

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Stop reading." James looked at Kimberly's happy expression and pointed at the noodles. "If you don't eat it soon, it'll become soggy."

"Really, I'll give you back your phone." Kimberly quickly finished her noodles and handed the bowl to James. She signaled James to wash the dishes with her eyes. "Thank you."



"No, I just wanted to say." James pointed at the dishwasher at the side. "There's a dishwasher there. I might be a little late today, so you don't have to cook for me."

Kimberly walked to the side and watched him operate the dishwasher. "This model is different from mine. Are you going to work later?"

"Yes, I've a small matter to attend to."

"Hey...I thought you..." Kimberly swallowed the word 'paste' and came up with a replacement word. "You have as much free time as me."

James glanced at the woman who was making sarcastic remarks at the side. He clearly understood what she meant, but when he thought of the dumplings she made last night, he chose not to make a big fuss about it.

"I'm leaving."

"Okay, bye-bye. Come home early."


"Yeah!" Kimberly jumped onto the sofa and hugged the pillow as she rubbed against it. "Alone time!"

"Now, 1101 is my world. Without James, there's only Kimberly!"

"Beep, beep, beep..."

"Huh?" Kimberly lay on the sofa and fumbled for her phone. "Why is there news again?"

[Helen asked, "Are you there?"]

[Kimberly replied, "Yes, what's wrong?"]

[Helen asked, "Did you see it on the hot searches?"]

[Kimberly said, "Ohhh...the one in the supermarket, I saw it."]

[Helen said, "We're marketing the love variety show now. Your popularity on the hot searches has increased your exposure. If it's possible, we would like to announce the list now and use joint marketing to increase the popularity."]

[Helen continued, "Is that possible?"]

[Kimberly replied, "No problem, it seems to only benefit me."]

[Helen said, "Okay, then I will make the arrangements first."]

Kimberly had already begun to imagine her beautiful future in the entertainment industry. While stepping on the scumbag Keith and supporting James to the top, she would become rich along the way.

"It's so wonderful." Kimberly couldn't help rolling around on the sofa with a smile. "Helen is a lucky star! She is really a lucky star who brings good news."

As usual, Kimberly sent some messages to her parents to prove that she was still alive. She also made up some stories about how their relationship was very good and what they had done together today to win their trust.

However, the old couple ignored her as usual.

"Forget it, let me take a nap." She yawned and said sleepily, "I woke up too early."

She didn't expect to sleep until three o'clock in the afternoon. The sunlight shone through the French window and filled the entire living room with warmth. Kimberly woke up because of this.

"It's already three o'clock..."

"Let's make dinner. Pork chop curry rice is ready."

She took out the onion, carrot and potato from the refrigerator and diced them. After hesitating for a moment, she decided to make it for two.

"If he doesn't eat it, I'll eat it as breakfast tomorrow. I'll starve him to death."

After stewing the curry, Kimberly, who had nothing to do, turned on her phone and browsed Instagram for a while. She did not expect Helen's side to be so efficient and had already arranged for the trending search results.

#Super Heartthrob Relationship Variety Cast Has Been Confirmed#

#Supermarket Beauty Has Been Selected As A Variety Artist#

Kimberly happily browsed through the trending searches, she did not expect there to be a familiar name besides her own name.

[Super Heartthrob Official: This variety show has invited male guests, such as Andrew Lock, James Perkins and another mysterious guest. At the same time, there is a female guest Ally and two newcomers, namely Kimberly Smith and Jennifer Lawson. I hope everyone will continue to pay attention to them.]

Kimberly read the Instagram again and again in disbelief. After making sure that her eyes were not damaged, her hand trembled and she almost threw her phone out. "Why is James here?"

"No, no, we are just strangers. We can just pretend that we don't know each other."

Kimberly comforted herself as she turned on Instagram to look for Helen.

[Kimberly asked, "Helen, based on what conditions did you choose these male guests?"]

[Helen replied, "Andrew Lock is famous, as for James Perkins, I'm not sure but it seemed like it was chosen today. The director chose him. There's also a mystery guest that hasn't been decided yet."]

[Kimberly replied, "Okay. Can you tell me about the program schedule in advance?"]

[Helen said, "The current plan is to go camping in the mountains. There's a script. Don't worry."]

[Kimberly said, "Okay, okay."]

"Ah." Kimberly sighed and threw her phone to the side. "I'm so unlucky."

Feeling dejected, she fried two pork chops for herself and poured the freshly cooked curry onto the pork chops to fill her stomach.

However, just as she picked up the spoon and was about to eat, the door was opened from the outside. Kimberly watched as James appeared at the door with a bag of things.