in today's eyes.

Kimberly picked out a white and black one, then she walked into the washroom at the side. She was mentally prepared, but she didn't expect that the washroom here was renovated with modern appliances, for which she was relieved. At least, she didn't have to face things that she couldn't use.

She quickly finished showering and carefully picked the most worthless hairpin from the washstand to tie up her hair. It matched the cheongsam on her body quite well.

"As expected, I knew James wasn't simple. I'm afraid the family wealth here is comparable to half of my family's." She looked at the jade and gold that were casually placed in the jewelry cabinet, she didn't even dare to touch the exquisite and ephemeral ones. Which woman doesn't love jewelry? She sighed, "James's mother is so blessed."